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Este trabalho de investigação visa analisar a Prevenção que a GNR faz relativamente à Violência Doméstica, estudando as técnicas de prevenção e relacionando-as com os diferentes níveis e estruturas da GNR, dando especial enfoque aos PTer e aos GTer.
Foi sustentado por uma metodologia definida em diferentes fases e métodos de investigação, tais como: análise documental, inquéritos por entrevistas a entidades dos vários níveis de prevenção e inquéritos por questionário aos militares com subespecialização em NMUME dos PTer e dos GTer.
A primeira parte é composta por dois capítulos. No primeiro, é feito um enquadramento teórico sobre o tema, abordando os conceitos de Violência, Violência Doméstica, a evolução das abordagens, tanto a nível internacional, como a nível nacional, as instituições mais importantes que lidam com esta problemática, o seu enquadramento legal actual, a sua evolução estatística, as suas causas, as suas formas e o seu ciclo. No segundo é abordada a Violência Domestica na perspectiva da GNR, é debatido o apoio às vítimas, a prevenção da Violência Doméstica, o Sistema de Queixa electrónica e o projecto NMUME. Com a metodologia utilizada foi possível conhecer a realidade da Violência Doméstica e a da GNR, face a esta problemática. Por outro lado, permitiu enunciar formas de apoiar às vítimas e de prevenção da Violência Doméstica.
Na segunda parte do trabalho, através de um Questionário e de um conjunto de entrevistas realizadas ao Chefe da Chefia de Investigação Criminal, ao Cmdt do GTer de Loures e ao Cmdt do PTer de Vialonga, concluiu-se que há prevenção, no entanto, está muito aquém da sua real necessidade, muito, devido à escassez de meios, à falta de formação especifica, à falta de visibilidade da GNR junto das populações e ao número reduzido de campanhas que esta faz anualmente.
Recomenda-se uma maior preocupação com os meios que a GNR possui nos PTer e nos GTer para fazer mais e melhor Prevenção, um maior aumento de formação e de informação dos militares dos PTer e, por último, a GNR tem de fazer um maior número de campanhas de sensibilização e de formação a grupos de risco por iniciativa própria.
Abstract This research project was made in order to analyse the Prevention done by the GNR on the subject of domestic violence, studying the techniques of prevention and relating them to the different levels and structures of the GNR, emphasising the PTer and GTer. This study was supported by a methodology defined in different stages and methods of research, such as: documentary analysis, surveys through interviews with authorities of various levels of prevention and surveys through questionnaire to the military expertise in NMUME of PTer and GTer. The first part consists of two chapters. In the first chapter, it is made a theoretical framework on the subject, approaching the concepts of violence, domestic violence, the development of approaches, both at an international and at a national level, the most important institutions dealing with this problem, its legal framework in our days, its statistical evolution, its causes, its forms and its cycle. In the second chapter, it is approached the Domestic Violence in the GNR perspective, it is discussed the support to the victims, the prevention of domestic violence, the Electronic Complaint System and the NMUME project. With the methodology used, it was possible to know the reality of domestic violence and of the GNR facing this problem. On the other hand, it was allowed to enunciate forms of support to the victims and prevention of domestic violence. In the second part of the paper, through a questionnaire and a series of interviews to the Head of the Criminal Investigation Head, the GTer Commander of Loures and the PTer Commander of Vialonga, it was concluded that the prevention is there, however it is extremely inferior of its actual need, for the reason that there is lack of resources, lack of specific training, lack of visibility of the GNR to people, and also due to the small number of campaigns that the GNR does annually. It is recommended a further concern with the resources that the GNR has in PTer and GTer in order to do more and better prevention, a further increase in training and information of the PTer military, and finally, the GNR must do more awareness campaigns and training to groups at risk on its own initiative.
Abstract This research project was made in order to analyse the Prevention done by the GNR on the subject of domestic violence, studying the techniques of prevention and relating them to the different levels and structures of the GNR, emphasising the PTer and GTer. This study was supported by a methodology defined in different stages and methods of research, such as: documentary analysis, surveys through interviews with authorities of various levels of prevention and surveys through questionnaire to the military expertise in NMUME of PTer and GTer. The first part consists of two chapters. In the first chapter, it is made a theoretical framework on the subject, approaching the concepts of violence, domestic violence, the development of approaches, both at an international and at a national level, the most important institutions dealing with this problem, its legal framework in our days, its statistical evolution, its causes, its forms and its cycle. In the second chapter, it is approached the Domestic Violence in the GNR perspective, it is discussed the support to the victims, the prevention of domestic violence, the Electronic Complaint System and the NMUME project. With the methodology used, it was possible to know the reality of domestic violence and of the GNR facing this problem. On the other hand, it was allowed to enunciate forms of support to the victims and prevention of domestic violence. In the second part of the paper, through a questionnaire and a series of interviews to the Head of the Criminal Investigation Head, the GTer Commander of Loures and the PTer Commander of Vialonga, it was concluded that the prevention is there, however it is extremely inferior of its actual need, for the reason that there is lack of resources, lack of specific training, lack of visibility of the GNR to people, and also due to the small number of campaigns that the GNR does annually. It is recommended a further concern with the resources that the GNR has in PTer and GTer in order to do more and better prevention, a further increase in training and information of the PTer military, and finally, the GNR must do more awareness campaigns and training to groups at risk on its own initiative.
Guarda Nacional Republicana Violência Doméstica Apoio Prevenção Vítima Mulher
Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino