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Factores de risco no serviço domiciliário de refeições

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O presente trabalho de investigação tem como objectivo, incidir na avaliação e percepção dos factores de risco na distribuição domiciliária de refeições a idosos, na região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, levada a cabo pelas instituições de restauração colectiva social, com produção própria, através de estudo diagnóstico e metodológico que se baseou na obtenção de dados científicos.
This research work focus on the assessment and risk perception of the home delivery of meals to the elderly in the region of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, carried out by the social institutions catering service, through a diagnostic and methodological study was based on scientific data collection. To achieve the proposed objectives it was held an exploratory analysis of the type of case study by selecting, in a deliberate way, a sample of 30 institutions, from a universe of 251 in the region studied. There has been a universal characterization and a division in specific groups, with reference to the type, size and location. It was developed a checklist based on the observation, in order to identify and evaluate the sanitary conditions of the institutions and the perception of the stakeholders in the process. Even though, as reported by the Portuguese Social Charter (2011) there are in the Lisbon area 289 social institutions with a capacity of 14,126 meals for daily home visits for elderly, only 251 institutions have their own catering production. According with the sampling performed in the study, a wide majority of the institutions did not have some of the basic conditions of operation, such as in the level of facilities and equipment (41%), preparation and food packaging (77%), fulfillment of the best practices (50%) and distribution of the meals (55%). It was also understood there is a deficit in training and knowledge (70%), in the different hierarchical levels, about the hygiene and production best practices and which are the high level risk foods, with the majority of employees questioned in the study had never had training in quality, hygiene and food safety subject. It appears that there are a significant percentage of elderly users, that joined the study, did not have in their homes a proper cooling (25%) and reheating meals procedure(31%), leveraging to a significant increase of the risk of the food hygienic and safety levels. It is also concluded that despite the offer of social institutions that provide home delivery meals service to the elderly be sufficient in the region in studied, concerning all clients who receive these services on a daily basis, there is a geographic concentration, which causes a high spatial density and an emerging integrated and dynamic planning that optimizes the quality and food safety of products and services, resulting in a widespread unsustainable and a food high level risk food of the delivery of meals to the elderly.



Qualidade Segurança Alimentar Risco Restauração Social Distribuição domiciliária Quality Food Safety Risk Social catering Home delivery meals


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