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A violência doméstica é um grave problema do ponto de vista securitário e um fenómeno
social perverso e multifacetado, que exige uma resposta multidisciplinar. A Polícia de
Segurança Pública tem desenvolvido alguns modelos de resposta integrada de apoio à
vítima, contando com uma articulação interna entre valências policiais e, sobretudo, com
uma forte cooperação interinstitucional. Sendo que a literatura destaca positivamente a
atuação do Gabinete de Atendimento e Informação à Vítima (GAIV) do Porto, verifica-se a
necessidade de o comparar com outros, tendo-se escolhido a Casa da Maria e o Espaço
Júlia (em Lisboa). Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, através da aplicação de
entrevistas a profissionais enquadrados nos três modelos, sendo as mesmas transcritas e
sujeitas à técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados permitem verificar que a resposta
processual/policial é semelhante em todos, sendo salvaguardadas especificidades inerentes
aos contextos sociais locais, maxime no que concerne aos contactos com entidades
externas, demonstrando-se maior proximidade e desburocratização nos casos do GAIV e
da Casa da Maria, sitos em meios com menor dispersão de entidades. Sublinha-se que o
GAIV não incorpora técnicos de apoio à vítima no ato de receção das denúncias, o que
acontece nos outros modelos e é visto pelos participantes como o ideal. Foi ainda
constituído um focus group, com polícias com experiência profissional e/ou académica na
temática, para prospetivar formas de aprimorar o contributo da polícia neste âmbito,
concluindo-se que o caminho deverá passar pela implementação de novos normativos
internos que preveem a criação de mais espaços como os comparados neste estudo, um
reforço de articulação interna, a incorporação de técnicos de apoio à vítima na receção de
denúncias e a criação e estreitamento de parcerias, defendendo-se ainda um reforço de
proximidade com as escolas. O caminho percorrido até então é visto como positivo, sendo,
contudo, necessária a continuação de um investimento nestas matérias.
Domestic violence is a serious problem from the security point of view and a perverse and multifaceted social phenomenon, which requires a multidisciplinary response. The Public Security Police has developed some models of integrated response to victim support, in which there is an internal articulation between police departments and, above all, a strong inter-institutional cooperation. As the literature highlights positively the performance of the Victim Assistance and Information Office (GAIV) of Porto, there is a need to compare it with others, and Casa da Maria and Espaço Júlia (in Lisbon) were chosen. A qualitative approach was adopted, through the application of interviews to professionals framed in the three models, which were transcribed and subjected to the content analysis technique. The results allow us to verify that the procedural/police response is similar in all of them, safeguarding the specificities inherent to the local social contexts, mainly in what concerns the contacts with external entities, demonstrating greater proximity and less bureaucracy in the cases of GAIV and Casa da Maria, located in environments with less dispersion of entities. It should be noted that GAIV does not incorporate victim support technicians in the act of receiving the complaints, which happens in the other models and is seen by the participants as the ideal. A focus group composed by police officers with professional and/or academic experience in this area was also set up, to explore ways to improve the contribution of the police in this field. It was concluded that the path should include the implementation of new internal regulations, which foresee the creation of more spaces such as the ones compared in this study, a reinforcement of internal articulation, the incorporation of victim support technicians in the reception of complaints and the creation and strengthening of partnerships. The path travelled so far is seen as positive, being however, necessary the continuation of an investment in these matters
Domestic violence is a serious problem from the security point of view and a perverse and multifaceted social phenomenon, which requires a multidisciplinary response. The Public Security Police has developed some models of integrated response to victim support, in which there is an internal articulation between police departments and, above all, a strong inter-institutional cooperation. As the literature highlights positively the performance of the Victim Assistance and Information Office (GAIV) of Porto, there is a need to compare it with others, and Casa da Maria and Espaço Júlia (in Lisbon) were chosen. A qualitative approach was adopted, through the application of interviews to professionals framed in the three models, which were transcribed and subjected to the content analysis technique. The results allow us to verify that the procedural/police response is similar in all of them, safeguarding the specificities inherent to the local social contexts, mainly in what concerns the contacts with external entities, demonstrating greater proximity and less bureaucracy in the cases of GAIV and Casa da Maria, located in environments with less dispersion of entities. It should be noted that GAIV does not incorporate victim support technicians in the act of receiving the complaints, which happens in the other models and is seen by the participants as the ideal. A focus group composed by police officers with professional and/or academic experience in this area was also set up, to explore ways to improve the contribution of the police in this field. It was concluded that the path should include the implementation of new internal regulations, which foresee the creation of more spaces such as the ones compared in this study, a reinforcement of internal articulation, the incorporation of victim support technicians in the reception of complaints and the creation and strengthening of partnerships. The path travelled so far is seen as positive, being however, necessary the continuation of an investment in these matters
Resposta integrada de apoio à vitima Polícia de segurança pública Violência doméstica Cooperação interinstitucional Integrated response to victim support Public Security Police Domestic violence Interinstitutional cooperation.