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Todos os Homens são dotados de um direito que lhes garante o uso, disposição e fruição dos seus bens e que afasta quaisquer interferências de outras pessoas nesses bens. Estamos, claro, a falar do direito de propriedade em toda a sua plenitude.
Contudo, quando este direito de propriedade é violado, através de um crime de furto ou roubo, impõe-se aos órgãos de polícia criminal que diligenciem no sentido de recuperar os bens furtados ou roubados para que se possa devolvê-los a quem legitimamente os detinha. Esta devolução afigura-se de extrema importância pelo facto de se pretender minimizar as restrições ao direito de propriedade, i. e., ao uso, disposição e fruição dos objectos, bem como evitar manutenções desnecessárias dos objectos apreendidos.
Neste sentido, considerando que a competência para a restituição destes objectos pertence à autoridade judiciária competente de cada fase processual, resta a dúvida quanto à competência para a restituição destes objectos antes da abertura do Inquérito. Com efeito, quando os órgãos de polícia criminal recuperarem objectos no âmbito de crimes de furto ou roubo, devem proceder à apreensão desses objectos e providenciar pela rápida restituição aos seus legítimos proprietários, não devendo esperar que a autoridade judiciária determine a restituição.
Every human being has the right that guarantees them the use, the disposition and the fruition of their possessions and keeps away every type of interference of other people in those possessions. Then, we talk in property right in all its plenitude. However, when that right is violated by some sort of crime of theft or robbery, it is demanded that the criminal police works with the purpose to get back all the objects that were subtracted so they could deliver them to whom legitimately held it. This deliver is extremely important due to the requirement of minimizing the restrictions of property right, i. e., the use, the disposition and the fruition of possessions, such as avoiding unnecessary maintenance of apprehended objects. In this sense, considering that is the judicial authority, depending on the procedural stage, that has the competence of restitution of those possessions that are apprehended, it is doubtful who has that competence of restitution before the inquiry stage. Therefore, when the criminal police recover those possessions in a crime process of theft or robbery, they should proceed to the apprehension of those items and provide a quick restitution to their respective and legal owners without waiting for the judicial authority to determine that restitution.
Every human being has the right that guarantees them the use, the disposition and the fruition of their possessions and keeps away every type of interference of other people in those possessions. Then, we talk in property right in all its plenitude. However, when that right is violated by some sort of crime of theft or robbery, it is demanded that the criminal police works with the purpose to get back all the objects that were subtracted so they could deliver them to whom legitimately held it. This deliver is extremely important due to the requirement of minimizing the restrictions of property right, i. e., the use, the disposition and the fruition of possessions, such as avoiding unnecessary maintenance of apprehended objects. In this sense, considering that is the judicial authority, depending on the procedural stage, that has the competence of restitution of those possessions that are apprehended, it is doubtful who has that competence of restitution before the inquiry stage. Therefore, when the criminal police recover those possessions in a crime process of theft or robbery, they should proceed to the apprehension of those items and provide a quick restitution to their respective and legal owners without waiting for the judicial authority to determine that restitution.
apreensões objectos restituição órgão de polícia criminal direito de propriedade