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Introdução: Refletir sobre a prática clínica e as variadas competências adquiridas durante
o percurso formativo, enquanto estudante do Mestrado de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica,
revela-se fundamental, pois permite realizar uma autoanálise e verificar se se atingiram
os objetivos delineados. A Promoção da Esperança em Pais de Crianças com
Necessidades Especiais, através da inclusão de intervenções no plano de cuidados diários,
emerge como uma prioridade para os Enfermeiros Especialistas em Saúde Infantil e
Pediátrica. Ajudar os pais a desenvolver mecanismos de adaptação e planearem o futuro,
permite obter resultados positivos e benefícios não só para eles, como para a criança
Objetivo: Elaborar uma análise crítico-reflexiva sobre o percurso formativo e de
aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências de Enfermeiro Especialista em
Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica nos diversos contextos da prática clínica;
realizar uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura e desenvolver uma proposta de intervenção
que permita dar resposta às diferentes necessidades verificadas.
Metodologia: Estudo do tipo descritivo, crítico reflexivo na primeira parte e
posteriormente uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura com recurso a seis bases de dados,
utilizando os descritores MeSH e critérios de inclusão e exclusão previamente definidos.
Resultados: Foram adquiridas competências do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem
de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, desenvolvendo práticas refletidas com base na prática
baseada na evidência. Da pesquisa efetuada foi possível identificar as Intervenções de
Avaliação da Esperança dos Pais de Crianças com Necessidades Especiais, que englobam
os significados, as barreiras e os facilitadores (incluindo crenças), assim como, as
Intervenções para a Promoção da Esperança.
Conclusões: As competências específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem
de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica são fundamentais para que exista uma adequação dos
cuidados às necessidades de saúde da criança e da sua família, uma vez que, têm por base
o modelo de Cuidados Centrados na Família. É necessária uma sensibilização aos
enfermeiros para a utilização das Intervenções Promotoras de Esperança, de modo a
promover nos pais uma transição com Esperança. Neste sentido, foi elaborada uma
sugestão/ proposta de intervenção nesta área
Introduction: Reflecting on the clinical practice and diverse skills acquired during the years in formative period, as a Master in Children´s and Paediatric Health student, shows to be fundamental in performing a self-analysis and assuring the set goals were achieved. The Promotion of Hope in Parents with Special Needs Children, through inclusion of interventions in the daily care plan, must be a priority for a Specialist Nurse in Children´s and Paediatric Health. Helping parents develop coping mechanisms and planning for the future, achieves positive results and benefits not only them but the child as well. Objective: Develop a critical and reflective analysis on the formative period and acquisition and development of skills as a Specialist Nurse in Children´s and Paediatric Health in the several context of the clinical practice; Perform an Integrative Literature Review and develop a proposal for intervention that will allow to answer the different needs identified Methodology: Descriptive and critical-reflective study on the first part and Literature review research, using six databases, Mesh descriptors and previously defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Specialist Nurse in Children's and Paediatric Health skills were acquired, developing evidence-based practices. From the research done it was obtained Interventions in Evaluation of Hope in Parents with Special Needs children, that includes the meaning, barriers and facilitators (including beliefs), as well as Interventions for their Promotion. Conclusions: The Specialist Nurse in Children´s and Paediatric Health specific skills are essential to have adequacy in care of the health needs of the child and their family, as they have at their core the Family Centered Care Model. Nurses need to be made aware of the use of Hope Promoting Interventions, in order to promote in parents a transition with Hope. In this sense, a suggestion/proposal for intervention in this area was elaborated.
Introduction: Reflecting on the clinical practice and diverse skills acquired during the years in formative period, as a Master in Children´s and Paediatric Health student, shows to be fundamental in performing a self-analysis and assuring the set goals were achieved. The Promotion of Hope in Parents with Special Needs Children, through inclusion of interventions in the daily care plan, must be a priority for a Specialist Nurse in Children´s and Paediatric Health. Helping parents develop coping mechanisms and planning for the future, achieves positive results and benefits not only them but the child as well. Objective: Develop a critical and reflective analysis on the formative period and acquisition and development of skills as a Specialist Nurse in Children´s and Paediatric Health in the several context of the clinical practice; Perform an Integrative Literature Review and develop a proposal for intervention that will allow to answer the different needs identified Methodology: Descriptive and critical-reflective study on the first part and Literature review research, using six databases, Mesh descriptors and previously defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Specialist Nurse in Children's and Paediatric Health skills were acquired, developing evidence-based practices. From the research done it was obtained Interventions in Evaluation of Hope in Parents with Special Needs children, that includes the meaning, barriers and facilitators (including beliefs), as well as Interventions for their Promotion. Conclusions: The Specialist Nurse in Children´s and Paediatric Health specific skills are essential to have adequacy in care of the health needs of the child and their family, as they have at their core the Family Centered Care Model. Nurses need to be made aware of the use of Hope Promoting Interventions, in order to promote in parents a transition with Hope. In this sense, a suggestion/proposal for intervention in this area was elaborated.
Curso de Mestrado ministrado em parceria com Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny
Esperança Doença Pais Enfermeiro