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Atualmente, os profissionais da área da Educação têm vindo a demonstrar uma preocupação com o facto de os alunos se encontrarem com pouca motivação para a aprendizagem da Matemática. As práticas pedagógicas centram-se nos conceitos e competências desenvolvidas dentro da sala de aula, omitindo os espaços exteriores para a aquisição dos conhecimentos matemáticos.
O presente manuscrito enuncia as potencialidades do espaço exterior para o desenvolvimento e criação dos conhecimentos necessários à aprendizagem matemática. O enquadramento conceptual pretende demonstrar que a aprendizagem, nomeadamente da Matemática, pode ser realizada fora da sala de aula, demonstrando ser uma aprendizagem mais significativa para os alunos, dado que os mesmos terão de colaborar ativamente uns com os outros para resolverem os desafios propostos. Da mesma forma, acreditamos que é essencial deixar o aluno refletir e interrogar-se sobre as aprendizagens adquiridas e consolidadas neste meio.
Assim, a investigação manifesta-se pela preocupação da professora/investigadora face ao desinteresse e indiferença dos alunos, no que diz respeito à aprendizagem da Matemática. Com o intuito de colmatar a dificuldade e o desinteresse sentido pelos alunos, a professora/investigadora desenvolveu um projeto que pretendia demonstrar não só aos alunos, mas também aos profissionais da área da Educação que a aprendizagem dos conceitos matemáticos pode, e deve, estar relacionada com o mundo que os rodeia, estabelecendo desta forma, uma relação da matemática com o mundo, deixando assim de estar numa caixa compartimentada.
A investigação, de natureza qualitativa, teve por base uma investigação-ação, desenvolvida ao longo de três meses, onde foram propostas sessões lúdicas ao ar livre, mais especificamente na horta escolar, com uma turma de 2 º ano de escolaridade. Os resultados obtidos durantes as sessões realizadas, demonstraram que o ensino outdoor manifesta ser eficaz na aprendizagem da matemática, sendo também um meio motivador para os alunos que revelam alguma desmotivação ou dificuldade por parte desta didática. Os alunos ao longo do estudo demonstraram alegria e vontade de aprender, sendo referido pelos mesmos a vontade de querer ir para o exterior aprender.
Currently, Education professionals have been demonstrating concern about the fact that students have little motivation to learn Mathematics. Pedagogical practices focus on concepts and skills developed within the classroom, omitting outdoor spaces for the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. This manuscript outlines the potential of outer space for the development and creation of knowledge necessary for mathematical learning. The conceptual framework aims to demonstrate that learning, particularly Mathematics, can be carried out outside the classroom, proving to be more meaningful learning for students, given that they will have to actively collaborate with each other to solve the proposed challenges. Thus, the investigation is manifested by the teacher/researcher's concern regarding the students' lack of interest and indifference with regard to learning Mathematics. In order to overcome the difficulty and lack of interest felt by students, the teacher/researcher developed a project that intended to demonstrate not only to students but also to professionals in the field of Education that learning mathematical concepts can, and should, be related to the world that surrounds them, thus establishing a relationship between mathematics and the world, no longer being in a compartmentalized box. Likewise, we believe that it is essential to allow students to reflect and question themselves about the learning acquired and consolidated in this environment. The investigation, of a qualitative nature, was based on action research, developed over three months, where outdoor play sessions were proposed, more specifically in the school garden, with a 2nd year school class. The results obtained during the sessions demonstrated that outdoor teaching appears to be effective in learning mathematics, and is also a motivating means for students who reveal some lack of motivation or difficulty with this teaching. Students throughout the study demonstrated joy and desire to learn, and they mentioned their desire to go abroad to learn.
Currently, Education professionals have been demonstrating concern about the fact that students have little motivation to learn Mathematics. Pedagogical practices focus on concepts and skills developed within the classroom, omitting outdoor spaces for the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. This manuscript outlines the potential of outer space for the development and creation of knowledge necessary for mathematical learning. The conceptual framework aims to demonstrate that learning, particularly Mathematics, can be carried out outside the classroom, proving to be more meaningful learning for students, given that they will have to actively collaborate with each other to solve the proposed challenges. Thus, the investigation is manifested by the teacher/researcher's concern regarding the students' lack of interest and indifference with regard to learning Mathematics. In order to overcome the difficulty and lack of interest felt by students, the teacher/researcher developed a project that intended to demonstrate not only to students but also to professionals in the field of Education that learning mathematical concepts can, and should, be related to the world that surrounds them, thus establishing a relationship between mathematics and the world, no longer being in a compartmentalized box. Likewise, we believe that it is essential to allow students to reflect and question themselves about the learning acquired and consolidated in this environment. The investigation, of a qualitative nature, was based on action research, developed over three months, where outdoor play sessions were proposed, more specifically in the school garden, with a 2nd year school class. The results obtained during the sessions demonstrated that outdoor teaching appears to be effective in learning mathematics, and is also a motivating means for students who reveal some lack of motivation or difficulty with this teaching. Students throughout the study demonstrated joy and desire to learn, and they mentioned their desire to go abroad to learn.
Matemática, 1.º CEB, Ensino outdoor, aprendizagem ativa Mathematics, 1st CEB, Outdoor teaching, active learning