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O efeito hiperglicémico pós-prandial dos hidratos de carbono tem contribuído para que seja o nutriente mais estudado em indivíduos com diabetes tipo 1. Contudo, outros macronutrientes, como a proteína e a gordura podem afetar significativamente a glicémia pós-prandial. O método da contagem de hidratos de carbono permite flexibilidade na composição das refeições, porém atingir um adequado controlo glicémico é um desafio para indivíduos com diabetes tipo 1, especialmente quando realizam refeições com considerável conteúdo de proteína e gordura. Este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo analisar a evidência sobre o efeito de refeições ricas em proteína e gordura na resposta glicémica pós-prandial e identificar métodos alternativos de dosagem de insulina neste tipo de refeições em indivíduos com diabetes tipo 1. Após o consumo de refeições mistas ocorre redução do aumento da glicemia pós-prandial precoce e hiperglicemia pós-prandial tardia. Nos últimos anos têm surgido estratégias e algoritmos promissores com o objetivo de melhorar os níveis de glicemia após o consumo de refeições mistas, como a contagem de unidades de proteína e gordura, além dos hidratos de carbono, e a administração de insulina em bolus de onda dupla em terapia com bomba infusora de insulina.
The postprandial hyperglycemic effect of carbohydrates has contributed to making it the most studied nutrient in individuals with type 1 diabetes. However, other macronutrients, such as protein and fat, can significantly affect postprandial glycemia.The method of carbohydrate counting allows flexibility in the composition of meals; however, achieving adequate glycemic control is a challenge for individuals with type 1 diabetes, especially when they eat meals with considerable protein and fat content. This review article aims to analyze the evidence of the effect of meals rich in protein and fat on the postprandial glycemic response, and to identify alternative methods of insulin dosing in this type of meals in individuals with type 1 diabetes. After the consumption of mixed meals, there is a reduction in the increase in early postprandial glycemia and late postprandial hyperglycemia. In recent years, promising strategies and algorithms have emerged with the aim of improving blood glucose levels after the consumption of mixed meals, such as the count of protein and fat units, beyond the carbohydrates, and the administration of insulin in a bolus of dual-wave with an insulin infusion pump.
The postprandial hyperglycemic effect of carbohydrates has contributed to making it the most studied nutrient in individuals with type 1 diabetes. However, other macronutrients, such as protein and fat, can significantly affect postprandial glycemia.The method of carbohydrate counting allows flexibility in the composition of meals; however, achieving adequate glycemic control is a challenge for individuals with type 1 diabetes, especially when they eat meals with considerable protein and fat content. This review article aims to analyze the evidence of the effect of meals rich in protein and fat on the postprandial glycemic response, and to identify alternative methods of insulin dosing in this type of meals in individuals with type 1 diabetes. After the consumption of mixed meals, there is a reduction in the increase in early postprandial glycemia and late postprandial hyperglycemia. In recent years, promising strategies and algorithms have emerged with the aim of improving blood glucose levels after the consumption of mixed meals, such as the count of protein and fat units, beyond the carbohydrates, and the administration of insulin in a bolus of dual-wave with an insulin infusion pump.
Diabetes mellitus tipo 1 Gorduras na dieta Insulina/administração e dosagem Período pós-prandial Proteínas na dieta Refeições Diabetes mellitus, type 1 Dietary fats Dietary proteins Insulin/administration & dosage Meals Postprandial period
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo