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Atualmente, as organizações estão inseridas em ambientes muito voláteis e incertos, no qual as transformações globais acontecem a um ritmo muito acelerado, em consequência dos avanços tecnológicos. Estes avanços possibilitaram uma maior flexibilidade do trabalho, em termos da distribuição da carga horária e da localização geográfica, pelo que, o trabalho remoto tem ganho terreno e ocupa um lugar de destaque nas organizações.
Neste contexto, deve-se ter em conta a perceção dos trabalhadores relativamente ao impacto que este modelo de trabalho terá na sua relação com o próprio trabalho, com a organização e até com os colegas.
Desta forma, o objetivo desta investigação é compreender o impacto do trabalho remoto nas dimensões do Engagement e do Commitment e no Capital Humano. Para atingir este objetivo, adotou-se uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa, através da aplicação de um questionário online, a uma amostra de 211 participantes.
Os resultados obtidos indicam que, na perspetiva dos colaboradores, o trabalho remoto contribuiu para uma melhoria na relação com as organizações devido aos benefícios percebidos a nível do envolvimento com as tarefas. Quanto à relação com os colegas, as opiniões apresentam-se mais diversificadas, embora se tenha verificado um impacto positivo nas dimensões de Engagement e Commitment analisadas.
Este estudo pode apoiar a tomada de decisões estratégicas relacionadas com o regime de trabalho futuro, oferecendo uma compreensão aprofundada sobre a perceção dos colaboradores em relação ao trabalho remoto, especialmente no que diz respeito ao envolvimento e comprometimento com a organização.
Today, organizations are inserted in very volatile and uncertain environments, in which global transformations are taking place at a very fast pace as a result of technological advances. These advances have made it possible to work more flexibly, in terms of the distribution of working hours and geographical location, so remote working is gaining ground and occupying a prominent place in organizations. In this context, workers' perceptions of the impact this working model will have on their relationship with their work, the organization and even their colleagues must be taken into account. The aim of this research is to understand the impact of remote working on the dimensions of Engagement and Commitment and on Human Capital. To achieve this goal, a quantitative methodological approach was adopted by applying an online questionnaire to a sample of 211 participants. The results obtained indicate that, from the employees' perspective, remote working has contributed to an improvement in their relationship with the organizations due to the perceived benefits in terms of involvement with the tasks. As for the relationship with colleagues, opinions were more diverse, although there was a positive impact on the Engagement and Commitment dimensions analyzed. This study can support strategic decision-making related to future working arrangements by offering an in-depth understanding of employees' perceptions of remote working, especially with regard to involvement and commitment to the organization.
Today, organizations are inserted in very volatile and uncertain environments, in which global transformations are taking place at a very fast pace as a result of technological advances. These advances have made it possible to work more flexibly, in terms of the distribution of working hours and geographical location, so remote working is gaining ground and occupying a prominent place in organizations. In this context, workers' perceptions of the impact this working model will have on their relationship with their work, the organization and even their colleagues must be taken into account. The aim of this research is to understand the impact of remote working on the dimensions of Engagement and Commitment and on Human Capital. To achieve this goal, a quantitative methodological approach was adopted by applying an online questionnaire to a sample of 211 participants. The results obtained indicate that, from the employees' perspective, remote working has contributed to an improvement in their relationship with the organizations due to the perceived benefits in terms of involvement with the tasks. As for the relationship with colleagues, opinions were more diverse, although there was a positive impact on the Engagement and Commitment dimensions analyzed. This study can support strategic decision-making related to future working arrangements by offering an in-depth understanding of employees' perceptions of remote working, especially with regard to involvement and commitment to the organization.
Trabalho Híbrido Trabalho Remoto Engagement Commitment