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A complexidade em torno da temática da organização do tempo de trabalho, a par
das reivindicações dos militares que servem a Guarda Nacional Republicana no sentido
do estabelecimento de períodos máximos de trabalho, provocam a necessidade da
Instituição se adaptar a novas disposições legais que surgem e são impostas. É neste
âmbito de mudança que surge a investigação subordinada ao tema “O Impacto da
Implementação do Horário de Referência na Atividade Operacional do Comando
Territorial de Coimbra”. A presente investigação tem como objetivo descrever as
consequências da implementação do novo horário de referência na atividade operacional
de um Comando Territorial e nas diferentes subunidades que o constituem.
Desta forma, são analisadas as principais vantagens, desvantagens e alterações
registadas, que se associam à mudança do horário de trabalho, nos diferentes escalões
estudados. Os dados que sustentam toda a investigação resultam de pesquisa
bibliográfica, pesquisa de documentos oficiais da Instituição, análise de dados estatísticos
referentes à atividade operacional do Comando Territorial em estudo e, para além disso,
realização de entrevistas e de um inquérito por questionário.
Conclui-se que a implementação do horário de referência tem impacto, não só no
serviço e capacidade operacional do Comando Territorial de Coimbra, mas também na
vida pessoal dos militares. Nesse sentido, em termos de atividade operacional, regista-se
uma aparente diminuição do patrulhamento, nas suas variadas vertentes e a eventual perda
de flexibilidade e capacidade de comando por parte dos comandantes de Unidade e
Subunidades. Estes aspetos trouxeram uma crescente dificuldade em dar resposta a todas
as solicitações e necessidades de serviço. No que diz respeito aos militares, e tendo em
conta que a sua perceção depende da situação concreta de cada um, em geral, beneficiam
de menos horas de trabalho e de mais dias de descanso semanais, permitindo uma gestão
facilitada da vida pessoal e profissional.
Por fim, um dos elementos que facilitaria a implementação do novo horário de
referência, com a garantia dos serviços mínimos e obrigatórios do dispositivo territorial,
seria o aumento do número de efetivos, que se mostrou, na unidade e subunidades
estudadas, inferior aos efetivos de referência. Por outro lado, uma reestruturação do dispositivo a nível nacional, com encerramento ou agrupamento de alguns Postos
Territoriais seria uma medida a considerar.
The complexity around the matter concerning the organization of working schedules, alongside with appeals made by the men serving in Guarda Nacional Republicana in order to institute maximum working periods, makes it necessary for the institution to adapt to new legal provisions that arise and are imposed. Thus, this investigation takes place in this sphere of change under the theme “The Impact of the Implementation of a Reference Schedule on the operational activity under Coimbra’s Territorial Command”. The present assignment aims to describe the consequences for the operational activity of a Territorial Command and its different subunits, that derive from the implementation of the new Reference Schedule. Thus, the main advantages, disadvantages and consequences associated to the change of working hours are analyzed in the different levels under investigation. The data that support all the research results from bibliographical research, research of official documents from the Institution, analysis of statistical data regarding the operational activity of the Territorial Command under study and, in addition, interviews and a questionnaire survey. In conclusion, the implementation of the reference time has an impact, not only on the service and operational capacity of the Territorial Command of Coimbra, but also on the personal life of the military. In this sense, in terms of operational activity, there is an apparent decrease in patrolling in its various aspects and an eventual loss of flexibility and ability for the unit and subunit commanders to rule. These aspects have brought increasing difficulty in responding to all requests and service needs. As far as the military are concerned and given that their perception depends on the concrete situation of each individual, they generally benefit from fewer hours of work and more weekly rest days, allowing for a better working-life balance. Finally, one of the elements that would facilitate the implementation of the new reference schedule, with the guarantee of the minimum and mandatory services of the territorial corps, would be the increase of the number of personnel, which was shown, in the studied units, to be inferior to the recommended numbers. On the other hand, a reorganization of the mechanism at national level, with closure of some Territorial Posts and grouping of others would be a measure to consider.
The complexity around the matter concerning the organization of working schedules, alongside with appeals made by the men serving in Guarda Nacional Republicana in order to institute maximum working periods, makes it necessary for the institution to adapt to new legal provisions that arise and are imposed. Thus, this investigation takes place in this sphere of change under the theme “The Impact of the Implementation of a Reference Schedule on the operational activity under Coimbra’s Territorial Command”. The present assignment aims to describe the consequences for the operational activity of a Territorial Command and its different subunits, that derive from the implementation of the new Reference Schedule. Thus, the main advantages, disadvantages and consequences associated to the change of working hours are analyzed in the different levels under investigation. The data that support all the research results from bibliographical research, research of official documents from the Institution, analysis of statistical data regarding the operational activity of the Territorial Command under study and, in addition, interviews and a questionnaire survey. In conclusion, the implementation of the reference time has an impact, not only on the service and operational capacity of the Territorial Command of Coimbra, but also on the personal life of the military. In this sense, in terms of operational activity, there is an apparent decrease in patrolling in its various aspects and an eventual loss of flexibility and ability for the unit and subunit commanders to rule. These aspects have brought increasing difficulty in responding to all requests and service needs. As far as the military are concerned and given that their perception depends on the concrete situation of each individual, they generally benefit from fewer hours of work and more weekly rest days, allowing for a better working-life balance. Finally, one of the elements that would facilitate the implementation of the new reference schedule, with the guarantee of the minimum and mandatory services of the territorial corps, would be the increase of the number of personnel, which was shown, in the studied units, to be inferior to the recommended numbers. On the other hand, a reorganization of the mechanism at national level, with closure of some Territorial Posts and grouping of others would be a measure to consider.
Horário de Referência Impacto Atividade Operacional Guarda Nacional Republicana