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Os sismos podem causar várias vítimas e danos importantes nas edificações e infraestruturas, não apenas no momento da ocorrência, mas posteriormente, tanto devido a instabilidades estruturais geradas, assim como réplicas posteriores que podem originar o colapso das estruturas envolventes. A fim de evitar estas situações, torna-se conveniente aplicar escoramentos e reforços de emergência imediatamente após o sismo. Os escoramentos provisórios de emergência têm como finalidade permitirem suportar temporariamente as estruturas, proporcionando estabilidade, aumento da segurança às operações de busca e salvamento e à continuidade das atividades sociais e económicas. As soluções de escoramento e reforço são diversas e devem ser criteriosamente escolhidas em função dos danos apresentados na estrutura, o que obriga a inspeções técnicas objetivas, claras e concisas.
Neste artigo, apresentam-se vários tipos de contenção de emergência a ser aplicada para as questões específicas detetadas, considerando a urgência da intervenção, tipo de dano, localização do dano, entre outros. Procura-se também que a solução passe pela utilização de materiais de uso comum na construção tais como as escoras metálicas, tirantes, etc., que deverão ser de aquisição breve e simples por parte das equipas de apoio integradas.
Earthquakes can cause several casualties and major damage to buildings and infrastructures, not only at the time of occurrence, but later, both due to structural instabilities generated as well as subsequent replicates that can lead to the collapse of the surrounding structures. In order to avoid these situations, it is advisable to apply emergency struts and reinforcements immediately after the earthquake. Temporary emergency shoring has the purpose of temporarily supporting structures, providing stability, increasing the security for search and rescue operations, and the continuity of social and economic activities. The shoring and reinforcement solutions are diverse and should be carefully chosen in view of the damage presented in the structure, which requires objective, clear and concise technical inspections. In this paper, it is shown several types of emergency containment to be applied in specific situations, considering the urgency of the intervention, type of damage, location of damage, among others. It is also sought that the solution employs materials commonly used in construction such as metallic struts, tie rods, etc., which should be of fast and simple acquisition by the integrated support teams.
Earthquakes can cause several casualties and major damage to buildings and infrastructures, not only at the time of occurrence, but later, both due to structural instabilities generated as well as subsequent replicates that can lead to the collapse of the surrounding structures. In order to avoid these situations, it is advisable to apply emergency struts and reinforcements immediately after the earthquake. Temporary emergency shoring has the purpose of temporarily supporting structures, providing stability, increasing the security for search and rescue operations, and the continuity of social and economic activities. The shoring and reinforcement solutions are diverse and should be carefully chosen in view of the damage presented in the structure, which requires objective, clear and concise technical inspections. In this paper, it is shown several types of emergency containment to be applied in specific situations, considering the urgency of the intervention, type of damage, location of damage, among others. It is also sought that the solution employs materials commonly used in construction such as metallic struts, tie rods, etc., which should be of fast and simple acquisition by the integrated support teams.
Trabalho apresentado em em 11º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, 29-30 abril 2019, Lisboa, Portugal
Sismo Escoramento Emergência Dano Estruturas Earthquake Shoring Emergency Damage Structures