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Various format implementation interpreted through kafka´s metamorphosis

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YUNUS-AK-2019.pdf61.68 MBAdobe PDF Download



The codex format, which has been in common use since its development by early Christian communities, is a universal format for today's printed books. As a result of technological advances and changes in the public needs, designers can intervene and use the codex format as a tool to reinforce the rader-content relationship. The aim of this study is to inspect the changes in the conventional codex format and their effects on the reader-book interaction. In order to observe these, 10 different formats are mentioned as possibly applicable types for the Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka based on the anatomical compounds of codex and historical evolution of the book format. Out of all these formats, Broadsheet, Foldable, Page by Page, Pocket Size and Three Chapters are chosen to be applied. Other variables used in format applications such as font and paper type are kept constant for the reader to only focus on the format. In order to evaluate the interaction of true readers with the formats we apply, we work with research group of 30 people between the age of 22 and 71. The data used for the qualitative analysis are obtained from survey results. Additionally, video recordings are taken as a reference for the observations. As a result of the analysis ans observations, the study concludes that the book format is a medium which can de developed to offer alternative resolutions to the reader-book interaction, and that the changes applied to the book format influence the reader's choice of books.



Book Franz Kafta Format Metamorphosis Codex


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