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Carreira, André Alexandre de Abreu
A emergência da Era Digital traz consigo tanto novas ferramentas tecnológicas que podem facilitar as funções relacionadas com a segurança e prevenção, como também desafios inéditos para as entidades responsáveis. Diante desse contexto, torna-se imprescindível que essas entidades se reorganizem e planeiem para enfrentar tais desafios, a fim de aproveitar plenamente as vantagens dos recursos tecnológicos disponíveis.
A presente investigação subordinada ao tema “O avanço tecnológico na prevenção da sinistralidade rodoviária grave” teve como objetivo a compreensão da necessidade crescente suprarreferida, bem como dos desafios decorrentes do surgimento das novas tecnologias e das oportunidades que podem ser aplicadas a favor da segurança rodoviária.
Para tal, foi feita uma abordagem aos conceitos de sinistralidade rodoviária grave na qual se deu destaque às suas principais causas e fatores que as potenciam. De seguida, foi feito um enquadramento legal das políticas que atualmente preveem e regulam as tecnologias emergentes e subsequentemente foram abordadas mais especificamente essas tecnologias.
A metodologia utilizada compreende uma abordagem qualitativa, cujas técnicas de recolha de dados foram a análise de literatura, a análise documental e o recurso a inquéritos por entrevista, que se regeu pelo princípio do método indutivo, uma vez que foi possível formular uma teoria geral através da análise de factos particulares.
Foi então possível aferir que existem diversas tecnologias que se mostram potencialmente eficazes na redução da sinistralidade rodoviária grave, nomeadamente os sistemas englobados pelo conceito de Mobilidade Inteligente, como os sistemas avançados de assistência à condução e a condução automatizada; e a Inteligência Artificial e que as mesmas se encontram regulamentadas e em fases avançadas de implementação ao nível da União Europeia.
Por fim, foi possível concluir que, no geral, Portugal está um pouco atrasado relativamente à implementação de tecnologias aplicáveis aos veículos e à infraestrutura, mas, é pioneiro em projetos de investigação que envolvem a aplicação da Inteligência Artificial em modelos preditivos da ocorrência de acidentes. No entanto, existem obstáculos evidenciados relativamente à conglomeração de esforços entre instituições para o desenvolvimento dessas ferramentas, o que cria atropelos na prossecução dos objetivos que devem ser considerados de interesse nacional.
The emergence of the Digital Era brings both new technological tools that can facilitate functions related to safety and prevention, as well as unprecedented challenges for the responsible entities. In this context, it is essential for these entities to reorganize and plan to face such challenges to fully leverage the advantages of available technological resources. This research, entitled "The technological advancement in the prevention of serious road accidents" aimed to understand the growing need mentioned above, as well as the challenges arising from the emergence of recent technologies and the opportunities that can be applied in favor of road safety. To this end, an approach was made to the concepts of serious road accidents, highlighting their main causes and factors that potentiate them. Subsequently, a legal framework of policies that currently foresee and regulate emerging technologies was established, followed by a more specific discussion of these technologies. The methodology used involved a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques including literature analysis, document analysis, and interview surveys. The research followed the inductive method, as it was possible to formulate a general theory through the analysis of specific facts. It was found that there are several technologies that show potential effectiveness in reducing serious road accidents, including the systems encompassed by the concept of Smart Mobility, such as advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving, as well as Artificial Intelligence. These technologies are regulated and in advanced stages of implementation in the European Union. Finally, it was concluded that, overall, Portugal is lagging in the implementation of technologies applicable to vehicles and infrastructure, but it is a pioneer in research projects involving the application of Artificial Intelligence in predictive models of accident occurrence. However, there are evident obstacles regarding the collaboration between institutions for the development of these tools, which hinders the pursuit of the objectives that should be considered of national interest.
The emergence of the Digital Era brings both new technological tools that can facilitate functions related to safety and prevention, as well as unprecedented challenges for the responsible entities. In this context, it is essential for these entities to reorganize and plan to face such challenges to fully leverage the advantages of available technological resources. This research, entitled "The technological advancement in the prevention of serious road accidents" aimed to understand the growing need mentioned above, as well as the challenges arising from the emergence of recent technologies and the opportunities that can be applied in favor of road safety. To this end, an approach was made to the concepts of serious road accidents, highlighting their main causes and factors that potentiate them. Subsequently, a legal framework of policies that currently foresee and regulate emerging technologies was established, followed by a more specific discussion of these technologies. The methodology used involved a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques including literature analysis, document analysis, and interview surveys. The research followed the inductive method, as it was possible to formulate a general theory through the analysis of specific facts. It was found that there are several technologies that show potential effectiveness in reducing serious road accidents, including the systems encompassed by the concept of Smart Mobility, such as advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving, as well as Artificial Intelligence. These technologies are regulated and in advanced stages of implementation in the European Union. Finally, it was concluded that, overall, Portugal is lagging in the implementation of technologies applicable to vehicles and infrastructure, but it is a pioneer in research projects involving the application of Artificial Intelligence in predictive models of accident occurrence. However, there are evident obstacles regarding the collaboration between institutions for the development of these tools, which hinders the pursuit of the objectives that should be considered of national interest.
Avanço tecnológico Inteligência Artificial Mobilidade Inteligente segurança rodoviária sinistralidade rodoviária grave Artificial Intelligence Road safety Serious road accidents Smart Mobility Technological advancement