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The impact of customer centric sustainability on brand relationship : A study of the Portuguese fast fashion consumers

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The present research proposes to contribute to measure Sheth's et al. (2011) the three dimensions of customer-centric sustainability (economic, environmental and social) and the impact that these individual dimensions have on dimensions of brand relationship, particularly brand trust, affective brand commitment and continuance brand commitment. The conceptual model formulated in this research was tested through the collection of a non-probability convenience sample. Statistical procedures were applied to the sample of Portuguese fast fashion consumers (n= 228) collected. The results of the research showed that there was a significant relationship between all the dimensions of CCS and brand trust, and also that economic sustainability and social sustainability were significant to predict affective brand commitment. In addition, this study showcased that brand trust also influenced positively the intention of consumers to maintain a long term relationship with fast fashion brands. The results obtained are further detailed in this study and implications of these results for managers and theory were also detailed.



Triple bottom line Customer centric sustainability sustainability Fast fashion Brand trust Brand Commitment


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