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O presente relatório surge no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem de
Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica da Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria, tendo como
objetivo central apresentar o percurso realizado no âmbito do desenvolvimento e
aquisição de competências para a obtenção do grau de Mestre e título de Enfermeiro
Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica.
No primeiro capítulo, recorre-se a uma metodologia crítico-reflexiva
fundamentada na evidência, onde se faz a apresentação, organização e reflexão das
atividades realizadas durante os estágios e que permitiram o desenvolvimento e a
aquisição das competências comuns e específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde
Infantil e Pediátrica.
Para além de todas as competências do Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil
e Pediátrica desenvolvidas, observou-se no decorrer dos estágios a necessidade de intervir
quer na capacitação dos pais para lidar com situações emergentes, quer na prevenção de
acidentes. Assim, aprofunda-se uma área de atuação dos mesmos Enfermeiros
Especialistas, considerando que as lesões acidentais nas crianças se assumem como um
verdadeiro problema de saúde pública, devido à gravidade associada, acarretando custos
significativos ao nível da saúde e bem-estar das crianças, jovens e das suas famílias.
Apesar da sua incidência ter diminuído consideravelmente ao longo dos anos devido a
um esforço consertado no caminho da sua prevenção, esta continua a ser uma área que
necessita de uma atenção e intervenção especializada. Nesse sentido, assumiu-se como
um tema fulcral e aprofundado na realização de uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura,
apresentada no segundo capítulo, de forma a identificar quais as intervenções do
Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica na prevenção de lesões acidentais
no domicílio em crianças dos 0 aos 5 anos de idade.
As bases de dados utilizadas foram a MEDLINE Complete, CINAHL Complete,
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Nursing & Allied Health Collection:
Comprehensive e Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, através de termos MESH
com recurso ao modelo PICO.
Dos 390 artigos obtidos foram selecionados 22 segundo os critérios de inclusão e
exclusão previamente definidos. Os resultados demonstraram que as principais
intervenções incluem ações educacionais junto dos pais e outros cuidadores significativos
relativos à segurança em casa, nos comportamentos de risco de lesão e também sobre
supervisão parental; à intervenção junto das próprias crianças através de sessões de
educação com recurso a alguns instrumentos específicos, como é o caso dos livros de
histórias; ao desenvolvimento de tecnologias, especialmente aplicações para
smartphones, com o objetivo de prevenir lesões não intencionais e capacitar os pais no
que concerne à supervisão de crianças, assim como, serviços de mensagens de texto e voz
com esse fim.
Com base nestes resultados apresenta-se uma proposta de intervenção que permita
aumentar o conhecimento e capacitação na prevenção de lesões acidentais, através do
recurso a tecnologias e visitas domiciliárias para permitir o levantamento de situações de
risco das famílias.
Ficou bem patente a importância que o Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil
e Pediátrica tem na capacitação dos pais em diversos domínios da parentalidade, quer em
âmbito hospitalar, quer no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários, com destaque na
promoção de segurança infantil e na prevenção de acidentes que ocorrem no domicílio,
através de intervenções adequadas em cooperação com as famílias, as próprias
crianças/jovens e outros profissionais de saúde.
This report is part of the Master's Degree in Nursing in Child Health and Pediatrics at Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria, and its main objective is to present the de velopment and acquisition of skills for obtaining the Master's Degree and the title of Spe cialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics. In the first chapter, a reflective methodology based on scientific evidence is used to present, organize, and reflect on the activities carried out throughout the internship process, which allowed for the development and acquisition of the common and specific sets of skills of the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics. In addition to all the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics skills devel oped, it was observed during the internships the need for intervention both in the training of parents to deal with emerging situations as well as preventing accidents. Thus, an area of expertise of these Specialist Nurses is deepened, considering that accidental injuries in children are a true public health problem due to their associated severity, resulting in significant costs to the health and well-being of children, young people, and their families. Although its incidence has decreased considerably over the years due to a concerted effort toward prevention, it continues to be an area that requires specialized attention and inter vention. In this sense, it was assumed as a central theme that led to an Integrative Litera ture Review, presented in the second chapter, in order to identify the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics interventions in the prevention of accidental injuries at home in children aged 0 to 5 years old. The databases used were MEDLINE Complete, CINAHL Complete, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Compre hensive e Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews using the MESH terms and applying the PICO model. Of the 390 articles obtained, 22 were eligible according to previously defined in clusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that the main interventions include educational actions with parents and other significant caregivers about safety at home, injury risk behaviors, and also about parental supervision; intervention with the children themselves through education sessions using some specific instruments, such as story books; development of technologies, especially applications for smartphones, with the purpose of preventing unintentional injuries and empowering parents regarding the su pervision of children as well as text and voice messaging services for this purpose. Based on these results, an intervention proposal is presented to increase knowledge and training in the prevention of accidental injuries, through the use of tech nologies and home visits to identify risk situations in families. . The importance that Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics has in em powering parents in several areas of parenting, both in hospital settings and in primary health care, with emphasis on the promotion of child safety and the prevention of domes tic accidents, through appropriate interventions in cooperation with families, children and young people themselves and other health professionals, was clearly evident.
This report is part of the Master's Degree in Nursing in Child Health and Pediatrics at Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria, and its main objective is to present the de velopment and acquisition of skills for obtaining the Master's Degree and the title of Spe cialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics. In the first chapter, a reflective methodology based on scientific evidence is used to present, organize, and reflect on the activities carried out throughout the internship process, which allowed for the development and acquisition of the common and specific sets of skills of the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics. In addition to all the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics skills devel oped, it was observed during the internships the need for intervention both in the training of parents to deal with emerging situations as well as preventing accidents. Thus, an area of expertise of these Specialist Nurses is deepened, considering that accidental injuries in children are a true public health problem due to their associated severity, resulting in significant costs to the health and well-being of children, young people, and their families. Although its incidence has decreased considerably over the years due to a concerted effort toward prevention, it continues to be an area that requires specialized attention and inter vention. In this sense, it was assumed as a central theme that led to an Integrative Litera ture Review, presented in the second chapter, in order to identify the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics interventions in the prevention of accidental injuries at home in children aged 0 to 5 years old. The databases used were MEDLINE Complete, CINAHL Complete, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Compre hensive e Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews using the MESH terms and applying the PICO model. Of the 390 articles obtained, 22 were eligible according to previously defined in clusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that the main interventions include educational actions with parents and other significant caregivers about safety at home, injury risk behaviors, and also about parental supervision; intervention with the children themselves through education sessions using some specific instruments, such as story books; development of technologies, especially applications for smartphones, with the purpose of preventing unintentional injuries and empowering parents regarding the su pervision of children as well as text and voice messaging services for this purpose. Based on these results, an intervention proposal is presented to increase knowledge and training in the prevention of accidental injuries, through the use of tech nologies and home visits to identify risk situations in families. . The importance that Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatrics has in em powering parents in several areas of parenting, both in hospital settings and in primary health care, with emphasis on the promotion of child safety and the prevention of domes tic accidents, through appropriate interventions in cooperation with families, children and young people themselves and other health professionals, was clearly evident.
Curso de Mestrado ministrado em parceria com Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny
Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica Prevenção de acidentes Crianças Intervenções de Enfermagem