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Nos países desenvolvidos com o aumento da esperança média de vida, há um
agravamento do envelhecimento demográfico. A idade avançada é o principal fator de
risco de demência e estima-se que até 2050 cerca de 150 milhões de pessoas em todo o
mundo terão demência.
Existem fortes evidências de que a prática de exercício físico é uma estratégia para
prevenir o declínio e o prejuízo nos vários domínios funcionais em idosos com défices
cognitivos ligeiros.
Este relatório surge do estágio de opção que decorreu no Agrupamento de Centros de
Saúde, na Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade, com uma equipa de Enfermagem
Cuidados Continuados Integrados da região norte do País, para colmatar o eixo do
exercício físico no âmbito de um Projeto de Intervenção Comunitária de prevenção da
demência e do défice cognitivo ligeiro.
Objetivo: Elaborar o Programa de Exercício implementado pelo Enfermeiro Especialista
em Enfermagem de Reabilitação no âmbito de um Projeto de Intervenção Comunitária:
Programa de Exercício Físico.
Metodologia: Projeto de melhoria de qualidade nos cuidados de saúde. Realizou-se uma
revisão integrativa da literatura acerca dos efeitos do Programa de Exercício Físico no
retardar da progressão da demência e do declínio cognitivo, recorrendo às bases de dados
eletrónicas: MEDLINE complete; COCHRANE Central Register of Controlled Trials;
CINAHL Complete; Cochrance Database of Systematic Reviews; Nursing & Allied
Health Collection: Comprehensive via EBSCO.
Resultados: Verificou-se que através do exercício físico, nomeadamente da combinação
de exercícios aeróbios, força, resistência, equilíbrio, treino de marcha e de dupla-tarefa,
existem melhorias na capacidade funcional e cognitiva em idosos com demência e défice
cognitivo ligeiro.
Conclusão: Através dos resultados obtidos da revisão integrativa da literatura elaborou se o Programa de Exercício implementado pelo Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem
de Reabilitação no Projeto de Intervenção Comunitária: Programa de Exercício Físico
In developed countries with the increase in average life expectancy, there is a worsening of demographic aging. Advanced age is the main risk factor for dementia and it is estimated that by 2050 around 150 million people worldwide will have dementia. There is strong evidence that the practice of physical exercise is a method to prevent decline and impairment in the various functional domains in elderly people with mild cognitive deficits. This report arises from the option stage that took place in the Grouping of Health Centers, in a Community Care Unite, with an Integrated Continuing Care team in the northern region of the country, in order to fill the axis of physical activity in the scope of a Community Intervention Project for the prevention of Mild Cognitive Decline. Objective: Elaborate the Exercise Program implemented by the Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing within the scope of the Community Intervention Project: Physical Exercise Program. Methodology: Health care quality improvement project. An Integrative Literature Review on the effects of Physical Exercise Program on slowing the progression of dementia and mild cognitive deficits was performed using the electronic databases: MEDLINE complete; COCHRANE Central Register of Controlled Trials; CINAHL Complete; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive via EBSCO. Results: It was found that through physical exercise, namely the combination of aerobic exercises, strength, resistance, balance, gait training and double-task, there are improvements in functional and cognitive capacity in the elderly with dementia and mild cognitive deficits. Conclusion: Through the results obtained from the Integrative Literature Review elaborated the Exercise Program implemented by the Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing in the Community Intervention Project: Physical Exercise Program.
In developed countries with the increase in average life expectancy, there is a worsening of demographic aging. Advanced age is the main risk factor for dementia and it is estimated that by 2050 around 150 million people worldwide will have dementia. There is strong evidence that the practice of physical exercise is a method to prevent decline and impairment in the various functional domains in elderly people with mild cognitive deficits. This report arises from the option stage that took place in the Grouping of Health Centers, in a Community Care Unite, with an Integrated Continuing Care team in the northern region of the country, in order to fill the axis of physical activity in the scope of a Community Intervention Project for the prevention of Mild Cognitive Decline. Objective: Elaborate the Exercise Program implemented by the Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing within the scope of the Community Intervention Project: Physical Exercise Program. Methodology: Health care quality improvement project. An Integrative Literature Review on the effects of Physical Exercise Program on slowing the progression of dementia and mild cognitive deficits was performed using the electronic databases: MEDLINE complete; COCHRANE Central Register of Controlled Trials; CINAHL Complete; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive via EBSCO. Results: It was found that through physical exercise, namely the combination of aerobic exercises, strength, resistance, balance, gait training and double-task, there are improvements in functional and cognitive capacity in the elderly with dementia and mild cognitive deficits. Conclusion: Through the results obtained from the Integrative Literature Review elaborated the Exercise Program implemented by the Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing in the Community Intervention Project: Physical Exercise Program.
Curso de Mestrado ministrado em parceria com Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny e Escola Superior de Enfermagem Dr. José Timóteo Montalvão Machado
Demência Exercício Físico Enfermeiro Reabilitação