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A otite é uma patologia dermatológica que afeta o ouvido externo, médio e/ou interno, sendo frequente em clínica de animais de companhia. Calcula-se que afete entre 5 a 20 % da população canina e 2 a 10% da felina. Muitas vezes a sua frequência está subestimada. O uso descontrolado de agentes antimicrobianos e o surgimento de resistências a estes medicamentos previamente eficazes é uma das maiores preocupações atuais da comunidade científica, numa perspetiva de uma só saúde “One Health”.
O presente trabalho refere-se a um estudo retrospetivo de animais de companhia, em cães e gatos, que recorreram ao Hospital Veterinário Universitário de Coimbra (HVUC) com sinais clínicos compatíveis com otite externa. Baseou-se na recolha e compilação dos resultados de citologias e culturas auriculares, bem como de Teste de Sensibilidade a Antimicrobianos, de cães e gatos atendidos no referido Hospital entre o período de janeiro de 2019 e dezembro de 2023, enviados para laboratório independente externo, Genevet®.
Foram analisados 248 animais, 216 canídeos e 32 felídeos. Destes, 182 revelaram uma cultura bacteriana positiva. Houve uma maior prevalência de otites em cães do que em gatos, com 6452% e 8,87% da população em estudo, respetivamente. Avaliando a prevalência por espécie animal, 74.07% dos cães e 68,75% dos gatos obtiveram um resultado positivo na cultura bacteriana.
Através deste estudo foi possível caracterizar a otite externa canina e felina registados neste Hospital, podendo concluir que os cães mais afetados pela otite externa, essencialmente bilateral, são maioritariamente adultos, com mais de 5 anos de idade, do sexo masculino e de raça Bulldogue Francês. Por sua vez, os gatos mais afetados pela otite externa, frequentemente bilateral, são maioritariamente adultos, com idade inferior a 5 anos de idade, do sexo masculino e sem raça definida.
A patologia concomitante com otite externa mais frequente em cães foi atopia, enquanto que, em gatos foi o Síndrome Atópico Felino.
Os principais agentes envolvidos em canídeos foram Staphylococcus coagulase-positivos (S. pseudintermedius e Staphylococcus pseudintermedius resistente à meticilina- MRSP), Pseudomonas spp. e Malassezia spp., sendo frequente a infeção polimicrobiana. Estas ocorreram em 22 casos, apenas em cães. A associação mais frequente foi Pseudomonas aeruginosa com E.coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa com S. pseudintermedius.
Em gatos, os principais agentes isolados foram o Staphylococcus spp. e Pasteurella multocida.
A multi-resistência aos antibióticos observada revelou-se significativa, essencialmente quando surge Pseudomonas spp. As otites externas por este agente, especialmente P. aeruginosa, são as mais desafiantes para a classe científica, devido aos seus níveis elevados de resistências. Esta bactéria apresentou resistência para quase todos os agentes antimicrobianos, entre os quais as penicilinas (amoxicilina e amoxicilina + ácido clavulânico), tetraciclina e cloranfenicol.
Neste estudo foi possível verificar que o antibiótico para os quais as bactérias envolvidas na otite externa apresentaram maior resistência foi a amoxicilina, seguido da tetraciclina.
De forma a melhorar e completar a informação resultante deste de trabalho seria interessante englobar um maior número de animais, uniformizar dados relativamente a patologias concomitantes, bem como recolher dados sobre as abordagens terapêuticas instituídas e respostas clínicas às mesmas.
