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A realização do presente plano de plano de negócios foi submetida como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Gestão e Estratégia Empresarial e tem como premissa a implementação de uma empresa, cuja atividade principal é a importação de produtos alimentares de Portugal para Cabo Verde, mais concretamente para a região do Barlavento.
A empresa de seu nome Topoeste, Cabo Verde, Unipessoal, Lda será uma filial da empresa que o autor gere em Portugal e irá atuar nos mercados das ilhas de São Vicente, Santo Antão e São Nicolau. Dos vários produtos com potencial de exploração, apenas iremos trabalhar com 4 produtos (batata, cebola, cenoura e pera rocha), uma vez que a comercialização de outros produtos, nomeadamente produtos frescos, iria resultar em investimentos avultados que poderiam, numa fase inicial, comprometer a saúde financeira da empresa.
A realização deste projeto pretende demonstrar o potencial desta ideia de negócio, através da identificação de alguns dos fatores económicos e sociais do mercado alvo, que contribuem para a viabilidade do projeto, nomeadamente: a procura superior à oferta, a carga fiscal reduzida, o apoio ao IDE, a ausência de conflitos políticos, religiosos e raciais e o crescimento económico de Cabo Verde. De forma a elaborar um projeto, corretamente, fundamentado e estruturado, foi necessário utilizar uma metodologia bem definida. Deste modo, procedeu-se à realização de uma análise pormenorizada de todas as envolventes, que impactaram a viabilidade do negócio. Inicialmente, para compreender o meio de atuação, procedeu-se a uma análise do meio envolvente, posteriormente através da análise S.W.O.T, identificou-se as oportunidades e ameaças que a empresa irá encontrar, assim com as suas forças e fraquezas.
Por último, realizou-se uma análise interna à empresa, que permitiu identificar os fatores críticos para o sucesso e as vantagens competitivas que a mesma possui face ao mercado de atuação. Tendo como pressupostos os dados obtidos na análise interna e externa, delineou-se, recorrendo à matriz de Ansoff, a estratégia de penetração.
As conclusões obtidas, das referidas análises, permitiram estabelecer as estratégias de desenvolvimento, políticas de implementação, requisitos de implementação e marketing.
The fulfillment of this business plan was submitted as a partial requirement for obtaining a master's degree in Management and Business Strategy. Simultaneously, it aims to the implementation of a company, whose main activity is to import food products from Portugal to Cape Verde, more specifically for the Barlavento region. The company - named Topoeste, Cabo Verde, Unipessoal, Lda – is going to be a subsidiary of the author’s company in Portugal, which will operate in the markets of São Vicente, Santo Antão and São Nicolau islands. Of the various products with exploration potential, we will only work with 4 products (potato, onion, carrot and rock pear), since the commercialization of other products, namely fresh products, would result in large investments that could, in an initial phase, compromise financial health from the company This project aims to demonstrate the potential of this idea through the identification of some economic and social factors of the target market, namely: demand higher than supply, reduced tax burden, support for FDI, absence of political, religious and racial conflicts and economic growth in Cape Verde . In order to elaborate a properly grounded and structured project, it was necessary to use a well-defined methodology. Therefore, a detailed analysis of all the issues which contributed to the business viability was made. At first, a contextual analysis was carried out; secondly, a SWOT analysis was made to identify the threats and opportunities that the company will encounter on the food market; lastly, an internal analysis of the company was carried out, and its competitive advantages, strengths and weaknesses points related to the market were identified. The conclusions obtained from the above-mentioned analysis allowed to establish the development strategies, implementation policies, implementation requirements and marketing. Finally, but of greater relevance, the viability of the business was confirmed from an economic-financial point of view, through the results obtained in the three main financial indicators: T.I.R. 40.09%, V.A.L. 921 390 € and PayBack Period 5 years.
The fulfillment of this business plan was submitted as a partial requirement for obtaining a master's degree in Management and Business Strategy. Simultaneously, it aims to the implementation of a company, whose main activity is to import food products from Portugal to Cape Verde, more specifically for the Barlavento region. The company - named Topoeste, Cabo Verde, Unipessoal, Lda – is going to be a subsidiary of the author’s company in Portugal, which will operate in the markets of São Vicente, Santo Antão and São Nicolau islands. Of the various products with exploration potential, we will only work with 4 products (potato, onion, carrot and rock pear), since the commercialization of other products, namely fresh products, would result in large investments that could, in an initial phase, compromise financial health from the company This project aims to demonstrate the potential of this idea through the identification of some economic and social factors of the target market, namely: demand higher than supply, reduced tax burden, support for FDI, absence of political, religious and racial conflicts and economic growth in Cape Verde . In order to elaborate a properly grounded and structured project, it was necessary to use a well-defined methodology. Therefore, a detailed analysis of all the issues which contributed to the business viability was made. At first, a contextual analysis was carried out; secondly, a SWOT analysis was made to identify the threats and opportunities that the company will encounter on the food market; lastly, an internal analysis of the company was carried out, and its competitive advantages, strengths and weaknesses points related to the market were identified. The conclusions obtained from the above-mentioned analysis allowed to establish the development strategies, implementation policies, implementation requirements and marketing. Finally, but of greater relevance, the viability of the business was confirmed from an economic-financial point of view, through the results obtained in the three main financial indicators: T.I.R. 40.09%, V.A.L. 921 390 € and PayBack Period 5 years.
Empreendedorismo Plano de Negócio Mercado Alimentar Viabilidade Oportunidade de negócio