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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o impacto que determinado tipo de recompensas
intrínsecas tem na motivação dos polícias do Comando Distrital de Castelo Branco, de modo
a aferir se estas retribuições são um fim em si mesmo contribuindo para a motivação ou, em
contrapartida, se se afiguram como um fator desagregador no meio onde são atribuídas,
criando assim um sentimento de injustiça entre pares. A perspetiva de investigação nesta
pesquisa é quantitativa, adotando-se como procedimento metodológico a realização de um
questionário aplicado a 175 polícias, com o objetivo de aferir correlações existentes, através
de uma análise bivariada que relacionará variáveis nominais e ordinais ou, em uníssono,
apenas variáveis ordinais. Para o efeito foi utilizado o teste de independência do QuiQuadrado de forma a verificar a relação de independência entre variáveis qualitativas e do
coeficiente Ró de Spearman para medir, igualmente, a intensidade da relação entre variáveis.
Das correlações efetuadas, para verificação das hipóteses elaboradas concluímos, entre
outros aspetos, que não há relação entre a atribuição de recompensas e a motivação, e que a
entrega de determinado tipo de recompensa origina uma maior discordância com a hipótese
The aim of this study is to analyse the impact that certain types of intrinsic rewards have on the motivation of the police officers from the District Command of Castelo Branco, in order to assess whether these rewards are indeed contributing to motivation or, on the other hand, appear as a disaggregating factor in the environment where they are attributed, creating a sense of injustice among peers. The research perspective of this study is quantitative, adopting as methodological procedure the completion of a questionnaire applied to 175 police officers in order to assess existing correlations, through a bivariate analysis that will relate nominal and ordinal variables or, in unison, only ordinal variables. For this purpose the Chi-square test of independence was used in order to verify the relationship of independence between qualitative variables and Spearman's rho coefficient to measure, also, the intensity of the relationship between variables. From the correlations carried out to verify the hypotheses, it was concluded, among other things, that there is no relationship between the attribution of rewards and motivation, and that the attribution of a certain type of reward leads to greater disagreement with the hypothesis launched.
The aim of this study is to analyse the impact that certain types of intrinsic rewards have on the motivation of the police officers from the District Command of Castelo Branco, in order to assess whether these rewards are indeed contributing to motivation or, on the other hand, appear as a disaggregating factor in the environment where they are attributed, creating a sense of injustice among peers. The research perspective of this study is quantitative, adopting as methodological procedure the completion of a questionnaire applied to 175 police officers in order to assess existing correlations, through a bivariate analysis that will relate nominal and ordinal variables or, in unison, only ordinal variables. For this purpose the Chi-square test of independence was used in order to verify the relationship of independence between qualitative variables and Spearman's rho coefficient to measure, also, the intensity of the relationship between variables. From the correlations carried out to verify the hypotheses, it was concluded, among other things, that there is no relationship between the attribution of rewards and motivation, and that the attribution of a certain type of reward leads to greater disagreement with the hypothesis launched.
motivação, recompensas, variável nominal, variável ordinal, motivation, nominal variable, ordinal variable, rewards