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O propósito deste plano de negócios é desenvolver uma plataforma digital direcionada para as futuras e recém-mamãs, que pretende funcionar como um serviço de apoio a pedido ao domicílio. Com esta plataforma têm a possibilidade de receber a visita de um médico, fisioterapeuta ou especialista em enfermagem de saúde materna em sua casa, que as irá ajudar durante os primeiros tempos com todo o tipo de dúvidas e problemas que possam surgir nesta primeira fase da maternidade, fazendo com que as mães se sintam sempre amparadas e esclarecidas. Na plataforma online digital materna, o principal objetivo é garantir que o bebé e a mãe, dispõem de todos os recursos necessários para se sentirem bem nesta maravilhosa viagem que é a maternidade, melhorando a acessibilidade aos serviços de saúde. Mulheres de primeira viagem, ou não, com duvidas e fragilizadas em relação à maternidade, muitas delas com familiares longe e sozinhas na sua cidade, outras sem possibilidade de se deslocarem com facilidade aos centros de saúde, ou aos hospitais. A materna é a tecnologia em que assentará todo o processo de desenvolvimento e operacionalização da plataforma, que consiste em ferramentas “open source”, nomeadamente, no que toca à framework que se pretende utilizar, pelo que, a verdadeira inovação do projeto consiste no modelo de negócio que se pretende desenvolver. Neste sentido, a inovação da plataforma consiste na desmaterialização dos processos de consulta e agendamento de serviços médicos para futuras mães e mães que acabaram de ter os filhos, de forma, a que este período seja vivido na plenitude pelas mães e com custos por ato médico ou de enfermagem mais baixos dos praticados nas clínicas e nos hospitais privados.
The purpose of this business plan is to develop a digital platform aimed at future and new mothers, which intends to function as a home order support service, especially during the postpartum period. With this platform they have the possibility to receive the visit of a specialist in maternal health nursing in their home, which will help them during the early stages with all sorts of doubts and problems that may arise in this first phase of maternity, making mothers always feel supported and enlightened. In the digital maternal platform, the main objective is to guarantee that the baby and the new mom have all the necessary resources to feel good in this wonderful journey that is the maternity, improving the accessibility to the health services. Women on their first trip, or not, with doubts and fragility in relation to the maternity, many of them with relatives far away and alone in their city, others without the possibility of easily going to health centers or hospitals. Materna is the technology on which the whole process of development and operationalization of the platform consists of "open source" tools, particularly with regard to the framework that is intended to be used, so the real innovation of the project is the business model that is intended to develop. In this sense, the innovation of the platform consists in the dematerialization of the consultation processes and scheduling of medical services for future mothers and mothers who have just had their children, so that this period is fully lived by the mothers and with lower costs per medical or nursing act than in private clinics and hospitals.
The purpose of this business plan is to develop a digital platform aimed at future and new mothers, which intends to function as a home order support service, especially during the postpartum period. With this platform they have the possibility to receive the visit of a specialist in maternal health nursing in their home, which will help them during the early stages with all sorts of doubts and problems that may arise in this first phase of maternity, making mothers always feel supported and enlightened. In the digital maternal platform, the main objective is to guarantee that the baby and the new mom have all the necessary resources to feel good in this wonderful journey that is the maternity, improving the accessibility to the health services. Women on their first trip, or not, with doubts and fragility in relation to the maternity, many of them with relatives far away and alone in their city, others without the possibility of easily going to health centers or hospitals. Materna is the technology on which the whole process of development and operationalization of the platform consists of "open source" tools, particularly with regard to the framework that is intended to be used, so the real innovation of the project is the business model that is intended to develop. In this sense, the innovation of the platform consists in the dematerialization of the consultation processes and scheduling of medical services for future mothers and mothers who have just had their children, so that this period is fully lived by the mothers and with lower costs per medical or nursing act than in private clinics and hospitals.
Materna Maternidade Mães Mulheres Bebé Saúde Materna Plataforma Digital Serviço de Apoio a Pedido ao Domicílio