Portugal tem se destacado como um destino turístico nos últimos anos, apresentando um recorde de passageiros em 2019 e um aumento ainda maior em 2022, pós a pandemia. Um estudo aponta que o tráfego de passageiros continua a crescer e o país tem recebido prêmios, como o de "Melhor Destino de Praia", o que acaba por atrair ainda mais turistas, e diante deste cenário, o governo pretende construir um novo aeroporto para lidar com o grande fluxo de passageiros. Entretanto, muitos passageiros passam pelos aeroportos de Portugal sem encontrar boas opções de refeições, especialmente junto às portas de embarque. Essa situação inspirou uma visão empreendedora. A questão de investigação é "como implementar um serviço de pedido e entrega de comida no ANA Aeroportos de Portugal?". O objetivo deste projeto profissional é melhorar a experiência do passageiro que escolhe Portugal como destino e compreender o comportamento do consumidor no aeroporto para desenvolver o serviço. Para alcançar esses objetivos, foram coletados dados quantitativos por meio de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 240 pessoas e dados qualitativos por meio de entrevistas com a diretora Comercial dos aeroportos de Portugal. Os resultados do estudo foram essenciais para verificar a viabilidade da ideia e desenvolver o negócio, e por fim, concluiu-se que esse tipo de serviço tem um grande potencial de implementação, em alguns aeroportos mais do que em outros.
Portugal has become a popular tourist destination in recent years, witnessing a record number of travelers in 2019 and an even more significant boost following the post-pandemic period in 2022. According to a study, Portugal has acquired some honors, such as the "Best Beach Destination," further enhancing its charm to tourists. Consequently, the government, in response, has recognized the need to construct a new airport to accommodate the growing influx of passengers. However, with the increasing number of passengers, many encounter a lack of satisfactory food options, especially in proximity to the boarding gates at Portugal's airports. This circumstance has inspired an entrepreneurial vision, leading to the following research question: "How can a food ordering and delivery service be implemented at ANA Aeroportos de Portugal?" This professional project aims to strengthen the passenger experience for those selecting Portugal as their destination while gaining insights into consumer behavior at airports to develop the service accordingly. To accomplish these objectives, the study engaged a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 240 individuals to gather quantitative data, while interviews were conducted with the Commercial Director of Portugal's airports to obtain the qualitative data. The findings from this study played a crucial role in determining the feasibility of the proposed idea and facilitating the service's development. Additionally, it was concluded that the implementation potential of this service varies across different airports, with certain airports showing greater potential than others.
Portugal has become a popular tourist destination in recent years, witnessing a record number of travelers in 2019 and an even more significant boost following the post-pandemic period in 2022. According to a study, Portugal has acquired some honors, such as the "Best Beach Destination," further enhancing its charm to tourists. Consequently, the government, in response, has recognized the need to construct a new airport to accommodate the growing influx of passengers. However, with the increasing number of passengers, many encounter a lack of satisfactory food options, especially in proximity to the boarding gates at Portugal's airports. This circumstance has inspired an entrepreneurial vision, leading to the following research question: "How can a food ordering and delivery service be implemented at ANA Aeroportos de Portugal?" This professional project aims to strengthen the passenger experience for those selecting Portugal as their destination while gaining insights into consumer behavior at airports to develop the service accordingly. To accomplish these objectives, the study engaged a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 240 individuals to gather quantitative data, while interviews were conducted with the Commercial Director of Portugal's airports to obtain the qualitative data. The findings from this study played a crucial role in determining the feasibility of the proposed idea and facilitating the service's development. Additionally, it was concluded that the implementation potential of this service varies across different airports, with certain airports showing greater potential than others.
ANA Aeroportos de Portugal Service Consumer experience Passengers