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As rápidas mutações a que as sociedades atuais estão sujeitas são consequência do
aumento da complexidade e dinamismo do ambiente envolvente, o que obriga as instituições,
independentemente do seu cariz público ou privado, a adaptar o seu estilo de gestão e as
metodologias de trabalho, para conseguirem sobreviver. Contudo, a mobilidade e a
flexibilidade gestionária no setor público encontram-se delimitadas, quer pelas políticas
públicas, quer pela legislação associada, colocando constantemente ao gestor público
desafios acrescidos, nomeadamente constrangimentos de ordem política, social e legal. O
setor público português também tem vindo a “ensaiar” novos modelos de gestão pública que
não podem ser dissociados das tendências ao nível do quadro internacional em que Portugal
se insere, o que implicou alterações, não só ao nível das estruturas e dos instrumentos de
gestão como também ao nível da gestão de recursos humanos. (Araújo J. , 2007, Fonseca e
Carapeto, 2009). Também o Ensino Superior público português, como resposta aos novos
contextos e exigências nacionais e transnacionais, tem sofrido profundas transformações, das
quais as decorrentes do Processo de Bolonha e a publicação do Regime Jurídico das
Instituições de Ensino Superior (RJIES), são as mais evidentes. O presente trabalho tem como
objetivo geral conhecer as mudanças organizacionais nos serviços de apoio de uma
Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES), do subsistema Politécnico decorrentes da publicação do
RJIES. Como objetivos específicos propusemo-nos caracterizar a instituição e as suas opções
estratégicas, caracterizar os serviços de apoio e as mudanças ocorridas a este nível e analisar
a perceção dos dirigentes sobre as mudanças nos serviços. Do ponto de vista metodológico,
optámos por uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, estudo de caso, pelas características e
contexto do objeto de estudo, pois a escolha de determinado caso tem por base, não apenas
o desejo do investigador de aprender com ele, mas porque também aprenderá sobre outros
casos. (Stake, 2012) Assim, realizámos uma análise documental, inquérito por entrevista a
cinco pessoas que ocupam posições de chefia na organização e mobilizámos a observação
participante. Concluímos que a instituição esteve atenta à envolvente externa, tendo, após a
publicação do RJIES, procurado realizar mudanças organizacionais adequadas ao novo
contexto e capacitando os seus trabalhadores ao longo do processo. Contudo, as mudanças,
que ocorreram desfasadas no tempo, não foram interpretadas e interiorizadas por todos os
intervenientes do mesmo modo, o que conduziu à existência de debilidades, abrindo deste
modo um espaço de melhoria organizacional.
Nowadays all societies are compelled to implement fast changes due to the increasing complexity and dynamism of the surrounding environment. In order to survive, public and private organizations must adapt their management style as well as their working methods. Although in the public sector, mobility and flexibility are bounded, not only by the public politics, but also by the legislation, which brings increasing challenges to the public managers, that must find paths to overcome political, social and legal constraints in order to reach their goals. As a response to the new context variables – economics, politics, cultural and social – the Portuguese public sector has been “rehearsing” new public management models, which must be in accordance with the international tendencies. These options implied some modifications and forced to adapt, not only the structures of the organizations, but also their management instruments and the Human Resources management. (Araújo J. , 2007, Fonseca e Carapeto, 2009). As part of the public sector, Portuguese Higher Education has been under profound transformations, in order to respond adequately to the new contexts and requirements, being the Bologna Process and the enaction of the Juridical Regime of the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (RJIES), the most important ones. The general purpose of this work is to identify the organizational changes in the support services at a Portuguese Polytechnic Institute after RJIES. As specific objectives, we intended to characterize the organization and its strategic decisions, as well as the support services and the changes occurred. We investigated the perception of five interviewer that occupy strategic positions in this organization. Methodologically, according to the theoretical context assumed, we decided to use a qualitative approach, a case study, because, according to Stake (2012), when the investigator chooses a certain case, he will not only learn from him, but he will also learn from other cases. We concluded that the organization was aware of the external environment and after RJIES, was able to promote the changes recognized as adequate, as well as ensuring that the workers would be taught the needed skill. Although, besides the fact that the changes did not occurred at the same time, they were interpreted and assimilated by the participants in different ways, which tends to show some debilities during the process and opens up space for organizational improvements.
Nowadays all societies are compelled to implement fast changes due to the increasing complexity and dynamism of the surrounding environment. In order to survive, public and private organizations must adapt their management style as well as their working methods. Although in the public sector, mobility and flexibility are bounded, not only by the public politics, but also by the legislation, which brings increasing challenges to the public managers, that must find paths to overcome political, social and legal constraints in order to reach their goals. As a response to the new context variables – economics, politics, cultural and social – the Portuguese public sector has been “rehearsing” new public management models, which must be in accordance with the international tendencies. These options implied some modifications and forced to adapt, not only the structures of the organizations, but also their management instruments and the Human Resources management. (Araújo J. , 2007, Fonseca e Carapeto, 2009). As part of the public sector, Portuguese Higher Education has been under profound transformations, in order to respond adequately to the new contexts and requirements, being the Bologna Process and the enaction of the Juridical Regime of the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (RJIES), the most important ones. The general purpose of this work is to identify the organizational changes in the support services at a Portuguese Polytechnic Institute after RJIES. As specific objectives, we intended to characterize the organization and its strategic decisions, as well as the support services and the changes occurred. We investigated the perception of five interviewer that occupy strategic positions in this organization. Methodologically, according to the theoretical context assumed, we decided to use a qualitative approach, a case study, because, according to Stake (2012), when the investigator chooses a certain case, he will not only learn from him, but he will also learn from other cases. We concluded that the organization was aware of the external environment and after RJIES, was able to promote the changes recognized as adequate, as well as ensuring that the workers would be taught the needed skill. Although, besides the fact that the changes did not occurred at the same time, they were interpreted and assimilated by the participants in different ways, which tends to show some debilities during the process and opens up space for organizational improvements.
Relatório de Dissertação/projeto/estágio/projeto
de investigação do Mestrado em Gestão
Estratégica de Recursos Humanos
Organização Modelo gestionário Ensino Superior Politécnico Mudança organizacional Recursos Humanos Organization Management model Higher Education Polytechnic Organizational change Human Resources
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais