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Este trabalho de investigação aplicada (TIA) visa analisar a utilização do “policiamento de proximidade”, pelas patrulhas do Destacamento Territorial (DTer) de Vila Franca de Xira e dos seus Postos Territoriais (PTer), na prevenção da criminalidade.
Foi sustentado por uma metodologia definida por diferentes fases e métodos de investigação, como a análise documental, o inquérito por entrevista e inquéritos, por questionário. Neste âmbito foram inquiridos militares afectos ao patrulhamento (patrulheiros) e membros da comunidade local, pertencentes ou abrangidos pelo DTer de Vila Franca de Xira e seus PTer.
Na primeira parte do trabalho foi feito um enquadramento teórico sobre o tema, em que foi abordado o “policiamento de proximidade”. Aí foi abordada a sua definição, técnicas utilizadas na sua prossecução, problemas que poderão advir da sua utilização, o primeiro
programa de “policiamento de proximidade” apresentado pelo XIII Governo Constitucional e no final um resumo dos programas especiais de “policiamento de proximidade” que estão
actualmente a ser utilizados pela Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR). Desta parte foi possível concluir que o “policiamento de proximidade” não é um tipo de policiamento simples de implantar, requerendo muito dos patrulheiros e da organização que o tenciona por em prática, quer a nível logístico quer a nível humano. Contudo ao mesmo tempo este pode-se
tornar num método muito eficaz na prevenção da criminalidade, melhorando a qualidade de
vida da comunidade na qual é aplicado.
Na segunda parte do trabalho, foi feito um inquérito por entrevista realizado ao Chefe da Secção de Policiamento Comunitário e Programas Especiais da GNR, e inquéritos por questionário feitos à comunidade e a patrulheiros da Zona de Acção (ZA) do DTer de Vila Franca de Xira e seus PTer.
No final concluiu-se que existe uma grande falta deformação nos patrulheiros no que diz
respeito ao “policiamento de proximidade”, sendo este tipo de policiamento visto pelos mesmos como um método pouco eficaz na prevenção, e combate da criminalidade.
Recomenda-se assim uma maior preocupação, no que diz respeito à formação dos militares
afectos ao patrulhamento no dispositivo territoriale também o estudo da implantação de um policiamento próximo à comunidade em todo o dispositivo da GNR.
Abstract This applied investigation paperwork (AIP) seeks ananalysis of the effects of the “proximity patrolling” performed by the patrols of the Territorial Detachment (DTer) of Vila Franca de Xira and of its Territorial Posts (PTer) on preventing criminality. Was based on a methodology consisting of different stages and methods of investigations, such as documental analysis, an enquiry based on interviews, and enquiries based on questionnaires. In this sphere of action militariesentrusted with the patrolling and members from the local community, who belong or are comprised by the DTer of Vila Franca de Xira and its PTer. In the first part of the paperwork a theoretical framing on the theme was elaborated, in which the “proximity patrolling” was approached. In this part, its definition, the techniques used, problems which may derive from its utilization, the first “proximity patrolling” program presented by the XIII Constitutional Government and a synopsis of the special “proximity patrolling” programmes that are being utilized on the field by the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR – National Republican Guard). It was possible to conclude that the “proximity patrolling” is not easy to implement, since it requires a lot from the patrollers as well as from the organization which intends to implement it, both on a logistic level as well as on a human scale. Nevertheless, it may become a very effective method when it comes to fight and prevent criminality, thus improving the quality of life of the local community where it takes place. On the second part of the paperwork, an enquiry based on interviews was made to the Chief of the Community Patrolling Section and on the GNR Special Programmes, and enquiries based on questionnaires were done to the members ofthe community as well as militaries responsible for the patrolling of the Area of Action (ZA) of the DTer of Vila Franca de Xira. One concludes that there is a major lack on the training of the militaries in what concerns “proximity patrolling”, which isn’t seen as an effective means of preventing and fighting criminality by them. Therefore, a greater concern is advisable to what concerns the training of the patrols responsible for the patrolling within the territory, in addition to the study of the real and actual implementation of a patrolling contiguous to the community in all the GNR arrangement.
Abstract This applied investigation paperwork (AIP) seeks ananalysis of the effects of the “proximity patrolling” performed by the patrols of the Territorial Detachment (DTer) of Vila Franca de Xira and of its Territorial Posts (PTer) on preventing criminality. Was based on a methodology consisting of different stages and methods of investigations, such as documental analysis, an enquiry based on interviews, and enquiries based on questionnaires. In this sphere of action militariesentrusted with the patrolling and members from the local community, who belong or are comprised by the DTer of Vila Franca de Xira and its PTer. In the first part of the paperwork a theoretical framing on the theme was elaborated, in which the “proximity patrolling” was approached. In this part, its definition, the techniques used, problems which may derive from its utilization, the first “proximity patrolling” program presented by the XIII Constitutional Government and a synopsis of the special “proximity patrolling” programmes that are being utilized on the field by the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR – National Republican Guard). It was possible to conclude that the “proximity patrolling” is not easy to implement, since it requires a lot from the patrollers as well as from the organization which intends to implement it, both on a logistic level as well as on a human scale. Nevertheless, it may become a very effective method when it comes to fight and prevent criminality, thus improving the quality of life of the local community where it takes place. On the second part of the paperwork, an enquiry based on interviews was made to the Chief of the Community Patrolling Section and on the GNR Special Programmes, and enquiries based on questionnaires were done to the members ofthe community as well as militaries responsible for the patrolling of the Area of Action (ZA) of the DTer of Vila Franca de Xira. One concludes that there is a major lack on the training of the militaries in what concerns “proximity patrolling”, which isn’t seen as an effective means of preventing and fighting criminality by them. Therefore, a greater concern is advisable to what concerns the training of the patrols responsible for the patrolling within the territory, in addition to the study of the real and actual implementation of a patrolling contiguous to the community in all the GNR arrangement.
Formação Prevenção da criminalidade Policiamento de Proximidade Patrulheiro Comunidade Posto Territorial
Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino