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O presente estudo de mestrado teve como objetivo investigar o impacto de contar histórias no
desenvolvimento linguístico, criativo e social de crianças em idade infantil. O problema central
deste estudo reside na necessidade de compreender como crianças de diferentes faixas etárias
respondem às histórias e quais estratégias pedagógicas são mais eficazes para estimular seu
envolvimento e aprendizagem, incluindo a exploração da imaginação.
O projeto foi conduzido ao longo de um mês e meio na instituição de ensino onde a estagiária
atuava como educadora e investigadora, envolvendo 23 crianças com idades entre três e seis
anos. A metodologia adotada foi um estudo de caso, fundamentado no paradigma interpretativo,
e incluiu a realização de 11 intervenções, consistindo em sessões de narração de histórias e
atividades correlatas.
As questões de investigação que orientaram este estudo:
• Existem diferenças na capacidade de compreensão e retenção de histórias entre crianças
de 3 a 6 anos?
• As crianças de 5 e 6 anos demonstram maior imaginação ao recontar e criar histórias
em relação às de 3 e 4 anos, durante e após atividades de leitura?
• De que forma as técnicas de narração de histórias influenciam o envolvimento das
Os objetivos da investigação:
• Analisar e contrastar a expressão criativa das crianças dos 3 aos 6 anos durante e após
atividades de narração de histórias.
• Compreender as diferenças por faixa etária quanto à participação das crianças em
diferentes atividades relacionadas com a leitura de histórias.
Para atingir esses objetivos, foram selecionados quatro livros do Plano Nacional de Leitura
(PNL) e organizados em uma minibiblioteca, além de outros cinco livros do mesmo plano para
atividades livres. As intervenções foram planeadas para promover a expressão oral e a
criatividade das crianças por meio de atividades sensoriais e artísticas, integradas com áreas
curriculares como matemática, português e ciências.
A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observações diretas, conversas informais e
gravações em áudio e vídeo das interações durante as sessões. Adicionalmente, foi aplicado um
inquérito ao final do projeto com as crianças para sondar o que mais gostaram e com o que mais
se identificaram. A análise qualitativa desses dados, incluindo a transcrição dos registros e a
identificação de padrões emergentes, revelou que as atividades baseadas em histórias
aumentaram a motivação, a segurança e a participação das crianças.
O estudo demonstrou que a narração de histórias, combinada com atividades criativas,
efetivamente promoveu a expressão oral e estimulou a criatividade, proporcionando um
ambiente de aprendizagem participativo e envolvente. Os resultados reforçam a importância da
utilização de histórias como uma ferramenta eficaz para o desenvolvimento linguístico e
imaginativo. A ampliação dos conhecimentos imaginativos refere-se ao desenvolvimento da
capacidade das crianças de criar e visualizar cenários, personagens e eventos, o que está
intimamente ligado ao aumento de seu vocabulário e habilidades de comunicação. Contudo, o
desenvolvimento linguístico não se resume apenas à ampliação do vocabulário. Inclui também
a melhoria da capacidade de compreensão, a articulação de pensamentos de forma coesa e
coerente, e a habilidade de participar de interações sociais complexas.
O estudo sublinhou a necessidade de adaptar as técnicas de narração de histórias para atender
às necessidades específicas das diferentes faixas etárias.
