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Cada vez é mais difícil fidelizar os clientes, o desafio para os hotéis continua a ser a
diminuição do número de reclamações e a melhoria da satisfação dos hóspedes. A indústria
hoteleira já implementou processos para ter uma regularidade na qualidade do serviço. Contudo,
no dia a dia os clientes continuam a reclamar quando existe uma falha no serviço. É aqui que
entra o conceito do risco operacional, um conceito mais conhecido no setor da banca e pouco
estudado na literatura para a indústria do Turismo e da Hotelaria. O relatório de estágio inclui
um estudo de caso, criado de maneira a simular as estadias de um casal que vem com
regularidade ao Hotel cinco estrelas Penha Longa Ritz-Carlton. Cada reclamação foi resolvida
da melhor maneira para satisfazer novamente os hóspedes e o custo associado foi simulado com
o objetivo de medir o impacto do risco operacional na rendibilidade. Em conclusão, o risco
operacional tem de ser medido com cuidado, mesmo que não seja suposto gerir perdas
financeiras significativas, o seu custo tem um impacto na rendibilidade. Existem várias formas
de gerir o risco operacional, antecipando processos bem definidos no papel até à gestão das
As it becomes more complicated to build up customer loyalty, the challenge for hotels continues to be the reduction of customer complaints and the improvement of customer satisfaction. The Hotel industry already implemented processes to assure a regularity in the service quality. However, customers are still complaining on a daily basis when they are victim of a service failure. The operational risk is a concept known in the bank sector and few studies exist for tourism and Hotel industry. The internship report includes a case study, created in a way to simulate various stays of a couple that comes regularly in the five stars Hotel Penha Longa Ritz-Carlton. Each complaint was solved in the best way to satisfy the client and the cost was simulated in order to measure the impact of operational risk on profitability. To conclude, operational risk has to be considered carefully, even if it is not supposed to generate important loss, the cost has impact on profitability. It exists various ways to manage the operational risk, from the anticipation with well-defined processes until the complaints management.
As it becomes more complicated to build up customer loyalty, the challenge for hotels continues to be the reduction of customer complaints and the improvement of customer satisfaction. The Hotel industry already implemented processes to assure a regularity in the service quality. However, customers are still complaining on a daily basis when they are victim of a service failure. The operational risk is a concept known in the bank sector and few studies exist for tourism and Hotel industry. The internship report includes a case study, created in a way to simulate various stays of a couple that comes regularly in the five stars Hotel Penha Longa Ritz-Carlton. Each complaint was solved in the best way to satisfy the client and the cost was simulated in order to measure the impact of operational risk on profitability. To conclude, operational risk has to be considered carefully, even if it is not supposed to generate important loss, the cost has impact on profitability. It exists various ways to manage the operational risk, from the anticipation with well-defined processes until the complaints management.
Reclamações Risco operacional Hotelaria Satisfação Rendibilidade