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A presente investigação fora desenvolvida com o propósito de determinar a
complementaridade entre os Diagnósticos Locais de Segurança e a Prevenção Criminal
através do Espaço Construído no sentido de robustecer a prevenção primária da segurança
em meio urbano, partindo das Normas do Comitê Europeu de Normalização, de modo a
capacitar a Guarda Nacional Republicana para uma possível disseminação de procedimentos
para a prevenção local da criminalidade em meio urbano.
Destarte, no que a metodologia diz respeito, optamos por seguir a lógica dedutiva e
estabelecemos como estratégia de investigação o método misto. Após tal decisão, formaramse
condições para a escolha do Estudo de Caso como desenho de investigação.
Os resultados mais significados indicam que os órgãos de poder político autárquico,
embora manifestam sensibilidade pela segurança aquando da qualificação do espaço público,
não materializam essa preocupação de forma eficaz e estruturada. É de notar o interesse em
conhecer os instrumentos em estudo neste trabalho, no entanto é necessário aumentar a
confiança na constituição de equipas multidisciplinares neste e noutros processos de
prevenção criminal.
Com esta investigação conseguimos concluir que as Normas em estudo são em tudo
compatíveis com os instrumentos de análise do espaço e das práticas criminais, e a sua
complementaridade não só trará um melhor escrutínio de estratégias de prevenção criminal
em meio urbano como dota a Guarda Nacional Republicana de argumentos para a
disseminação de procedimentos na prevenção local da criminalidade.
The present investigation was developed to determine the complementarity between the Local Safety Diagnostics and the Criminal Prevention through the Built Space in order to strengthen the primary prevention of urban safety based on the Standards of the European Committee for Standardization. to train the Republican National Guard for a possible dissemination of procedures for local crime prevention in urban areas. Therefore, as far as the methodology is concerned, we chose to follow the deductive logic and establish the mixed method as a research strategy. After this decision, conditions were established for the choice of the Case Study as a research design. The most significant results indicate that the autarchic political authorities, although they express security concerns when qualifying the public space, do not materialize this concern in an effective and structured way. It is important to note the interest in knowing the instruments being studied in this study, however, it is necessary to increase the trust in the creation of multidisciplinary teams in this and other criminal prevention processes. With this investigation, we can conclude that the Norms under study are in all cases compatible with the instruments of space analysis and criminal practices, and their complementarity will not only bring better scrutiny of urban crime prevention strategies, but also the Republican National Guard of arguments for the dissemination of procedures in local crime prevention.
The present investigation was developed to determine the complementarity between the Local Safety Diagnostics and the Criminal Prevention through the Built Space in order to strengthen the primary prevention of urban safety based on the Standards of the European Committee for Standardization. to train the Republican National Guard for a possible dissemination of procedures for local crime prevention in urban areas. Therefore, as far as the methodology is concerned, we chose to follow the deductive logic and establish the mixed method as a research strategy. After this decision, conditions were established for the choice of the Case Study as a research design. The most significant results indicate that the autarchic political authorities, although they express security concerns when qualifying the public space, do not materialize this concern in an effective and structured way. It is important to note the interest in knowing the instruments being studied in this study, however, it is necessary to increase the trust in the creation of multidisciplinary teams in this and other criminal prevention processes. With this investigation, we can conclude that the Norms under study are in all cases compatible with the instruments of space analysis and criminal practices, and their complementarity will not only bring better scrutiny of urban crime prevention strategies, but also the Republican National Guard of arguments for the dissemination of procedures in local crime prevention.
Segurança Prevenção local da criminalidade Espaço público