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No âmbito do 1º Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, na Área
de Especialização em Enfermagem à Pessoa em Situação Crítica, da Escola Superior de
Saúde Santa Maria em parceria com a Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny,
faz parte integrante, do Plano de Estudos, a elaboração do Relatório de Estágio e a sua
apresentação e discussão pública, visando a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem
Médico-Cirúrgica, na Área da Pessoa em Situação Crítica.
O presente Relatório de Estágio intitulado “Desenvolvimento de Competências
no Cuidado Especializado à Pessoa em Situação Crítica ao Longo Ciclo Vital”, pretende
refletir o percurso desenvolvido ao longo dos ensinos clínicos na consolidação de
competências comuns e específicas do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem médico cirúrgica, no cuidado à pessoa em situação crítica, ao longo do seu ciclo vital. De igual
modo, pretende evidenciar o desenvolvimento de competências de Mestre, através da sua
apresentação e discussão pública. Este Relatório reflete, ainda, o meu particular interesse
no cuidado especializado à criança em situação crítica, visando a promoção de cuidados
De acordo com o Plano de Estudos do Mestrado, o percurso de aprendizagem
desenvolveu-se em quatro momentos de ensino clínico, nomeadamente, em contexto de
Serviço de Urgência Médico-Cirúrgica, Serviço de Medicina Intensiva Polivalente,
Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica e Serviço de Medicina Intensiva Pediátrica.
A metodologia utilizada ao longo do relatório é descritiva, analítica e reflexiva,
fundamentada em evidência científica, procurando dar visibilidade às atividades
desenvolvidas no decorrer das práticas clínicas e situações vivenciadas, no sentido de
evidenciar a minha intervenção enquanto futura enfermeira especialista em enfermagem
médico-cirúrgica, na área da pessoa em situação crítica, nos diferentes domínios de
competências comuns e específicas, bem como as competências de Mestre.
Within the scope of the 1st Master's Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing, in the Area of Specialization in Nursing for People in Critical Situations, at the Escola Superior de Saúde Santa Maria in partnership with the Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny, it is an integral part of the Study Plan, preparation of the Internship Report and its presentation and public discussion, aiming to obtain the degree of Master in Medical Surgical Nursing, in the Area of People in Critical Situations. This Internship Report entitled “Development of Skills in Specialized Care for People in Critical Situations throughout the Life Cycle”, aims to reflect the path developed throughout clinical teaching in consolidating common and specific skills of specialist nurses in medical-surgical nursing, in caring for people in critical situations, throughout their life cycle. Likewise, it aims to highlight the development of Master's skills, through the presentation and public discussion of the Internship Report. This Report also reflects my particular interest in specialized care for children in critical situations, aiming to promote safe care. According to the Master's Study Plan, the learning path was developed in four moments of clinical teaching, namely, in the context of a Medical-Surgical Emergency Service, a Multipurpose Intensive Medicine Service, a Pediatric Emergency Service and a Medical Service Pediatric Intensive Care. The methodology used throughout the report is descriptive, analytical and reflective, based on scientific evidence, seeking to give visibility to the activities developed during clinical practices and situations experienced, in order to highlight my intervention as a future nurse specialist in medical-surgical nursing, in the area of people in critical situations, in the different domains of common and specific skills, as well as Master's skills.
Within the scope of the 1st Master's Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing, in the Area of Specialization in Nursing for People in Critical Situations, at the Escola Superior de Saúde Santa Maria in partnership with the Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny, it is an integral part of the Study Plan, preparation of the Internship Report and its presentation and public discussion, aiming to obtain the degree of Master in Medical Surgical Nursing, in the Area of People in Critical Situations. This Internship Report entitled “Development of Skills in Specialized Care for People in Critical Situations throughout the Life Cycle”, aims to reflect the path developed throughout clinical teaching in consolidating common and specific skills of specialist nurses in medical-surgical nursing, in caring for people in critical situations, throughout their life cycle. Likewise, it aims to highlight the development of Master's skills, through the presentation and public discussion of the Internship Report. This Report also reflects my particular interest in specialized care for children in critical situations, aiming to promote safe care. According to the Master's Study Plan, the learning path was developed in four moments of clinical teaching, namely, in the context of a Medical-Surgical Emergency Service, a Multipurpose Intensive Medicine Service, a Pediatric Emergency Service and a Medical Service Pediatric Intensive Care. The methodology used throughout the report is descriptive, analytical and reflective, based on scientific evidence, seeking to give visibility to the activities developed during clinical practices and situations experienced, in order to highlight my intervention as a future nurse specialist in medical-surgical nursing, in the area of people in critical situations, in the different domains of common and specific skills, as well as Master's skills.
Curso de Mestrado ministrado em parceria com Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny
Enfermeiro especialista competência profissional enfermagem de cuidados críticos adulto criança