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Este trabalho de investigação teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura
de Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things IoT) para o Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
(IPS) visando a monitorização de consumos elétricos para a Escola Superior de
Tecnologia de Setúbal (ESTSetubal/IPS), com recurso a uma rede de sensores com
interface LoRa. O principal foco da implementação foi o desenho duma rede automatizada
e escalável, na medida em que se torne fácil e prático adicionar novos sensores na rede.
Este projeto inclui o desenvolvimento duma aplicação web onde os dados recolhidos dos
sensores são processados e exibidos de uma forma clara e objetiva aos utilizadores, com
o uso de ferramentas para construção de gráficos, e com o devido controlo de permissões
para que haja segurança no acesso aos dados. Para isso, desenhou-se um protótipo de um
sensor LoRa que foi ligado ao servidor The Things Network (TTN), que por meio de uma
ligação sem fios envia os dados para a aplicação final. A aplicação foi construída através
da framework React e comunica com uma base dados para obter e atualizar a informação
conforme a navegação do utilizador. Com a realização deste trabalho foi possível concluir
que é necessário usar uma alternativa ao servidor TTN para que a plataforma do instituto
possa ficar independente de serviços de terceiros, assim como alterar a aplicação web para
que permita o controlo remoto dos sensores.
This research aimed to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) framework for Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), focusing on monitoring electricity consumption at the School of Technology of Setúbal (ESTSetúbal/IPS), using a network of sensors with a LoRa interface. The primary focus of the implementation was the design of an automated and scalable network, making it easy and practical to add new sensors to the network. This project included the development of a web application where the data collected from the sensors is processed and displayed clearly and objectively to users, using tools for building charts and ensuring proper access control for data security. To achieve this, a LoRa sensor prototype was designed and connected to The Things Network (TTN) server, which wirelessly sends the data to the final application. The application was built using the React framework and communicates with a database to fetch and update information according to user navigation. From this work, it was concluded that an alternative to TTN server is necessary to make the institute's platform independent of third-party services, as well as modifying the web application to enable remote control of the sensors.
This research aimed to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) framework for Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), focusing on monitoring electricity consumption at the School of Technology of Setúbal (ESTSetúbal/IPS), using a network of sensors with a LoRa interface. The primary focus of the implementation was the design of an automated and scalable network, making it easy and practical to add new sensors to the network. This project included the development of a web application where the data collected from the sensors is processed and displayed clearly and objectively to users, using tools for building charts and ensuring proper access control for data security. To achieve this, a LoRa sensor prototype was designed and connected to The Things Network (TTN) server, which wirelessly sends the data to the final application. The application was built using the React framework and communicates with a database to fetch and update information according to user navigation. From this work, it was concluded that an alternative to TTN server is necessary to make the institute's platform independent of third-party services, as well as modifying the web application to enable remote control of the sensors.
Internet of Things (IoT) Medidor de consumo de energia Tecnologia LoRa Aplicação web React Energy consumption meter LoRa Technology React web application