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Como ser humano, qualquer polícia toma decisões, tanto na vertente pessoal como profissional da sua vida. Nesta última, em situações que envolvem um planeamento mais detalhado, como é o caso do policiamento a grandes eventos, o processo de tomada de deci-são é bastante complexo e fortemente influenciado por vários fatores, tais como falta de tempo, incapacidade de aceder a toda a informação disponível, limitações cognitivas, pres-sões sociais, institucionais e políticas, entre outros. Neste estudo procurou-se compreender e descrever de que forma é que decisores experientes, Oficiais da Polícia de Segurança Pú-blica, deliberam em contexto de manifestações políticas. Assim, desenvolveu-se um estudo qualitativo, em contexto naturalista, sobre a tomada de decisão policial em sete grandes eventos políticos, com o intuito de melhor compreender o processo de tomada de decisão policial. Os dados foram recolhidos através de pesquisa documental, observação no terreno e aplicação do protocolo think aloud, tendo sido posteriormente submetidos a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados sugerem que este processo assenta na capacidade do decisor em recordar experiências passadas, avaliar cursos de ação, pesquisar e gerir a informação neces-sária, analisar pistas informativas, realizar simulações mentais, antecipando cenários e pro-jetando expectativas de forma constante durante todo o policiamento. Concluiu-se também que a experiência e o conhecimento do decisor policial são preponderantes em todo o pro-cesso decisório, assim como a utilização de heurísticas.
As a human being, every police officer makes decisions, both in their personal and professional lives. In the latter, when dealing with situations that require a more detailed planning, such as large events, the decision-making process is fairly complex and strongly influenced by a nymber of factors, namely lack of time, inability to access all the available information, cognitive limitations, social, institutional and political pressures, among others. This study aimed at understanding and describing how experienced decision makers, such as commissioned police officers decide in the context of political demonstrations. Thus, a qualitative study on the decision-making process in seven large political events was devel-oped, in a naturalistic context, with the aim of better understanding the process of police decision-making. Data was collected through documentary research, field observation and application of the think aloud protocol, and was subsequently subjected to content analysis. The results suggest that this process relies on the decision maker’s ability to recall past ex-periences, evaluate courses of action, research and manage the information needed, analyse informational cues, perform mental simulations while anticipating scenarios and constantly projecting expectations during the policing of the entire event. It was also concluded that the decision maker’s experience and knowledge are preponderant during the entire process of deciding, as well as the use of heuristics that simplify reality.
As a human being, every police officer makes decisions, both in their personal and professional lives. In the latter, when dealing with situations that require a more detailed planning, such as large events, the decision-making process is fairly complex and strongly influenced by a nymber of factors, namely lack of time, inability to access all the available information, cognitive limitations, social, institutional and political pressures, among others. This study aimed at understanding and describing how experienced decision makers, such as commissioned police officers decide in the context of political demonstrations. Thus, a qualitative study on the decision-making process in seven large political events was devel-oped, in a naturalistic context, with the aim of better understanding the process of police decision-making. Data was collected through documentary research, field observation and application of the think aloud protocol, and was subsequently subjected to content analysis. The results suggest that this process relies on the decision maker’s ability to recall past ex-periences, evaluate courses of action, research and manage the information needed, analyse informational cues, perform mental simulations while anticipating scenarios and constantly projecting expectations during the policing of the entire event. It was also concluded that the decision maker’s experience and knowledge are preponderant during the entire process of deciding, as well as the use of heuristics that simplify reality.
Polícia de Segurança Pública Grandes eventos políticos Policiamento Tomada de decisão Tomada de decisão naturalista