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Introdução: A farínge, parte da via aérea superior, é o segmento mais suscetível a alterações dimensionais do seu lúmen, dependendo de vários fatores, nos quais se incluem as configurações crânio-dento-faciais. Os tratamentos ortodôntico-cirúrgicos ao modificarem os padrões esqueléticos faciais induzem a alterações da via aérea, nomeadamente faríngeas. A telerradiografia de perfil facial, apesar de várias limitações, é um método de fácil acesso para avaliação imagiológica da via aérea superior. Não há porém, até ao momento, uma avaliação cefalométrica lateral da via aérea superior padronizada universalmente aceite. Objetivos: Avaliar na telerradiografia de perfil facial as variações dimensionais sagitais da via aérea superior após tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico. Resultados: A amostra inclui 4 casos (n=4). Procedeu-se a avanço maxilar em 2 casos, cirurgia bimaxilar num caso e outro foi submetido a disjunção palatina cirurgicamente assistida. O tempo de aquisição de telerradiografia diagnóstica variou entre 1 a 6 anos antes da cirurgia. A telerradiografia pós-cirúrgica variou entre 8 dias a 4 anos. No caso da telerradiografia feita 8 dias de pós-operatório, verificou-se variação negativa nas dimensões da via aérea superior, sobretudo na velo e orofaringe, mas positiva na nasofaringe. As variações médias dos restantes 3 casos são: nasofaringe 3,58mm, velofaringe 2,05mm, orofaringe 0,33mm, hipofaringe 0,13mm. Há tendência redução do comprimento do palato. Conclusão: Existe tendência de aumento da dimensão sagital nos segmentos superiores da VAS, porém é necessária uma amostra maior, com tempos de aquisição de telerradiografia padronizados. A dimensão da amostra e a variância dos resultados não permite excluir, por redundância, nenhuma das medições cefalométricas analisados. O registo deve incluir o peso e outros fatores que interferem na dimensão do lúmen faríngeo, assim como sintomatologia relacionada com distúrbios respiratórios do sono.
Introduction: The pharynx, part of the upper airway has various factors which can affect its lumen, one of them being the cranio-dento-facial pattern. Orthodontic-surgical treatments modify the facial skeletal configuration and therefore must susceptible to change the pharynx. The lateral facial teleradiograph, despite its limitations, can be a useful imaging modality to assess the upper airway. To date, there is no universally accepted cephalometric evaluation of the upper airway. Objective: To assess the sagittal dimension variations of the upper airway after orthodontic-surgical treatment using the lateral facial teleradiograph. Results: There were 4 patient-cases. Two patients had maxillary advancement surgery, one case had bimaxillary surgery and one case underwent surgical palatal expansion. The acquisition timeline of the diagnostic teleradiograph varied from 1 to 6 years before surgery. The post-surgical teleradiograph was done 8 days up to 4 years after. In the recent post-operative case, there was a negative variation of the dimensions of the upper airway, more particularly in the velo and oropharynx, but positive in nasopharynx. The medium variations on the other 3 cases were: nasopharynx 3,58mm, velopharynx 2,05mm, oropharynx 0,33mm, hypopharynx 0,13mm. There is a tendency for soft palate shortening. Conclusion: Despite the tendency for sagittal enlargement of the upper segments of the upper airway, a bigger sample with standard acquisition times of teleradiograph is required. The small sample size and high variance on the results preclude the exclusion of any of the cephalometric dimensions analyzed, based on redundancy. Weight and other factors that influence pharynx lumen size should be recorded, as well symptoms related to sleep breathing disorders.
Introduction: The pharynx, part of the upper airway has various factors which can affect its lumen, one of them being the cranio-dento-facial pattern. Orthodontic-surgical treatments modify the facial skeletal configuration and therefore must susceptible to change the pharynx. The lateral facial teleradiograph, despite its limitations, can be a useful imaging modality to assess the upper airway. To date, there is no universally accepted cephalometric evaluation of the upper airway. Objective: To assess the sagittal dimension variations of the upper airway after orthodontic-surgical treatment using the lateral facial teleradiograph. Results: There were 4 patient-cases. Two patients had maxillary advancement surgery, one case had bimaxillary surgery and one case underwent surgical palatal expansion. The acquisition timeline of the diagnostic teleradiograph varied from 1 to 6 years before surgery. The post-surgical teleradiograph was done 8 days up to 4 years after. In the recent post-operative case, there was a negative variation of the dimensions of the upper airway, more particularly in the velo and oropharynx, but positive in nasopharynx. The medium variations on the other 3 cases were: nasopharynx 3,58mm, velopharynx 2,05mm, oropharynx 0,33mm, hypopharynx 0,13mm. There is a tendency for soft palate shortening. Conclusion: Despite the tendency for sagittal enlargement of the upper segments of the upper airway, a bigger sample with standard acquisition times of teleradiograph is required. The small sample size and high variance on the results preclude the exclusion of any of the cephalometric dimensions analyzed, based on redundancy. Weight and other factors that influence pharynx lumen size should be recorded, as well symptoms related to sleep breathing disorders.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz
Cefalometria Via aérea Cirurgia ortognática Ortodontia