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A reforma do Sistema de Segurança Interna ambicionou eliminar sobreposições do
exercício de certas missões entre as Forças de Segurança, para suprimir as situações de
convergência de competências entre a Guarda Nacional Republicana e a Polícia de
Segurança Pública. Destarte, surge a problemática – Qual a Força de Segurança competente
para manter a vigilância e proteção no aeroporto de Beja?
Hodiernamente, ambas as Forças de Segurança são competentes para garantir a
vigilância e a proteção de infraestruturas aeroportuárias. O escopo desta investigação é
identificar, face ao quadro legal em vigor, a Força de Segurança competente para manter a
vigilância e proteção das instalações do aeroporto de Beja. Detalhadamente, identificar os
critérios de atribuição de competências entre as Forças de Segurança, explorar os motivos
da convergência dessas competências, identificar a formação e as competências no âmbito
da segurança aeroportuária, entender o modo de articulação entre as duas Forças de
Segurança e perspetivar sobre a atribuição da segurança de futuras infraestruturas
Metodologicamente, este estudo orienta-se segundo um raciocínio hipotéticodedutivo
e no que concerne à recolha dos dados, a investigação adota uma abordagem
qualitativa. Consequentemente, foram analisados uma panóplia de documentos e realizadas
um conjunto de entrevistas, posteriormente submetidos a um meticuloso exame.
Dos resultados obtidos, geradores de inovadores conhecimentos, foi possível
constatar que, atualmente, ope legis, a Guarda Nacional Republicana e a Polícia de
Segurança Pública possuem todas as condições para desempenhar, integralmente, as funções
de segurança nas infraestruturas aeroportuárias das suas zonas de ação, visto que, ambas
cumprem todos os requisitos necessários para desempenhar cabalmente estas missões.
No fundo a investigação revela que, não obstante o sublime desempenho da Polícia
de Segurança Pública no setor da segurança aeroportuária e a exímia eficiência com que
constantemente garante esta missão, cabe à Guarda Nacional Republicana assumir a
responsabilidade da segurança das instalações do aeroporto de Beja, porquanto, esta
infraestrutura está localizada na sua área de jurisdição territorial.
To conceal the situations where the proficiencies between the Guarda Nacional Republicana and the Polícia de Segurança Pública could converge, the Internal Security System went through a reform with the aim of eradicate any overlaps amongst missions between the Security Forces. Thereafter, a key question arises: Which of the Security Forces is better qualified to watch over and protect Beja’s airport? Nowadays, both of the Security Forces are capable to ensure the correct surveillance and protection of airports. The scope of this research is to identify which of the two Security Forces is the most skilful to surveille and protect Beja’s airport, taking into consideration the actual legal framework. Henceforth, the extend of this research aims to: systematically identify what is the criteria when allocating proficiencies between both Security Forces; to explore what might be the points of convergence of the said proficiencies; to pinpoint which are the foundations and aptitudes in regards to airport security; to cognize how the two Security Forces pivot between themselves; and, lastly, to prospect how and whom should be in charge of the protection in airports. This study adopted a qualitative approach, relying on a hypothetic-deductive model. Therefore, an array of documents was explored and a group of interviews was conducted, subsequently analysed systematically. The promising results attained indicate that currently, by the law, both GNR and PSP hold all the necessary conditions to perform to the fullest any security role at airports, since both comply with all the requirements to wholly perform these tasks. Overall, this research revealed that although the Polícia de Segurança Pública exhibits a magnificent performance when it comes to airport security, ensuring all tasks are performed efficiently, it is of the responsibility of the Guarda Nacional Republicana to take on the duty of surveille and protect Beja’s airport, purely because this infrastructure is located in its jurisdiction.
To conceal the situations where the proficiencies between the Guarda Nacional Republicana and the Polícia de Segurança Pública could converge, the Internal Security System went through a reform with the aim of eradicate any overlaps amongst missions between the Security Forces. Thereafter, a key question arises: Which of the Security Forces is better qualified to watch over and protect Beja’s airport? Nowadays, both of the Security Forces are capable to ensure the correct surveillance and protection of airports. The scope of this research is to identify which of the two Security Forces is the most skilful to surveille and protect Beja’s airport, taking into consideration the actual legal framework. Henceforth, the extend of this research aims to: systematically identify what is the criteria when allocating proficiencies between both Security Forces; to explore what might be the points of convergence of the said proficiencies; to pinpoint which are the foundations and aptitudes in regards to airport security; to cognize how the two Security Forces pivot between themselves; and, lastly, to prospect how and whom should be in charge of the protection in airports. This study adopted a qualitative approach, relying on a hypothetic-deductive model. Therefore, an array of documents was explored and a group of interviews was conducted, subsequently analysed systematically. The promising results attained indicate that currently, by the law, both GNR and PSP hold all the necessary conditions to perform to the fullest any security role at airports, since both comply with all the requirements to wholly perform these tasks. Overall, this research revealed that although the Polícia de Segurança Pública exhibits a magnificent performance when it comes to airport security, ensuring all tasks are performed efficiently, it is of the responsibility of the Guarda Nacional Republicana to take on the duty of surveille and protect Beja’s airport, purely because this infrastructure is located in its jurisdiction.
Segurança Interna Forças de Segurança Convergência de Competências Segurança Aeroportuária Aeroporto de Beja