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As famílias compõem uma unidade fundamental da sociedade e o contexto
essencial para o desenvolvimento e bem-estar da criança. Não obstante, para que
as crianças e os jovens cresçam e se desenvolvam num meio familiar adequado e
bem-sucedido, revela-se preponderante que o exercício da parentalidade seja
O Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica
(EEESIP) por deter conhecimentos e habilidades especializados encontra-se numa
posição privilegiada para intervir de forma holística e promotora do
desenvolvimento de competências parentais, assentes no interesse superior da
A abordagem dos Cuidados Centrados na Família, o Modelo Touchpoint e a
Teoria das Transições são alguns dos referenciais que suportam o presente
O percurso metodológico, decorrente da concretização do projeto realizado,
teve como base a formação reflexiva e a aprendizagem experiencial, proveniente da
realização dos vários estágios, suportada por referenciais e evidência científica,
perspetivando a aquisição das competências comuns de Enfermeiro Especialista
(EE) e específicas de EEESIP, bem como as competências conceptuais, de análise e
síntese própria do grau de mestre.
Nos estágios foram implementadas atividades promotoras das
competências parentais, da vinculação, dos cuidados culturalmente sensíveis e do
cuidado à criança em situação de especial complexidade.
A intervenção do EEESIP, ancorada na abordagem de CCF, acresce valor à
melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados, bem como contribuiu para maximização da
saúde das crianças e suas famílias, nomeadamente nas situações de especial
complexidade ou em resposta às necessidades do ciclo de vida e de
desenvolvimento da criança e do jovem.
Families constitute a fundamental unit of society and the essential context for child development and well-being. However, for children and young people to grow and thrive in an appropriate and successful family environment, it is crucial that parenting is supported. The Specialist Nurse in Child and Pediatric Health (EEESIP), possessing specialized knowledge and skills, is in a privileged position to intervene holistically and promote parental competence, based on the best interests of the child. The Family-Centered Care approach, the Touchpoint Model, and the Theory of Transitions are some of the frameworks that support this report. The methodological approach, derived from the implementation of the project, was based on reflective learning and experiential learning gained from various stages. It was supported by references and scientific evidence, aiming to acquire both common nursing specialist competencies (EE) and specific competencies of EEESIP, as well as conceptual, analytical, and synthesis skills typical of a master’s degree. During the stages, activities were implemented to promote parental competencies, attachment, culturally sensitive care, and care for children in situations of special complexity. The intervention of the EEESIP, anchored in the Family-Centered Care approach, adds value to improving the quality of care and contributes to maximizing the health of children and their families, particularly in complex situations or in response to the child and young person’s life cycle and developmental needs.
Families constitute a fundamental unit of society and the essential context for child development and well-being. However, for children and young people to grow and thrive in an appropriate and successful family environment, it is crucial that parenting is supported. The Specialist Nurse in Child and Pediatric Health (EEESIP), possessing specialized knowledge and skills, is in a privileged position to intervene holistically and promote parental competence, based on the best interests of the child. The Family-Centered Care approach, the Touchpoint Model, and the Theory of Transitions are some of the frameworks that support this report. The methodological approach, derived from the implementation of the project, was based on reflective learning and experiential learning gained from various stages. It was supported by references and scientific evidence, aiming to acquire both common nursing specialist competencies (EE) and specific competencies of EEESIP, as well as conceptual, analytical, and synthesis skills typical of a master’s degree. During the stages, activities were implemented to promote parental competencies, attachment, culturally sensitive care, and care for children in situations of special complexity. The intervention of the EEESIP, anchored in the Family-Centered Care approach, adds value to improving the quality of care and contributes to maximizing the health of children and their families, particularly in complex situations or in response to the child and young person’s life cycle and developmental needs.
Enfermagem pediátrica Família Parentalidade Criança