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O processo de comunicação vem merecendo uma crescente atenção por parte das organizações, porquanto permite levar ao conhecimento público, entre outras mensagens, a sua missão e formas de atuação. No caso das organizações policiais, além de contribuir para construir a imagem, a comunicação pode até afetar o próprio sentimento de segurança da população. Sendo estes fatores preponderantes na atuação de uma força de segurança como a Guarda Nacional Republicana, em situações de crise que implicam respostas não rotineiras, sob forte pressão em termos do tempo e com amplo escrutínio mediático, os processos de comunicação adquirem uma importância maior. Através da análise comparativa de dois estudos de caso em que a Guarda Nacional Republicana foi chamada a atuar, Pinhal Novo (2013), e Aguiar da Beira (2016), o presente trabalho propõe-se contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do modo como se gere a comunicação com os Órgãos de Comunicação Social em situações de crise com vítimas humanas.
No plano metodológico trataram-se os dois estudos de caso em profundidade, coletando materiais de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, dando-se, no entanto, mais relevo aos dados qualitativos, obtidos através de entrevistas a militares da Guarda Nacional Republicana próximos das situações em estudo e a outros especialistas em comunicação de crise.
Os resultados apurados mostram que ambos os casos tiveram um forte impacto na comunicação social, com uma presença intensa e duradora na agenda. Os dois cenários divergem ao nível temporal e geográfico, condicionando, dessa forma, o processo de comunicação adotado. Relevou-se a importância do Porta-voz enquanto “Embaixador” da instituição que representa, mas mostrou-se também que o sucesso desse desempenho não depende apenas das suas competências intrínsecas (sabendo como agir de forma reativa) mas, e sobretudo, da conjugação dessas competências com a existência de um plano de comunicação de crise pré-definido, incluindo treino e formação dos militares. Significa, portanto, que, relativamente a esta matéria, deve ser adotada uma postura pró-ativa e transversal a toda a instituição.
The communication process has been receiving increasing attention by organizations, since it allows to get to public knowledge, among other messages, their mission and ways to act. For police organizations, communication doesn’t only affect their image but also a population’s feeling of safety. Because these factors are of utmost importance in the performance of a safety organization like the Guarda Nacional Republicana in situations of crisis that require non-routine responses, under strong time pressure and receiving a broad media scrutiny, the communication processes acquire a major importance. Through the comparative analysis of two case studies where the Guarda Nacional Republicana was called to act, Pinhal Novo (2013), and Aguiar da Beira (2016), this work proposes to contribute for a better knowledge of how to manage communication with the Social Media in situations of crisis with human victims. Regarding the methodology used, both case studies were treated in depth, collecting quantitative and qualitative materials. The qualitative data, however, received greater relevance as it was acquired through interviews with members of the Guarda Nacional Republicana close to both case studies and with other crisis communication specialists. The achieved results show that both case studies had a strong social media impact, having and intense and lasting presence in the daily topics. Both scenarios have different geographies and time periods, which in turn impacted the chosen communication process. The relevance of the Representative as an “Ambassador” of the institution represented was shown and, as it is believed to be demonstrated in this work, the success of this role should not only rely on the personal skills of the Representative (knowing how to properly act reactively), but first and foremost by joining those skills with an existing communication plan in a situation of crisis that has been previously defined, including specific training and formation of the military. This means that, regarding this subject, a pro-active stance should be adopted across the whole institution.
The communication process has been receiving increasing attention by organizations, since it allows to get to public knowledge, among other messages, their mission and ways to act. For police organizations, communication doesn’t only affect their image but also a population’s feeling of safety. Because these factors are of utmost importance in the performance of a safety organization like the Guarda Nacional Republicana in situations of crisis that require non-routine responses, under strong time pressure and receiving a broad media scrutiny, the communication processes acquire a major importance. Through the comparative analysis of two case studies where the Guarda Nacional Republicana was called to act, Pinhal Novo (2013), and Aguiar da Beira (2016), this work proposes to contribute for a better knowledge of how to manage communication with the Social Media in situations of crisis with human victims. Regarding the methodology used, both case studies were treated in depth, collecting quantitative and qualitative materials. The qualitative data, however, received greater relevance as it was acquired through interviews with members of the Guarda Nacional Republicana close to both case studies and with other crisis communication specialists. The achieved results show that both case studies had a strong social media impact, having and intense and lasting presence in the daily topics. Both scenarios have different geographies and time periods, which in turn impacted the chosen communication process. The relevance of the Representative as an “Ambassador” of the institution represented was shown and, as it is believed to be demonstrated in this work, the success of this role should not only rely on the personal skills of the Representative (knowing how to properly act reactively), but first and foremost by joining those skills with an existing communication plan in a situation of crisis that has been previously defined, including specific training and formation of the military. This means that, regarding this subject, a pro-active stance should be adopted across the whole institution.
Comunicação Crise Órgãos de Comunicação Social GNR