Otitis is a dermatological pathology that affects the inner, middle and/or outer ear, and is common in pet clinics. It is estimated that it affects between 5 and 20% of the canine population and 2 to 10% of the feline population. Its frequency is often underestimated. The excessive and inappropriate use of antimicrobials and the development of resistance by microorganisms to previously effective drugs is one of the greatest current concerns of the scientific community, in a “One Health” concept. This work refers to a retrospective study of companion animals, dogs and cats, that attended the University Veterinary Hospital of Coimbra (HVUC) with clinical signs compatible with otitis externa. It was based on the collection and compilation of the results of cytologies and ear cultures, as well as Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests, of dogs and cats treated at the aforementioned Hospital between January 2019 and December 2023, sent to an external independent laboratory, Genevet®. A total of 248 animals were analyzed, 216 canines and 32 felines. Of these, 182 revealed a positive bacterial culture. There was a higher prevalence of otitis in dogs than in cats, with 64.52% and 8.87% of the study population, respectively. Evaluating the prevalence by animal species, 74.07% of dogs and 68.75% of cats obtained a positive result in the bacterial culture. This study allowed us to characterize the occurrence of canine and feline otitis externa registered in this Hospital, and it was possible to conclude that the dogs most affected by otitis externa, essentially bilateral, are mostly adults, over 5 years of age, male and French Bulldog breed. In turn, the cats most affected by otitis externa, often bilateral, are mostly adults, under 5 years of age, male and of no defined breed. The most frequent pathology concomitant with otitis externa in dogs was atopy, while in cats it was Feline Atopic Syndrome. The main agents isolated in canines were coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (S. pseudintermedius and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius - MRSP), Pseudomonas spp. and Malassezia spp., with the association of several agents being frequent. Polymicrobial infection occurred in 22 cases, only in dogs. The most frequent association was Pseudomonas aeruginosa with E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with S. pseudintermedius. In cats, the main agents isolated were Staphylococcus spp. and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp.. The multi-resistance to antimicrobials observed is considerable, especially when the agent involved is Pseudomonas spp. Otitis externa complicated by Pseudomonas spp., especially P. aeruginosa, are those that represent a greater challenge for the veterinarian, due to their high levels of intrinsic and acquired resistance. This bacterium presented high resistance rates to most of the antimicrobials tested, such as tetracycline, penicillins (amoxicillin and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) and chloramphenicol. In this study, it was possible to verify that the antibiotic to which the bacteria involved in otitis externa showed the greatest resistance was amoxicillin, followed by tetracycline. In order to improve and complete the information resulting from this work, it would be interesting to include a greater number of animals, standardize data regarding concomitant pathologies, as well as collect data on the therapeutic approaches established and clinical responses to them.
Otitis is a dermatological pathology that affects the inner, middle and/or outer ear, and is common in pet clinics. It is estimated that it affects between 5 and 20% of the canine population and 2 to 10% of the feline population. Its frequency is often underestimated. The excessive and inappropriate use of antimicrobials and the development of resistance by microorganisms to previously effective drugs is one of the greatest current concerns of the scientific community, in a “One Health” concept. This work refers to a retrospective study of companion animals, dogs and cats, that attended the University Veterinary Hospital of Coimbra (HVUC) with clinical signs compatible with otitis externa. It was based on the collection and compilation of the results of cytologies and ear cultures, as well as Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests, of dogs and cats treated at the aforementioned Hospital between January 2019 and December 2023, sent to an external independent laboratory, Genevet®. A total of 248 animals were analyzed, 216 canines and 32 felines. Of these, 182 revealed a positive bacterial culture. There was a higher prevalence of otitis in dogs than in cats, with 64.52% and 8.87% of the study population, respectively. Evaluating the prevalence by animal species, 74.07% of dogs and 68.75% of cats obtained a positive result in the bacterial culture. This study allowed us to characterize the occurrence of canine and feline otitis externa registered in this Hospital, and it was possible to conclude that the dogs most affected by otitis externa, essentially bilateral, are mostly adults, over 5 years of age, male and French Bulldog breed. In turn, the cats most affected by otitis externa, often bilateral, are mostly adults, under 5 years of age, male and of no defined breed. The most frequent pathology concomitant with otitis externa in dogs was atopy, while in cats it was Feline Atopic Syndrome. The main agents isolated in canines were coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (S. pseudintermedius and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius - MRSP), Pseudomonas spp. and Malassezia spp., with the association of several agents being frequent. Polymicrobial infection occurred in 22 cases, only in dogs. The most frequent association was Pseudomonas aeruginosa with E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with S. pseudintermedius. In cats, the main agents isolated were Staphylococcus spp. and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp.. The multi-resistance to antimicrobials observed is considerable, especially when the agent involved is Pseudomonas spp. Otitis externa complicated by Pseudomonas spp., especially P. aeruginosa, are those that represent a greater challenge for the veterinarian, due to their high levels of intrinsic and acquired resistance. This bacterium presented high resistance rates to most of the antimicrobials tested, such as tetracycline, penicillins (amoxicillin and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) and chloramphenicol. In this study, it was possible to verify that the antibiotic to which the bacteria involved in otitis externa showed the greatest resistance was amoxicillin, followed by tetracycline. In order to improve and complete the information resulting from this work, it would be interesting to include a greater number of animals, standardize data regarding concomitant pathologies, as well as collect data on the therapeutic approaches established and clinical responses to them.
Cão Citologia Auricular Cultura Auricular Gato Otite Externa Teste De Suscetibilidade Aos Antimicrobianos Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Dogs Cats External Otitis Ear Cytology Ear Culture