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O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar as variáveis que influenciam o sucesso na ginástica de trampolins através de avaliação e controlo do treino. 8 atletas masculinos de um clube com palmarés relevante na ginástica a nível nacional e internacional foram avaliados (idade 13.0±2.27; altura 1.59±0.10 m; peso 50.80±11.72 kg; %MG 17.60±6.46). Foi analisada composição corporal, dados antropométricos, salto em comprimento, salto em contramovimento e elementos específicos da ginástica de trampolins como série de velas e obrigatória. Verificou-se que variáveis antropométricas e composição corporal determinam o desempenho desportivo em ginastas de trampolim em idade pré pubertária e devem se muito consideradas no processo de treino desportivo. Também, a deteção de talentos na modalidade desportiva deve considerar a avaliação de variáveis antropométricas e composição corporal, indicadores mais importantes que as capacidades físicas, como a força, que não se apresenta relevante no sucesso desportivo na especialidade de ginástica de trampolins na fase pré pubertária.
The aim of the present study was to determine the variables that influence the suc-cess in the trampolines gymnastics through evaluation and training control. 8 male athletes from a club with relevant national and international status in gymnastics were evaluated (age 13.0 ± 2.27, height 1.59 ± 0.10 m, weight 50.80 ± 11.72 kg; FM% 17.60 ± 6.46). Body composition, anthropometric data, jump in length, jump in countermovement and specific elements of trampoline gymnastics as a series of candles and obligatory were analyzed. It was verified that anthropometric variables and body composition determine sports performance in trampoline gymnasts in pre-pubertal age and should be considered in the sports training process. Also, the de-tection of talents in this specific sport should consider the evaluation of anthropometric variables and body composition, more important indicators than physical abilities such as strength that are not very relevant in sports success in the gymnastics specialty of trampolines in the pre-pubertal stages.
The aim of the present study was to determine the variables that influence the suc-cess in the trampolines gymnastics through evaluation and training control. 8 male athletes from a club with relevant national and international status in gymnastics were evaluated (age 13.0 ± 2.27, height 1.59 ± 0.10 m, weight 50.80 ± 11.72 kg; FM% 17.60 ± 6.46). Body composition, anthropometric data, jump in length, jump in countermovement and specific elements of trampoline gymnastics as a series of candles and obligatory were analyzed. It was verified that anthropometric variables and body composition determine sports performance in trampoline gymnasts in pre-pubertal age and should be considered in the sports training process. Also, the de-tection of talents in this specific sport should consider the evaluation of anthropometric variables and body composition, more important indicators than physical abilities such as strength that are not very relevant in sports success in the gymnastics specialty of trampolines in the pre-pubertal stages.
Ginástica Trompolins Avaliação Treino Desempenho Gymnastics Trampolines Evaluation Training Performance
Couto, R., Reis, A., Coelho, F., Oliveira, T., Nunes, P., Figueiredo, T., Figueira, A., Pereira, A., & Espada, M. (2018). Avaliação e controlo do treino em ginastas. Medi@ções: Revista Online da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 6(2), 44-56.
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Escola Superior de Educação