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A imobilidade é um problema comum no internamento em Serviços de Medicina Intensiva e pode resultar em complicações como a perda de massa muscular, fraqueza, redução da capacidade funcional, aumento do tempo de internamento, entre muitos outros. A reabilitação funcional e a mobilização precoce são estratégias eficazes para minimizar o impacto da imobilidade e o Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação tem um papel importante neste processo. Para minimizar o impacto negativo da imobilidade é essencial a implementação de estratégias eficazes de reabilitação e de mobilização precoce, já que esta pode afetar praticamente todos os sistemas do corpo humano, sendo o sistema músculo-esquelético o mais afetado. A implementação de intervenções de reabilitação reduz o tempo de internamento, bem como as readmissões hospitalares. A mobilização precoce da pessoa através de exercícios ativos e passivos melhora a força muscular, a função pulmonar e a circulação sanguínea. A imobilidade prolongada provoca perda de massa muscular e diminuição da mobilidade articular, o que pode levar a complicações como úlceras por pressão e contraturas. A reabilitação respiratória pode ajudar a melhorar a capacidade pulmonar da pessoa e reduzir o risco de complicações respiratórias. Intervenções como o uso de cicloergómetro e de estimulação elétrica neuromuscular mostraram ser eficazes na prevenção de complicações físicas decorrentes da imobilidade, bem como os exercícios de amplitude de movimento ou as mobilizações/posicionamentos no leito. Deve ser avaliada a capacidade da pessoa para se movimentar e adaptar as intervenções de reabilitação de acordo com as necessidades individuais de cada um. A implementação de protocolos de mobilização precoce pelos enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem de reabilitação pode ajudar a melhorar a qualidade de vida da pessoa após a alta hospitalar.
Immobility is a common problem during hospitalization in Intensive Care Units and can result in complications such as loss of muscle mass, weakness, reduced functional capacity, increased length of stay, among many others. Functional rehabilitation and early mobilization are effective strategies to minimize the impact of immobility and the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing has an important role in this process. To minimize the negative impact of immobility, it is essential to implement effective rehabilitation and early mobilization strategies, as this can affect virtually all organs and systems of the human body, with the musculoskeletal system being the most affected. Implementing rehabilitation interventions reduces length of stay as well as hospital readmissions. Early mobilization of the user through active and passive exercises improves muscle strength, lung function and blood circulation. Prolonged immobility causes loss of muscle mass and decreased joint mobility, which can lead to complications such as pressure ulcers and contractures. Chest physiotherapy can help improve the user's lung capacity and reduce the risk of respiratory complications. Interventions such as the use of a cycle ergometer and neuromuscular electrical stimulation proved to be effective in preventing physical complications resulting from immobility, as well as range of motion exercises or mobilizations/positioning in bed. The user's ability to move and the adaptation of rehabilitation interventions according to the individual needs of each user should be assessed. The implementation of early mobilization protocols by rehabilitation nurses can help improve patients' quality of life after hospital discharge.
Immobility is a common problem during hospitalization in Intensive Care Units and can result in complications such as loss of muscle mass, weakness, reduced functional capacity, increased length of stay, among many others. Functional rehabilitation and early mobilization are effective strategies to minimize the impact of immobility and the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing has an important role in this process. To minimize the negative impact of immobility, it is essential to implement effective rehabilitation and early mobilization strategies, as this can affect virtually all organs and systems of the human body, with the musculoskeletal system being the most affected. Implementing rehabilitation interventions reduces length of stay as well as hospital readmissions. Early mobilization of the user through active and passive exercises improves muscle strength, lung function and blood circulation. Prolonged immobility causes loss of muscle mass and decreased joint mobility, which can lead to complications such as pressure ulcers and contractures. Chest physiotherapy can help improve the user's lung capacity and reduce the risk of respiratory complications. Interventions such as the use of a cycle ergometer and neuromuscular electrical stimulation proved to be effective in preventing physical complications resulting from immobility, as well as range of motion exercises or mobilizations/positioning in bed. The user's ability to move and the adaptation of rehabilitation interventions according to the individual needs of each user should be assessed. The implementation of early mobilization protocols by rehabilitation nurses can help improve patients' quality of life after hospital discharge.
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de mestre na Escola Superior de Saúde Egas Moniz
Limitação de mobilidade Deambulação precoce Mobilização precoce Cuidados intensivos/Cuidado crítico Unidades de cuidados intensivos