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Esta investigação tem como principal objetivo identificar o perfil médio de valores humanos evidenciado nos alunos das Escolas Militares de Ensino Superior e verificar quais as variações observadas quando comparados os alunos das três instituições.
A amostra deste estudo, recolhida por conveniência é constituída por 386 indivíduos, o que corresponde a aproximadamente 47,7% da população-alvo. A recolha de dados seguiu uma metodologia quantitativa, recorrendo a um inquérito por questionário para obtenção dos mesmos. O instrumento utilizado para este estudo foi a Escala de Valores de Schwartz (2003) e recorreu-se ao programa estatístico SPSS para tratamento dos dados quantitativos.
Concluiu-se que os alunos das três instituições revelam níveis de valores que são, de um modo geral, semelhantes, demonstrando uma prevalência dos valores de Autotranscendência, representativos de indivíduos que demonstram preocupação pelo bem de outros, em particular aqueles de quem são próximos, e que consideram as consequências das suas ações perante os mesmos. Estes valores foram demonstrados em maior significância do que os de Autopromoção, que se associam à valorização do sucesso pessoal e do poder. Verificou-se também uma predisposição dos alunos para a novos desafios e independência, em maior proporção do que uma ideologia tradicionalista de conservação dos status quo.
O estudo contribui para a literatura ao identificar o perfil de valores humanos associado aos alunos militares de ensino superior, permitindo que estes resultados possam ser utilizados como ferramenta de gestão por parte dos órgãos decisores.
Na parte final deste trabalho, são apresentadas as limitações a que a investigação foi sujeita e recomendações para investigações futuras.
The main purpose of this research is to identify the average profile of human values evidenced by the students of Military Schools of Higher Education and to verify what are the variations observed when comparing the students of the three institutions. A convenience sample of 386 individuals was collected for this study, which corresponds to approximately 47.7% of the target population. Data gathering followed a quantitative methodology, by means of a survey. The instrument used for this study was the Schwartzʼs Values Scale (2003) and relied on the statistical program SPSS for quantitative data treatment. It was concluded that the students of the three institutions reveal, in general, similar levels of values. It was observed that there is a prevalence of values of Self-Transcendence, representative of students who show concern for the well-being of others, particularly of ones with whom they are close to, and who consider the consequences of their actions for these others. These values were demonstrated in greater proportion than Self-Enhancement, which is associated with the valuing of personal success and power. There was also a predisposition of students for new challenges and independence, greater in proportion than a traditional ideology of conservation of the status quo. The study contributes to the literature by identifying the profile of human values associated with higher education military students and allows these results to be used as a management tool by the decision-making bodies. In the final part of this work, the limitations that the investigation was subjected to are presented and recommendations are made for future investigations.
The main purpose of this research is to identify the average profile of human values evidenced by the students of Military Schools of Higher Education and to verify what are the variations observed when comparing the students of the three institutions. A convenience sample of 386 individuals was collected for this study, which corresponds to approximately 47.7% of the target population. Data gathering followed a quantitative methodology, by means of a survey. The instrument used for this study was the Schwartzʼs Values Scale (2003) and relied on the statistical program SPSS for quantitative data treatment. It was concluded that the students of the three institutions reveal, in general, similar levels of values. It was observed that there is a prevalence of values of Self-Transcendence, representative of students who show concern for the well-being of others, particularly of ones with whom they are close to, and who consider the consequences of their actions for these others. These values were demonstrated in greater proportion than Self-Enhancement, which is associated with the valuing of personal success and power. There was also a predisposition of students for new challenges and independence, greater in proportion than a traditional ideology of conservation of the status quo. The study contributes to the literature by identifying the profile of human values associated with higher education military students and allows these results to be used as a management tool by the decision-making bodies. In the final part of this work, the limitations that the investigation was subjected to are presented and recommendations are made for future investigations.
Valores humanos Alunos militares Forças Armadas Human values Military students Armed forces
Academia da Força Aérea