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As reconfigurações sectoriais são fatores muito importantes para perceber a dinâmica do
tecido empresarial de um país.
Em Portugal, muitos foram os sectores que emergiram e se destacaram ao longo das duas
últimas décadas e muitos outros foram os que se deixaram ultrapassar e mesmo extinguir
pelos anteriores.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento dos sectores que compõem as 500
maiores empresas em Portugal num período de duas décadas (1996-2014), comparando o caso
português ao caso americano.
Para essa análise, foram utilizadas as publicações anuais da revista portuguesa Exame das
«500 Maiores e Melhores» e da revista americana congénere Fortune.
Para esta análise, foi investigada a informação dos rankings das duas revistas em análise, que
classificaram as empresas pelo seu volume de vendas e sector de atividade, sendo este
instrumento a base de todo este estudo.
Foram também utilizados alguns dados publicados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística
(INE), do Departamento de Prospetiva e Planeamento do Ministério das Finanças e dados da
Esta pesquisa confirma que num intervalo de tempo de duas décadas, há tanto uma
divergência das estruturas das atividades económicas nacionais, o que origina
comportamentos diferentes no tecido empresarial português, como uma divergência da
configuração sectorial entre Portugal e os Estados Unidos da América (EUA).
Sector reconfigurations are very important factors to understand the dynamics of a countries’ business fabric. In Portugal, many were the sectors that have emerged and stood out over the last two decades, and many others were those who allowed themselves to be overtake or even extinguish by the earlier. This paper aims to analyze the behavior of the sectors that settled the 500 largest Portugal companies list in a period of two decades (1996-2014), comparing the American case study to the Portuguese. For the analysis, we used the annual publications of the Portuguese magazine Exame of «500 Biggest and Best » and the American magazine Fortune counterpart. For the analysis, it was investigated the inform ation from the rankings of the two mentioned magazines, which ranked the companies by their sales volume and activity sector, making this as the basis instrument of all this study. They were also used some data published by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), the Departamento de Prospetiva e Planeamento do Ministério das Finanças and OCDE data. This research confirms that, in two decades, there is so much difference between national economic activities structure, leading to different behaviors in the Portuguese business community, as it is about sectorial configuration, comparing Portugal to the United States of America (USA).
Sector reconfigurations are very important factors to understand the dynamics of a countries’ business fabric. In Portugal, many were the sectors that have emerged and stood out over the last two decades, and many others were those who allowed themselves to be overtake or even extinguish by the earlier. This paper aims to analyze the behavior of the sectors that settled the 500 largest Portugal companies list in a period of two decades (1996-2014), comparing the American case study to the Portuguese. For the analysis, we used the annual publications of the Portuguese magazine Exame of «500 Biggest and Best » and the American magazine Fortune counterpart. For the analysis, it was investigated the inform ation from the rankings of the two mentioned magazines, which ranked the companies by their sales volume and activity sector, making this as the basis instrument of all this study. They were also used some data published by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), the Departamento de Prospetiva e Planeamento do Ministério das Finanças and OCDE data. This research confirms that, in two decades, there is so much difference between national economic activities structure, leading to different behaviors in the Portuguese business community, as it is about sectorial configuration, comparing Portugal to the United States of America (USA).
Estratégia Organização Liderança Sectores empresariais Investimento Indústria Serviços