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Objetivos: Avaliar a resistência adesiva de restaurações em resina composta em dentes branqueados após aplicação de agentes antioxidantes (aloé vera e chá verde).
Materiais e Métodos: Quinze dentes molares hígidos foram seccionados no seu 1/3 oclusal num corte único à velocidade de 0,125 mm/min, proporcionando uma superfície de dentina plana. Aleatoriamente foram divididos em 3 grupos: um grupo onde foi aplicado um agente branqueador e restaurado após 15 dias (G0); um grupo onde foi aplicado um agente branqueador e posteriormente o antioxidante aloé vera 50% durante 10 minutos e restauração imediata (G1); e outro grupo onde foi aplicado um agente branqueador e posteriormente o antioxidante chá verde 10% durante 10 minutos e restauração imediata (G2). Os grupos foram submetidos a branqueamento com o gel Opalescence PF Regular 16% durante 6h por dia, ao longo de 15 dias e restaurados com o sistema adesivo OptibondTM FL e a resina composta FiltekTM Z250 Cor A3. Após 24
horas, as amostras foram seccionadas em palitos de 1±0,3mm2 de área, segundo os eixos x e y. Seguidamente, foram testados na máquina de testes universal, por microtração, à velocidade de 0,5mm/min. A análise estatística realizou-se através do teste ANOVA, com nível de significância de 5% (p ≤ 0,05).
Resultados: O grupo G2, em que foi aplicado o antioxidante chá verde, apresenta uma resistência adesiva maior do que o grupo G1, em que foi aplicado o antioxidante aloé vera, mas ligeiramente mais baixo do que o grupo G0, onde foi realizado branqueamento seguido de restauração após 15 dias. Existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre todos os grupos.
Conclusões: O uso de agentes antioxidantes influenciou de forma estatisticamente significativa a resistência adesiva de restaurações em dentina branqueada, tendo o chá verde um maior potencial reversor da resistência adesiva.
Objectives: Evaluate the bond strength of composite resin restorations in bleached teeth after application of antioxidant agents (aloe vera and green tea). Methods and Materials: Fifteen healthy molar teeth were sectioned in their occlusal 1/3 in a single cut at a speed of 0.125 mm/min, providing a flat dentin surface. They were randomly divided into 3 groups: a group where a whitening agent was applied and restored after 15 days (G0); a group where a whitening agent was applied and then the 50% aloe vera antioxidant for 10 minutes and restored immediately (G1); and another group where a whitening agent was applied and then the 10% green tea antioxidant for 10 minutes and restored immediately (G2). The groups were bleached with Opalescence PF Regular 16% gel for 6 hours a day over 15 days and restored with the OptibondTM FL adhesive system and FiltekTM Z250 Color A3 composite resin. After 24 hours, the samples were sectioned into sticks with an area of 1±0,3mm2 along the x and y axes. They were then tested in the universal testing machine by microtensile force at a speed of 0.5mm/min. Statistical analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test, with a significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results: Group G2, where the antioxidant green tea was applied, has a higher bond strength than group G1, where the antioxidant aloe vera was applied, but slightly lower than group G0, where bleaching was carried out followed by restoration after 15 days. There are statistically significant differences between all the groups. Conclusions: The use of antioxidant agents had a statistically significant influence on the bond strength of restorations in bleached dentin, with green tea having the greatest potential for reversing bond strength.
Objectives: Evaluate the bond strength of composite resin restorations in bleached teeth after application of antioxidant agents (aloe vera and green tea). Methods and Materials: Fifteen healthy molar teeth were sectioned in their occlusal 1/3 in a single cut at a speed of 0.125 mm/min, providing a flat dentin surface. They were randomly divided into 3 groups: a group where a whitening agent was applied and restored after 15 days (G0); a group where a whitening agent was applied and then the 50% aloe vera antioxidant for 10 minutes and restored immediately (G1); and another group where a whitening agent was applied and then the 10% green tea antioxidant for 10 minutes and restored immediately (G2). The groups were bleached with Opalescence PF Regular 16% gel for 6 hours a day over 15 days and restored with the OptibondTM FL adhesive system and FiltekTM Z250 Color A3 composite resin. After 24 hours, the samples were sectioned into sticks with an area of 1±0,3mm2 along the x and y axes. They were then tested in the universal testing machine by microtensile force at a speed of 0.5mm/min. Statistical analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test, with a significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results: Group G2, where the antioxidant green tea was applied, has a higher bond strength than group G1, where the antioxidant aloe vera was applied, but slightly lower than group G0, where bleaching was carried out followed by restoration after 15 days. There are statistically significant differences between all the groups. Conclusions: The use of antioxidant agents had a statistically significant influence on the bond strength of restorations in bleached dentin, with green tea having the greatest potential for reversing bond strength.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz
Resistência adesiva Branqueamento dentário Aloé vera Chá verde