This master's thesis aimed to investigate the impact of storytelling on the linguistic, creative, and social development of young children. The central problem of this study lies in the need to understand how children of different age groups respond to stories and which pedagogical strategies are most effective in stimulating their engagement and learning, including the exploration of imagination. The project was conducted over a month and a half at the educational institution where the intern worked as an educator and researcher, involving 23 children aged between three and six years. The methodology adopted was a case study, based on the interpretative paradigm, and included 11 interventions consisting of storytelling sessions and related activities. The research questions that guided this study: • Are there differences in the ability to understand and retain stories among children aged 3 to 6 years? • Do children aged 5 and 6 demonstrate greater imagination in retelling and creating stories compared to those aged 3 and 4 during and after reading activities? • How do storytelling techniques influence children's engagement? The research objectives : • To analyze and contrast the creative expression of children aged 3 to 6 during and after storytelling activities. • To understand age-related differences in children's participation in various activities related to story reading. To achieve these objectives, four books from the National Reading Plan (PNL) were selected and organized into a mini-library, along with five other books from the same plan for free activities. The interventions were planned to promote children's oral expression and creativity through sensory and artistic activities, integrated with curricular areas such as mathematics, Portuguese, and sciences. Data collection was conducted through direct observations, informal conversations, and audio and video recordings of interactions during the sessions. Additionally, a survey was conducted at the end of the project with the children to gauge what they enjoyed most and identified with. The qualitative analysis of these data, including the transcription of records and the identification of emerging patterns, revealed that story-based activities increased children's motivation, confidence, and participation. The study demonstrated that storytelling, combined with creative activities, effectively promoted oral expression and stimulated creativity, providing a participatory and engaging learning environment. The results reinforce the importance of using stories as an effective tool for linguistic and imaginative development. The expansion of imaginative knowledge refers to the development of children's ability to create and visualize scenarios, characters, and events, which is closely linked to the increase in their vocabulary and communication skills. However, linguistic development does not solely consist of expanding vocabulary. It also includes improving comprehension skills, articulating thoughts coherently and cohesively, and the ability to participate in complex social interactions. The study highlighted the need to adapt storytelling techniques to meet the specific needs of different age groups, emphasizing the effectiveness of interventions in fostering children's.
This master's thesis aimed to investigate the impact of storytelling on the linguistic, creative, and social development of young children. The central problem of this study lies in the need to understand how children of different age groups respond to stories and which pedagogical strategies are most effective in stimulating their engagement and learning, including the exploration of imagination. The project was conducted over a month and a half at the educational institution where the intern worked as an educator and researcher, involving 23 children aged between three and six years. The methodology adopted was a case study, based on the interpretative paradigm, and included 11 interventions consisting of storytelling sessions and related activities. The research questions that guided this study: • Are there differences in the ability to understand and retain stories among children aged 3 to 6 years? • Do children aged 5 and 6 demonstrate greater imagination in retelling and creating stories compared to those aged 3 and 4 during and after reading activities? • How do storytelling techniques influence children's engagement? The research objectives : • To analyze and contrast the creative expression of children aged 3 to 6 during and after storytelling activities. • To understand age-related differences in children's participation in various activities related to story reading. To achieve these objectives, four books from the National Reading Plan (PNL) were selected and organized into a mini-library, along with five other books from the same plan for free activities. The interventions were planned to promote children's oral expression and creativity through sensory and artistic activities, integrated with curricular areas such as mathematics, Portuguese, and sciences. Data collection was conducted through direct observations, informal conversations, and audio and video recordings of interactions during the sessions. Additionally, a survey was conducted at the end of the project with the children to gauge what they enjoyed most and identified with. The qualitative analysis of these data, including the transcription of records and the identification of emerging patterns, revealed that story-based activities increased children's motivation, confidence, and participation. The study demonstrated that storytelling, combined with creative activities, effectively promoted oral expression and stimulated creativity, providing a participatory and engaging learning environment. The results reinforce the importance of using stories as an effective tool for linguistic and imaginative development. The expansion of imaginative knowledge refers to the development of children's ability to create and visualize scenarios, characters, and events, which is closely linked to the increase in their vocabulary and communication skills. However, linguistic development does not solely consist of expanding vocabulary. It also includes improving comprehension skills, articulating thoughts coherently and cohesively, and the ability to participate in complex social interactions. The study highlighted the need to adapt storytelling techniques to meet the specific needs of different age groups, emphasizing the effectiveness of interventions in fostering children's.
Educação pré-escolar, expressão oral, contar histórias, desenvolvimento linguístico, criatividade. Preschool education, oral expression, storytelling, linguistic development. Creativity.