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Face ao fenómeno do crescimento e emprego exponencial dos Unmanned Aerial Vehicles nas operações militares, este artigo pretende, através da construção de um estudo de caso, analisar, qualitativamente, o emprego desta tipologia de aeronaves no âmbito das operações militares, circunscrevendo-as às que se enquadram no âmbito da Artilharia de Campanha, destacando as possibilidades dos Unmanned Aerial Vehicles nas operações militares na sua generalidade, e, posteriormente, para o meios de apoio de fogo. A investigação corrente, analisa as limitações às quais estas aeronaves podem estar associadas, realizando um levantamento das tecnologias e tipos de Unmanned Aerial Vehicles empregues atualmente, especificando a pesquisa ao conflito russo-ucraniano, analisando as características que tornam os Unmanned Aerial Vehicles adequados para o apoio às missões de Artilharia. Analisando os resultados da investigação são destacadas distintas potencialidades e capacidades dos Unmanned Aerial Vehicles para a Artilharia de Campanha, sendo essas, reconhecimento completo das posições de Artilharia, regulação de fogos com uma precisão superior, observação de objetivos e áreas de interesse, apoio no processo de tomada de decisão, substituição de militares em missões de alta perigosidade e contributo para o processo do targeting. Estas possibilidades tornam os Unmanned Aerial Vehicles uma ferramenta promissora e complementar no contexto das operações de Artilharia de Campanha.
Given of the phenomenon of the exponential growth and use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in military operations, this article aims to qualitatively analyze the use of this type of aircraft in military operations by means of a case study, limiting it to those that fall within the scope of Field Artillery. possibilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in military operations in general, and later for Field Artillery. The current research analyses the limitations with which these aircraft can be associated, a survey of the technologies and types of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles currently in use was carried out, circumscribing the research to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, analyzing the characteristics that make Unmanned Aerial Vehicles suitable for supporting artillery missions. Analyzing the results of the research, different potentialities and capabilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Field Artillery are highlighted, such as complete reconnaissance of artillery positions, fire regulation with superior precision, observation of objectives and areas of interest, support in the decision-making process, replacement of soldiers in high-risk missions and contribution to the targeting process. These possibilities make Unmanned Aerial Vehicles a promising and complementary tool in the context of Field Artillery operations.
Given of the phenomenon of the exponential growth and use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in military operations, this article aims to qualitatively analyze the use of this type of aircraft in military operations by means of a case study, limiting it to those that fall within the scope of Field Artillery. possibilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in military operations in general, and later for Field Artillery. The current research analyses the limitations with which these aircraft can be associated, a survey of the technologies and types of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles currently in use was carried out, circumscribing the research to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, analyzing the characteristics that make Unmanned Aerial Vehicles suitable for supporting artillery missions. Analyzing the results of the research, different potentialities and capabilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Field Artillery are highlighted, such as complete reconnaissance of artillery positions, fire regulation with superior precision, observation of objectives and areas of interest, support in the decision-making process, replacement of soldiers in high-risk missions and contribution to the targeting process. These possibilities make Unmanned Aerial Vehicles a promising and complementary tool in the context of Field Artillery operations.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Field Artillery Security Military Technology Artilharia de Campanha Segurança Tecnologia Militar
Campos, G.; Martinho, B. & Poiares, N. (2025). Tecnologias Disruptivas em Segurança e Defesa: O Emprego de UAVS na Artilharia - Perspetivas Futuras, Revista Proelium, 8 (15), 63-75, Academia Militar. ISSN: 1645-8826 / 2976-0860. DOI: Estudos de Sociologia, Recife, v. 02, n. 28, p. 81
Academia Militar