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Com o passar do tempo tem-se verificado que cada vez mais a população se preocupa
em consumir alimentos seguros, com qualidade, saudáveis, nutricionalmente
equilibrados e rápidos de confecionar.
Com isto, as empresas são obrigadas a desenvolver novos produtos que satisfaçam as
necessidades dos consumidores.
A empresa Faster – Produtos Alimentares, Lda viu aqui uma oportunidade de lançar um
novo produto no mercado sendo que este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos
que os processos de confeção e de regeneração têm nas características físico-químicas
e sensoriais de salgados pré-fritos congelados. Para tal, estudaram-se as propriedades
nutricionais e sensoriais de croquetes de alheira sujeitos a regeneração em forno, em
diferentes condições de tempo e de temperatura. Foi simultaneamente estudada e
desenvolvida uma embalagem de cartão que pudesse ser usada durante regeneração
do produto no forno.
A análise sensorial revelou uma boa aceitação do produto, do conceito de apresentação
e uma boa intenção de compra.
Tendo em conta os resultados alcançados, pode concluir-se que este novo produto tem
potencial e pode ser introduzido no mercado.
Palavras-chave: pré-fritura, regeneração, embalagem, croquetes de alheira.
During the last few decades the population is increasingly concerned about consumption of safe, quality, healthy, nutritionally balanced and fast to cook foods. In this context, the companies must innovate by developing new products that meet the consumers’ needs and expectations. Faster saw here an opportunity to launch a new product in the market and this study aimed to evaluate the effects of confection processes and regeneration on the physical- chemical and sensory characteristics of frozen pre-fried croquettes. For this, the nutritional and sensorial properties of croquettes subjected to regeneration in oven were studied in different conditions of time and temperature. It was simultaneously studied and developed a carton package that could be used during regeneration of the product in the oven. The sensory analysis revealed a good acceptance of the products, of the concept and a good intention to buy. In view of the obtained results, it can be concluded that this new product has good potential to be placed on the market. Keywords: pre-frying, regeneration, package, croquettes
During the last few decades the population is increasingly concerned about consumption of safe, quality, healthy, nutritionally balanced and fast to cook foods. In this context, the companies must innovate by developing new products that meet the consumers’ needs and expectations. Faster saw here an opportunity to launch a new product in the market and this study aimed to evaluate the effects of confection processes and regeneration on the physical- chemical and sensory characteristics of frozen pre-fried croquettes. For this, the nutritional and sensorial properties of croquettes subjected to regeneration in oven were studied in different conditions of time and temperature. It was simultaneously studied and developed a carton package that could be used during regeneration of the product in the oven. The sensory analysis revealed a good acceptance of the products, of the concept and a good intention to buy. In view of the obtained results, it can be concluded that this new product has good potential to be placed on the market. Keywords: pre-frying, regeneration, package, croquettes
Pré-fritura Regeneração Embalagem Croquetes de alheira