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Este relatório descreve o percurso realizado durante o estágio, refletindo e
fundamentando a aquisição e o desenvolvimento de competências comuns e
específicas do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde infantil e pediátrica,
assim como das competências de mestre.
O tema central é a promoção da higiene do sono. O sono é uma necessidade humana
essencial ao longo da vida, proporcionando inúmeros benefícios quando é adequado e
reparador. Contudo, a sua insuficiência pode impactar negativamente no bem-estar
físico, emocional, mental e comportamental da criança e da sua família. A higiene do
sono, que consiste num conjunto de práticas e hábitos que promovem um sono de
qualidade, é fundamental para a manutenção da saúde física e mental.
Baseando-se na filosofia de Cuidados Centrados na Criança e na Família, o
enfermeiro orienta os cuidados para a díade criança-família, promovendo a capacitação,
o envolvimento e a participação ativa da família no plano de cuidados e na tomada de
decisões. Este enfoque facilita uma verdadeira parceria de cuidados e desempenha um
papel crucial na promoção do sono em lactentes, crianças e jovens.Foram realizados estágios em diversos contextos de assistência à criança e família,
incluindo cuidados de saúde primários e hospitalares, permitindo a implementação de
várias atividades destinadas a maximizar a saúde da criança/jovem e da família. O
projeto foi desenvolvido com base em pensamento crítico e reflexivo, fundamentado na
literatura existente e focado no desenvolvimento de intervenções práticas, alinhadas
com o Modelo de Promoção de Saúde de Nola Pender.
O desenvolvimento das competências é apresentado através das atividades
realizadas em diferentes contextos de estágio, utilizando a metodologia de projeto e
considerando as necessidades e particularidades de cada contexto.
Os objetivos gerais do relatório incluem apresentar a problemática em estudo,
descrever os contextos de estágio, as atividades realizadas e os resultados da
aprendizagem, identificar as principais competências desenvolvidas nos diversos
domínios da especialização e do mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e
Pediátrica, e refletir sobre o impacto deste percurso a nível pessoal e profissional.A experiência vivenciada foi enriquecedora, permitindo reconhecer a importância de
fundamentar a prática profissional em evidência científica, conceções teóricas e
filosofias de cuidados.
This report describes the path taken during the internship, reflecting and substantiating the acquisition and development of common and specific skills of the nurse specializing in child and pediatric health nursing, as well as the skills of a master's degree. The central theme is the promotion of sleep hygiene. Sleep is an essential human need throughout life, providing numerous benefits when it is adequate and restorative. However, its insufficiency can negatively impact the physical, emotional, mental and behavioral well-being of the child and their family. Sleep hygiene, which consists of a set of practices and habits that promote quality sleep, is essential for maintaining physical and mental health.Based on the philosophy of Child and Family-Centered Care, the nurse guides care for the child-family dyad, promoting the empowerment, involvement and active participation of the family in the care plan and decision-making. This approach facilitates a true partnership of care and plays a crucial role in sleep promotion in infants, children and young people. Internships were carried out in various child and family care settings, including primary and hospital health care, allowing the implementation of various activities aimed at maximizing the health of the child/young person and the family. The project was developed based on critical and reflective thinking, grounded in existing literature and focused on the development of practical interventions, aligned with Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model. The development of skills is presented through the activities carried out in different internship settings, using the project methodology and considering the needs and particularities of each context.The general objectives of the report include presenting the problem under study, describing the internship settings, the activities carried out and the learning outcomes, identifying the main skills developed in the different domains of the specialization and master's degree in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing, and reflecting on the impact of this path on a personal and professional level. The experience lived was enriching, allowing to recognize the importance of basing professional practice on scientific evidence, theoretical concepts and philosophies of care.
This report describes the path taken during the internship, reflecting and substantiating the acquisition and development of common and specific skills of the nurse specializing in child and pediatric health nursing, as well as the skills of a master's degree. The central theme is the promotion of sleep hygiene. Sleep is an essential human need throughout life, providing numerous benefits when it is adequate and restorative. However, its insufficiency can negatively impact the physical, emotional, mental and behavioral well-being of the child and their family. Sleep hygiene, which consists of a set of practices and habits that promote quality sleep, is essential for maintaining physical and mental health.Based on the philosophy of Child and Family-Centered Care, the nurse guides care for the child-family dyad, promoting the empowerment, involvement and active participation of the family in the care plan and decision-making. This approach facilitates a true partnership of care and plays a crucial role in sleep promotion in infants, children and young people. Internships were carried out in various child and family care settings, including primary and hospital health care, allowing the implementation of various activities aimed at maximizing the health of the child/young person and the family. The project was developed based on critical and reflective thinking, grounded in existing literature and focused on the development of practical interventions, aligned with Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model. The development of skills is presented through the activities carried out in different internship settings, using the project methodology and considering the needs and particularities of each context.The general objectives of the report include presenting the problem under study, describing the internship settings, the activities carried out and the learning outcomes, identifying the main skills developed in the different domains of the specialization and master's degree in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing, and reflecting on the impact of this path on a personal and professional level. The experience lived was enriching, allowing to recognize the importance of basing professional practice on scientific evidence, theoretical concepts and philosophies of care.
sono higiene do sono criança família enfermagem pediátrica sleep sleep hygiene child family pediatric nursing