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Pretende-se a criação de um programa/sistema de avaliação inter-pares, a ser
aplicado/utilizado no âmbito de um departamento de Operações de Voo de uma
companhia aérea.
Com o objetivo prioritário de facilitar a cada TRIPULANTE uma perceção mais correta das
suas fragilidades/pontos fracos, e consequentemente alertá-lo para as atitudes
corretivas/mitigadoras, permite também que a organização retire dos dados em bloco
informação preciosa a ser utilizada na correção dos modelos de
avaliação/seleção/contratação, na conceção dos programas formativos, na adequação
de práticas operacionais.
A avaliação é feita por cada tripulante, independentemente da sua função a bordo, e
incide sobre cada um dos outros tripulantes com quem partilhe uma missão (voo,
sessão de simulador, ação formativa, etc.).
É condição sine qua non que quaisquer resultados personalizados da avaliação
proposta neste trabalho só sejam conhecidos pelos próprios visados, ou seja, só o
próprio tripulante terá acesso às avaliações de que foi alvo, e isto acontecerá de tal
forma que nunca poderá identificar/relacionar aqueles “resultados” com ninguém em
particular com quem tenha efetuado missões.
It is intended to create a program/system of peer evaluation, to be applied/used within the scope of an airline's Flight Operations department. With the primary objective of providing each crew member with a more correct perception of their weaknesses, and consequently alerting them to corrective/mitigating attitudes, it also allows the organization to extract from data in block important information to be used in evaluation/selection/hiring models correction, in the design of training programs, in the adequacy of operational practices. The assessment is carried out by each crew member, regardless of their role on board, and focuses on each of the other crew members with whom they share a mission (flight, simulator session, training action, etc.). It is a sine qua non condition that any personalized results of the evaluation proposed in this work are only known to the target persons themselves, that is, only the crew member himself will have access to the evaluations he was subject to, and this will happen in such a way that he will never be able to identify/relate those “results” with anyone in particular with whom he had done missions.
It is intended to create a program/system of peer evaluation, to be applied/used within the scope of an airline's Flight Operations department. With the primary objective of providing each crew member with a more correct perception of their weaknesses, and consequently alerting them to corrective/mitigating attitudes, it also allows the organization to extract from data in block important information to be used in evaluation/selection/hiring models correction, in the design of training programs, in the adequacy of operational practices. The assessment is carried out by each crew member, regardless of their role on board, and focuses on each of the other crew members with whom they share a mission (flight, simulator session, training action, etc.). It is a sine qua non condition that any personalized results of the evaluation proposed in this work are only known to the target persons themselves, that is, only the crew member himself will have access to the evaluations he was subject to, and this will happen in such a way that he will never be able to identify/relate those “results” with anyone in particular with whom he had done missions.
Avaliação inter-pares, Competências Não Técnicas, NOTECHS, NTS, Evidence Based Training, Peer Assessment, Non-Technical Competencies, NOTECHS, NTS, Evidence Based Training,