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O presente relatório descreve detalhadamente o estágio realizado
na agência de comunicação T_Insight, entre Setembro de dois
mil e vinte um e Janeiro de dois mil e vinte dois, bem como uma
reflexão teórica sobre a influência do Storytellig na criação de
conteúdos gráficos para uma comunicação digital, de modo a
adquirir o grau de Mestre em Design e Publicidade. Neste
relatório será apresentado detalhadamente, a estrutura da
empresa tal como os projetos desenvolvidos na mesma.
Relativamente ao tema que o projeto irá abordar, procura-se
estudar de que forma o Storytelling auxilia na comunicação
online das marcas, bem como de que forma a construção de uma
narrativa ajuda na estrutura das campanhas digitais, resultando
num maior engagement e proximidade com os consumidores,
podendo resultar numa ampliação e/ou fidelização dos clientes.
Foi uma opção investigar este tema uma vez que, nos últimos
anos, a comunicação digital das marcas ganhou grande
preponderância, havendo um crescimento exponencial na
criação de conteúdos para as redes sociais. Considera-se, deste
modo, que os dois principais objetivos de estudo procuram
entender de que forma se pode atingir uma comunicação eficaz
através da realização de conteúdos para as redes sociais e de que
modo o Storytelling integrado num plano de comunicação digital
para as redes sociais pode ser um veículo para obtenção de
melhores resultados, podendo ampliar audiências e
consequentemente fidelizar consumidores. Do ponto de vista metodológico, esta investigação será do tipo
exploratória, de forma a que se realize uma abordagem à temática
do Storytelling, integrado num plano de comunicação online,
direcionado para a realização de conteúdos para as redes sociais,
afim de perceber o resultado proveniente desta ligação. Neste
sentido, foi opção neste relatório de estágio, estudar as variáveis
exclusivamente através de revisão da literatura, de forma a ser o
instrumento de recolha de dados. O foco encontra-se
maioritariamente sobre o estudo do tema Storytelling na
perspetiva da autora Miri Rodriguez, enquanto que a temática
de Storytelling visual é abordada, sobretudo, através dos pontos
de vista das autoras Ekaterina Walter e Jessica Gioglo.
Adicionalmente, são analisados os conteúdos gráficos
desenvolvidos ao longo do estágio, relacionando-os com a
revisão da literatura efetuada anteriormente.
Através deste método é possível compreender que a construção
de uma Storytelling tem influência positiva na criação de
conteúdos das marcas para as redes sociais, o que leva a um
maior envolvimento e proximidade com os consumidores,
resultando numa maior fidelização.
he present report describes in detail the internship carried out in the communication agency T_Insight, between September of two thousand and twenty-one and January of two thousand and twenty-two, as well as a theoretical reflection on the influence of Storytelling in the creation of graphic content for digital communication, to acquire the degree of Master in Design and Advertising. In this report, the structure of the company, as well as the projects developed in it, will be presented in detail. Regarding the theme that the project will address, it seeks to study how Storytelling helps in the online communication of brands, as well as how the construction of a narrative helps in the structure of digital campaigns, resulting in greater engagement and proximity to consumers, and may result in an expansion and/or loyalty of customers. It was an option to research on this theme since, in recent years, brands' digital communication has gained great preponderance, with exponential growth in the creation of content for social networks. It is considered, therefore, that the two main objectives of the study seek to understand how to achieve effective communication through the creation of content for social networks and how Storytelling integrated into a digital communication plan for social networks can be a vehicle for obtaining better results, and can expand audiences and, consequently, build consumer loyalty. From a methodological point of view, this research will be exploratory so that an approach to the theme of Storytelling, integrated into an online communication plan,directed to the realisation of content for social networks to understand the result of this connection. In this sense, it was an option in this internship report to study the variables exclusively through literature review to be the instrument of data collection. The focus is mainly on the study of Storytelling from the perspective of the author Miri Rodriguez, while the theme of visual Storytelling is addressed primarily through the points of view of the authors Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglo. Additionally, the graphic contents developed throughout the internship are analysed, relating them to the previous literature review. Through this method, it is possible to understand that the construction of Storytelling has a positive influence on the creation of brands' content for social networks, which leads to a greater involvement and proximity with consumers, resulting in a consumer loyalty.
he present report describes in detail the internship carried out in the communication agency T_Insight, between September of two thousand and twenty-one and January of two thousand and twenty-two, as well as a theoretical reflection on the influence of Storytelling in the creation of graphic content for digital communication, to acquire the degree of Master in Design and Advertising. In this report, the structure of the company, as well as the projects developed in it, will be presented in detail. Regarding the theme that the project will address, it seeks to study how Storytelling helps in the online communication of brands, as well as how the construction of a narrative helps in the structure of digital campaigns, resulting in greater engagement and proximity to consumers, and may result in an expansion and/or loyalty of customers. It was an option to research on this theme since, in recent years, brands' digital communication has gained great preponderance, with exponential growth in the creation of content for social networks. It is considered, therefore, that the two main objectives of the study seek to understand how to achieve effective communication through the creation of content for social networks and how Storytelling integrated into a digital communication plan for social networks can be a vehicle for obtaining better results, and can expand audiences and, consequently, build consumer loyalty. From a methodological point of view, this research will be exploratory so that an approach to the theme of Storytelling, integrated into an online communication plan,directed to the realisation of content for social networks to understand the result of this connection. In this sense, it was an option in this internship report to study the variables exclusively through literature review to be the instrument of data collection. The focus is mainly on the study of Storytelling from the perspective of the author Miri Rodriguez, while the theme of visual Storytelling is addressed primarily through the points of view of the authors Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglo. Additionally, the graphic contents developed throughout the internship are analysed, relating them to the previous literature review. Through this method, it is possible to understand that the construction of Storytelling has a positive influence on the creation of brands' content for social networks, which leads to a greater involvement and proximity with consumers, resulting in a consumer loyalty.
T_insight Comunicação digital Storytelling visual Consumidores Redes sociais Marca