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A sinistralidade rodoviária é um problema recorrente na província de Maputo. Os acidentes
de viação são a causa da dor e luto nas famílias moçambicanas, e exigem ações urgentes para
reduzir a incidência desses acidentes promovendo assim, a segurança rodoviária. Neste
contexto, desenvolver um modelo de intervenção é fundamental, para ajudar a enfrentar e
prevenir essa problemática. Esta investigação estuda a sinistralidade rodoviária na província
de Maputo, identificando as causas e fatores influenciadores com objetivo de propor
soluções para combatê-las. Para a prossecução deste objetivo para a recolha de dados optou se pela entrevista a oficiais e elementos que têm influência na área da sinistralidade
rodoviária. Para a análise das mesmas optou-se pela análise de conteúdo, que permitiu definir
um modelo. O modelo proposto é baseado numa abordagem de sistemas que envolve a
participação de várias entidades, como governo, a polícia, organizações civis, entidades
privadas e toda sociedade. O modelo inclui medidas de prevenção primária, como a melhoria
da infraestrutura rodoviária, medidas secundárias como a aplicação rigorosa da legislação e
medidas de intervenção terciária para reduzir os danos em caso de acidente. Com a adoção
das medidas, é expectável a redução da imprudência dos condutores, a melhoria da qualidade
das estradas e a garantia duma mobilidade segura. A prevenção, segurança, policiamento e
mobilidade são conceitos interligados e de grande importância para garantir uma circulação
segura e eficiente nas vias públicas, minimizar os riscos de acidentes e concorrer para a
segurança e qualidade de vida de todos os cidadãos.
Road accidents are a recurrent problem in Maputo province. Road accidents have caused pain and grief in Mozambican families, and require urgent actions to reduce the incidence of these accidents, thus promoting road safety. In this context, developing an intervention model is fundamental, to help face and prevent this problem. . The research seeks to study road accidents in Maputo province, identifying the causes and influencing factors in order to propose solutions to combat them. To achieve this objective, for data collection we chose to interview officers and elements that have influence in the area of road accidents. To analyze them, we opted for content analysis, which allowed us to define a model. The proposed model is based on a systems approach that involves the participation of various entities, such as government, police, civil organizations, private entities, and society as a whole. The model includes primary prevention measures, such as improving the road infrastructure, secondary measures, such as strict enforcement of legislation, and tertiary intervention measures to reduce damage in the event of accidents. By adopting these measures, it is possible to reduce driver recklessness, improve road quality, and ensure safe mobility. Prevention, safety, policing and mobility are interconnected concepts of great importance to ensure safe and efficient circulation on public roads, minimize the risk of accidents and contribute to the safety and quality of life of all citizens.
Road accidents are a recurrent problem in Maputo province. Road accidents have caused pain and grief in Mozambican families, and require urgent actions to reduce the incidence of these accidents, thus promoting road safety. In this context, developing an intervention model is fundamental, to help face and prevent this problem. . The research seeks to study road accidents in Maputo province, identifying the causes and influencing factors in order to propose solutions to combat them. To achieve this objective, for data collection we chose to interview officers and elements that have influence in the area of road accidents. To analyze them, we opted for content analysis, which allowed us to define a model. The proposed model is based on a systems approach that involves the participation of various entities, such as government, police, civil organizations, private entities, and society as a whole. The model includes primary prevention measures, such as improving the road infrastructure, secondary measures, such as strict enforcement of legislation, and tertiary intervention measures to reduce damage in the event of accidents. By adopting these measures, it is possible to reduce driver recklessness, improve road quality, and ensure safe mobility. Prevention, safety, policing and mobility are interconnected concepts of great importance to ensure safe and efficient circulation on public roads, minimize the risk of accidents and contribute to the safety and quality of life of all citizens.
modelo de intervenção segurança rodoviária Província de Maputo gestão policial estradas seguras intervention model road safety Maputo Province police management safe roads