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Devido ao aparecimento do Covid-19 no mundo, muitas empresas
viram-se obrigadas a fechar os seus locais físicos de trabalho, e a exigirem ou a
solicitarem aos seus funcionários que passassem a efetuar trabalho remoto. Na
época, havia já algumas empresas a nível mundial a trabalhar deste modo,
porém não eram a maioria, nem esta forma de operar era aplicável à
globalidade do tecido empresarial.
Durante este período, inicia-se para a sociedade uma mudança de
paradigma no que se refere às formas de trabalho, que veio dar azo ao
aparecimento de oportunidades para abertura de novos negócios. Além disto,
após muitos meses de isolamento, outro fator que se tornou relevante foi a
importância que passou a ser dada ao sentimento de pertença a uma
comunidade. Uma vez que durante o isolamento muitas pessoas estiveram
completamente sozinhas e sentiam a necessidade de terem alguém com
quem falar além da família e amigos. Os espaços de Coworking tornam-se
assim mais interessantes ao olhar de um trabalhador comum, que outrora
trabalhava fisicamente num escritório da sua empresa, e após esse período
passou a possuir liberdade geográfica e a poder trabalhar onde melhor se
sentisse. Além destes espaços se destinarem ao trabalho, são também locais
que possuem uma grande sinergia de empresas, o que permite que os
membros façam networking entre si e ainda tenham a possibilidade criarem
Foi assim, que surgiram os “Espaços Benfica”, que disponibilizam
diferentes serviços tais como, escritórios privados, salas de reunião, mesas fixas,
mesas flexíveis, cabines telefónicas, sala de apresentações e escritórios virtuais.
Neste espaço pretende-se que exista uma boa interação entre os seus
utilizadores/membros e com a Comunidade, pelo que está prevista a
realização semanal de eventos, existindo ainda um canal de interação ao
qual todos os membros terão acesso e onde poderão comunicar entre si.
The appearance of Covid-19 around the world forced many companies to close their physical workplaces and require or encourage their employees to work remotely. At the time, there were already a few companies around the world that were doing this, but they were not the majority, nor was this a way of working that was applicable to the entire business sector. At the time, society was undergoing a paradigm shift in the way it viewed work, which created opportunities for new businesses to emerge. In addition, after many months of isolation, another factor that became relevant was the importance that began to be attached to the feeling of belonging to a community. During the isolation period, many people were completely alone and felt the need to have someone to talk to other than family and friends. Coworking spaces thus become more interesting from the perspective of an ordinary worker who used to work physically in an office of their company and after that period began to have geographical freedom and be able to work where they felt most comfortable. In addition to being dedicated to work, these spaces are also places where there is great synergy between companies, allowing members to network with each other and also to create partnerships. This is how "Benfica Spaces" came into being, offering different services such as private offices, meeting rooms, fixed tables, flexible tables, telephone booths, presentation rooms and virtual offices. In this space, it is intended that there should be good interaction between its users/members and with the community, which is why weekly events are planned, and there is also an interaction channel to which all members have access and where they can communicate with each other.
The appearance of Covid-19 around the world forced many companies to close their physical workplaces and require or encourage their employees to work remotely. At the time, there were already a few companies around the world that were doing this, but they were not the majority, nor was this a way of working that was applicable to the entire business sector. At the time, society was undergoing a paradigm shift in the way it viewed work, which created opportunities for new businesses to emerge. In addition, after many months of isolation, another factor that became relevant was the importance that began to be attached to the feeling of belonging to a community. During the isolation period, many people were completely alone and felt the need to have someone to talk to other than family and friends. Coworking spaces thus become more interesting from the perspective of an ordinary worker who used to work physically in an office of their company and after that period began to have geographical freedom and be able to work where they felt most comfortable. In addition to being dedicated to work, these spaces are also places where there is great synergy between companies, allowing members to network with each other and also to create partnerships. This is how "Benfica Spaces" came into being, offering different services such as private offices, meeting rooms, fixed tables, flexible tables, telephone booths, presentation rooms and virtual offices. In this space, it is intended that there should be good interaction between its users/members and with the community, which is why weekly events are planned, and there is also an interaction channel to which all members have access and where they can communicate with each other.
Projeto profissional Plano de negócio Espaço de trabalho Coworking Networking