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Os eventos têm demonstrado a sua relevância no contexto turístico nos últimos anos. O turista moderno não viaja apenas com o objetivo de conhecer novos lugares, mas principalmente para alcançar novas vivências e experiências.
Os eventos assumem-se como fundamentais neste contexto, pela sua capacidade de proporcionar uma perspetiva diferente e inovadora de um determinado destino e produto turístico. Os eventos tornaram-se, assim, uma motivação de viagem, podendo contribuir para a atração de turistas e para a sua fidelização. De modo a se conseguir alcançar o potencial dos eventos é fulcral que existam ações que permitam melhorar a imagem do destino e produto turístico, através de uma comunicação adequada.
O presente estudo pretende analisar o impacto do evento TAP Wine Tour, em ambas as edições (2017 e 2019) nas regiões vinícolas visitadas, designadamente, Vinho Verde, Dão, Douro, Tejo, Península de Setúbal e Alentejo. Pretende-se perceber de que forma esta iniciativa contribuiu para a promoção do produto turístico Gastronomia & Vinhos nas regiões em análise.
É dada especial relevância aos fatores de sucesso de um evento e ao modo como o mesmo pode interferir na imagem de um produto turístico nos destinos, ao nível da satisfação dos visitantes, através da perceção dos inquiridos no que concerne às caraterísticas que avaliam a qualidade do evento em estudo. Além disso, pretende-se, também, compreender a importância deste tipo de eventos e o que acrescentam às regiões, de forma a poderem criar valor, como propulsores do turismo regional.
Neste contexto, apresenta-se a caraterização do setor dos eventos e da sua importância no âmbito turístico, sendo desenvolvida uma investigação empírica, suportada na aplicação de instrumentos de medida para auscultar os organizadores, parceiros e participantes do evento.
Este estudo permitiu concluir que o TAP Wine Tour teve um impacto positivo nas regiões analisadas, por ter possibilitado a sua promoção nacional e internacional através de diversas notícias geradas. A gastronomia e os vinhos portugueses foram comunicados de forma estratégica, alcançando os principais mercados turísticos para Portugal.
Events have shown their relevance in the tourism context in recent years. The modern tourist not only travels with the purpose of knowing new places, but mainly to reach new experiences. Events are assumed to be fundamental in this context because of their ability to provide a different and innovative perspective of a particular destination and tourism product. The events have thus become a travel motivation and can contribute to the attraction of tourists and their loyalty. In order to reach the potential of the events, it is essential that there are actions to improve the image of the destination and tourism product, through adequate communication. This study aims to analyze the impact of the TAP Wine Tour event, in both editions (2017 and 2019) on the visited wine regions, namely Vinho Verde, Dão, Douro, Tejo, Setúbal Peninsula and Alentejo. It is intended to understand how this initiative contributed to the promotion of the Gastronomy & Wine Tourism product in the regions under analysis. Particular importance is given to the success factors of an event and how it can interfere with the image of a tourism product at destinations, in terms of visitor satisfaction, through respondents' perception of the characteristics that assess the quality of the event under study. In addition, it is also intended to understand the importance of such events and what they add to the regions in order to create value as drivers of regional tourism. In this context, the characterization of the events sector and its importance in the tourism area is presented. An empirical research was developed, supported by the application of measuring instruments to listen to the event organizers, partners and participants. This study allowed us to conclude that the TAP Wine Tour had a positive impact on the analyzed regions, as it made possible its national and international promotion through several generated news. Portuguese cuisine and wines were strategically communicated, reaching the main tourist markets for Portugal.
Events have shown their relevance in the tourism context in recent years. The modern tourist not only travels with the purpose of knowing new places, but mainly to reach new experiences. Events are assumed to be fundamental in this context because of their ability to provide a different and innovative perspective of a particular destination and tourism product. The events have thus become a travel motivation and can contribute to the attraction of tourists and their loyalty. In order to reach the potential of the events, it is essential that there are actions to improve the image of the destination and tourism product, through adequate communication. This study aims to analyze the impact of the TAP Wine Tour event, in both editions (2017 and 2019) on the visited wine regions, namely Vinho Verde, Dão, Douro, Tejo, Setúbal Peninsula and Alentejo. It is intended to understand how this initiative contributed to the promotion of the Gastronomy & Wine Tourism product in the regions under analysis. Particular importance is given to the success factors of an event and how it can interfere with the image of a tourism product at destinations, in terms of visitor satisfaction, through respondents' perception of the characteristics that assess the quality of the event under study. In addition, it is also intended to understand the importance of such events and what they add to the regions in order to create value as drivers of regional tourism. In this context, the characterization of the events sector and its importance in the tourism area is presented. An empirical research was developed, supported by the application of measuring instruments to listen to the event organizers, partners and participants. This study allowed us to conclude that the TAP Wine Tour had a positive impact on the analyzed regions, as it made possible its national and international promotion through several generated news. Portuguese cuisine and wines were strategically communicated, reaching the main tourist markets for Portugal.
Turismo Eventos Gastronomia Vinho Enogastronomia TAP TAP Wine Tour Promoção Comunicação Tourism Events Gastronomy Wine Enogastronomy Promotion Communication