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Este projeto consiste na criação, conceção e desenvolvimento de uma revista com base no design visual, destinada a um público- -alvo segmentado e interessado por esta vertente da representação visual.
A ideia da revista surge com a necessidade de expor as informações do nosso dia a dia de uma forma mais apelativa e dinâmica, que possa atrair mais facilmente o leitor. Como tal, foi desenvolvida uma publicação periódica com apelo às representações visuais, mais propriamente a infografias/diagramas, que demonstram outro olhar sobre os assuntos abordados no nosso país.
Assim sendo, a partir de uma metodologia mista com recurso a bibliografia, análise de estudos de caso e entrevistas a profissionais da área da infografia, foi-nos possível definir todo o projeto da melhor maneira possível e de acordo com os interesses iniciais propostos para este trabalho de mestrado.
This project consists of the creation, design and development of a magazine based on visual design, aimed at a segmented target audience interested by this aspect of visual representation. The idea of the magazine comes with the need to expose our daily information in a more appealing and dynamic way to easily attract the reader. As such, a periodical publication was developed using visual representations, more exactly infographics/diagrams, that bring another look on the subjects addressed in our country. Thus, from a mixed methodology using bibliography, analysis of case studies and interviews with professionals in the area of infography, it was possible to define the whole project in the best possible way and according to the initial interests proposed in this Masters’ thesis.
This project consists of the creation, design and development of a magazine based on visual design, aimed at a segmented target audience interested by this aspect of visual representation. The idea of the magazine comes with the need to expose our daily information in a more appealing and dynamic way to easily attract the reader. As such, a periodical publication was developed using visual representations, more exactly infographics/diagrams, that bring another look on the subjects addressed in our country. Thus, from a mixed methodology using bibliography, analysis of case studies and interviews with professionals in the area of infography, it was possible to define the whole project in the best possible way and according to the initial interests proposed in this Masters’ thesis.
Design visual Cultura visual Design editorial Infografia Diagramas Projeto de mestrado