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O presente trabalho, conhecido como Trabalho Final de Mestrado, consiste na realização de um Plano de Negócios que visa criar e implementar uma empresa de entretenimento, mais especificamente um Bar de Bowling, cujo objetivo é atrair o público proporcionando um ambiente amigável, divertido e de lazer para todas as famílias, amigos, colegas e todo o tipo de consumidor a fim de criar momentos de bem-estar e memórias de um bom tempo gasto. O nome desta empresa, deste bar, é Striker Bowling Bar Lda. (SBBC) o local escolhido para a sua localização é Almada, mais especificamente em Cacilhas. Atualmente as atividades e espaços de entretenimento são fracos, pouco desenvolvidos e o conceito de entretenimento ainda é muito vago, o que faz com que a exploração deste local seja mais fácil, acessível e aberta a uma oportunidade de exploração nesta área de negócio, o que pode ser também considerado como uma vantagem comercial. Para o desenvolvimento de um Plano de Negócios bem estruturado, bem fundamentado e adequado, foi feita uma análise de todos os fatores ambientais que influenciam o sucesso deste Plano de Negócios. Em primeiro lugar foi feita uma análise sobre o local onde o negócio se irá inserir, tendo em conta também o contexto ambiental; analisou-se também a segmentação de mercado na qual a empresa irá atuar. Procedeu-se a uma análise interna para ver quais os pontos fortes, os pontos fracos da empresa e as oportunidades e ameaças inerentes à mesma e ao sector de mercado onde esta empresa irá atuar. Foi também realizado um pequeno questionário para entender do ponto de vista do consumidor se iria ou não aderir ao tipo de negócio. No final deste trabalho fiz uma análise financeira do negócio, com o propósito de verificar se este é ou não economicamente viável.
Conclui-se que apesar do risco elevado, este negócio têm um grande potencial para ser bem-sucedido. As conclusões alcançadas através da análise estão referidas no presente trabalho, bem como todos os processos e planos estratégico, tendo em vista os principais objetivos de criação de valor para os investidores, promotores, parceiros, clientes e sociedade em geral.
The present work is the final master’s project and consists on the creation of a business plan for an entertainment company, more specifically a Bowling Bar. The Bowling Bar project’s objective is to attract the public by providing a friendly, fun and leisure environement for families, friends, co-workers and all kind of consumers in order to build well-being moments and bond memories of a good time spent. The name of the business is Striker Bowling Bar Company (SBBC) and Almada is the location chosen to settle this company more specifically in Cacilhas. Currently Cacilhas entertainement activities are poor, undeveloped and the concept of enterteainment are still very vague, making the local exploration easy, accessible, and open opportunity which is considered as a business advantage. To develop a well-structured and well-founded and suitable business plan an analysis was made on all the environement factors that will influence the success of the business plan. First, the surrounding in which the business will take place where analysed, then the contextual environment was evaluated and lastly the market segmentation in which the company operates was analysed. Also, internal analysis was made to evaluate the strenghs, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are inherent to the company and the market sector where this business acts.A small survey was also carried out to understand, from the consumer’s point of view, whether or not they visit this type of entertainment space. At the end of the work project, the financial analysis of the business was made with the aim to check its economical viability. We can conclude that besides the high risk this business can be a good investment and have a high reward in the future. The conclusion achieved through the analysis, are notated on the present work as well as all the processes and strategic plans to implement, having in account the main goals of creating value to the promoters, partners, clients and society in general.
The present work is the final master’s project and consists on the creation of a business plan for an entertainment company, more specifically a Bowling Bar. The Bowling Bar project’s objective is to attract the public by providing a friendly, fun and leisure environement for families, friends, co-workers and all kind of consumers in order to build well-being moments and bond memories of a good time spent. The name of the business is Striker Bowling Bar Company (SBBC) and Almada is the location chosen to settle this company more specifically in Cacilhas. Currently Cacilhas entertainement activities are poor, undeveloped and the concept of enterteainment are still very vague, making the local exploration easy, accessible, and open opportunity which is considered as a business advantage. To develop a well-structured and well-founded and suitable business plan an analysis was made on all the environement factors that will influence the success of the business plan. First, the surrounding in which the business will take place where analysed, then the contextual environment was evaluated and lastly the market segmentation in which the company operates was analysed. Also, internal analysis was made to evaluate the strenghs, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are inherent to the company and the market sector where this business acts.A small survey was also carried out to understand, from the consumer’s point of view, whether or not they visit this type of entertainment space. At the end of the work project, the financial analysis of the business was made with the aim to check its economical viability. We can conclude that besides the high risk this business can be a good investment and have a high reward in the future. The conclusion achieved through the analysis, are notated on the present work as well as all the processes and strategic plans to implement, having in account the main goals of creating value to the promoters, partners, clients and society in general.
Leisure Entrepreneurship Business Plan Entertainment Sector