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O edificado antigo de arquitetura corrente constitui um património de elevada relevância no
contexto nacional, sobretudo pela sua presença predominante nos centros históricos. Estes
edifícios possuem características construtivas específicas e são um significativo testemunho
histórico da construção realizada em Portugal, nos séculos passados.
No entanto, a falta de atenção de que esta tipologia tem sido alvo, assim como, a falta de uma
posição concreta sobre a sua salvaguarda, coloca em risco a sua existência, bem como, a sua
preservação. Para além de problemas como o abandono e a falta de manutenção, surge outro
problema derivado desta situação: qualquer intervenção que retire os edifícios do estado de
ruina, é socialmente aceite como benéfica. Assim, e lamentavelmente, as intervenções de
atualização a que estes edifícios estão sujeitos têm-se pautado dominantemente por
abordagens que levam a uma forte descaracterização e perda dos seus valores, materializada
sobretudo por ações de índole fachadista.
Perante o atual quadro de declínio habitacional, a presente dissertação é dedicada
essencialmente ao estudo dos graus de intervenção, à análise de valores e significados,
princípios e métodos de intervenção na tipologia habitacional antiga. A investigação tem o
intuito de verificar o contributo nas intervenções, de decisões fundamentadas na Teoria da
Conservação, bem como, estabelecer um conjunto de diretrizes que orientem a sua
Para a concretização de uma fundamentada investigação foi realizada a revisão da literatura
referente à História e à Teoria da conservação e do Restauro, o que contribuiu para uma
fundamentação teórica mais criteriosa e para aclarar e estabelecer conceitos-chave para a
A análise de metodologias de intervenção e a investigação de casos práticos exemplares de
boas práticas de atuação contribuíram para uma criteriosa estruturação de conteúdos. A
pesquisa de campo e a realização de entrevistas aos arquitetos das intervenções selecionadas
foram elementos fundamentais, sendo concluído o trabalho com uma análise crítica e reflexão
sobre os resultados obtidos.
Uma intervenção prática fundamentada num saber teórico é aconselhável pela comunidade
científica. A urgência de se inverter o abandono dos centros históricos não pode justificar a
tomada de decisões/ações que destruam a identidade do que se pretende preservar. Por isso,
a relevância no estabelecimento de decisões informadas, que priorizem a recuperação das
técnicas construtivas e materiais tradicionais, adequando-os às exigências de conforto atuais.
Abstract: The current architecture of old buildings is a heritage of high relevance in the national context, particularly for its dominant presence in the historic centers. These buildings have specific building characteristics and bear significant historical evidence of portuguese construction, in past centuries. However, the lack of attention that this typology has been targeted, as well as the lack of a concrete position for its safeguard endangers its survival, as well as its preservation. In addition to problems related with neglect and lack of maintenance, arises another problem from this situation: any intervention to remove the buildings from the state of ruin is socially accepted as valuable. So, and unfortunately, interventions to upgrade these buildings have been based mostly on approaches that lead to a strong alteration and loss of its values, embodied especially by actions of fachadism. Given the current housing decline framework, this thesis is devoted mainly to the study of the degree of intervention, the analysis of values and meanings, principles and methods in the old housing typology. The research aims to verify the contribution of Theory of Conservation to ground decisions in conservation intervention and to establish a set of guidelines contributing for the safeguard of these buildings. For the achievement of a reasoned research, the literature review related to the history and theory of conservation and restoration was carried out, contributing to a more thorough theoretical foundation and to clarify and establish key concepts for the research. The analysis of intervention methodologies and the research of best practice case studies contributed to a careful content structure. The field research and the interviews with the architects of the selected interventions were key elements for the research. The work was concluded with a critical analysis and reflection on the results obtained. A pratical intervention based on theoretical knowledge is recommended by the scientific community. The urgent need to reverse the abandonment of historic centers can not justify the decisions / actions undertaken that can destroy the identity of what is intended to be preserved. Therefore, the relevancy in establishing informed decisions that prioritize the recover of traditional construction materials and techniques, adapting them to current comfort requirements.
Abstract: The current architecture of old buildings is a heritage of high relevance in the national context, particularly for its dominant presence in the historic centers. These buildings have specific building characteristics and bear significant historical evidence of portuguese construction, in past centuries. However, the lack of attention that this typology has been targeted, as well as the lack of a concrete position for its safeguard endangers its survival, as well as its preservation. In addition to problems related with neglect and lack of maintenance, arises another problem from this situation: any intervention to remove the buildings from the state of ruin is socially accepted as valuable. So, and unfortunately, interventions to upgrade these buildings have been based mostly on approaches that lead to a strong alteration and loss of its values, embodied especially by actions of fachadism. Given the current housing decline framework, this thesis is devoted mainly to the study of the degree of intervention, the analysis of values and meanings, principles and methods in the old housing typology. The research aims to verify the contribution of Theory of Conservation to ground decisions in conservation intervention and to establish a set of guidelines contributing for the safeguard of these buildings. For the achievement of a reasoned research, the literature review related to the history and theory of conservation and restoration was carried out, contributing to a more thorough theoretical foundation and to clarify and establish key concepts for the research. The analysis of intervention methodologies and the research of best practice case studies contributed to a careful content structure. The field research and the interviews with the architects of the selected interventions were key elements for the research. The work was concluded with a critical analysis and reflection on the results obtained. A pratical intervention based on theoretical knowledge is recommended by the scientific community. The urgent need to reverse the abandonment of historic centers can not justify the decisions / actions undertaken that can destroy the identity of what is intended to be preserved. Therefore, the relevancy in establishing informed decisions that prioritize the recover of traditional construction materials and techniques, adapting them to current comfort requirements.
Património construído Centro histórico Arquitetura de habitação Conservação e restauro