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A COVID-19 é uma doença causada pela infeção pelo novo Coronavírus (SARSCoV-2). A doença manifesta-se predominantemente por sintomas respiratórios, nomeadamente, febre, tosse e dificuldade respiratória, podendo também existir outros sintomas, entre os quais, odinofagia, dores musculares generalizadas, cefaleias, fraqueza, e com menor frequência, náuseas/vómitos e diarreia (Norma 022/2020 da DGS).
Durante a pandemia a maior parte dos tratamentos clínicos dentários previstos foram suspensos, sendo que alguns não foram iniciados e outros não concluídos, pois de acordo com as diretrizes da Direção geral da saúde (DGS) os consultórios tiveram de ser obrigados a encerrar devido a evolução pandémica (Despacho n.º 3301-A/2020).
Com o aparecimento do vírus, a gravidade da situação, o total desconhecimento da doença e modo de transmissibilidade, foram adotadas medidas restritivas no acesso às consultas (Norma 022/2020 da DGS).
Com o retomar da atividade denotou-se um agravamento dos casos clínicos, assim como uma insegurança na procura do dentista, bem como nos possíveis casos que não tiveram um diagnóstico precoce e levaram a uma deterioração (Daly & Black, 2020).
Durante a pandemia foram usados para o tratamento da doença medicamentos de forma rotineira e experimental aos pacientes com covid-19, na qual causavam efeitos colaterais como consequência da terapia farmacológica intensa, alguns pacientes mesmo após a recuperação completa da enfermidade, acabavam por apresentar problemas dentários/orais associados a tecidos moles e produção de saliva. Uma vez que para manter uma boa saúde oral é necessária uma boa higienização diária, assim como a visita regular a um dentista (Dziedzic & Wojtyczka, 2020; Ordem dos médicos dentistas, 2017).
A pandemia da COVID-19 trouxe um desafio sem precedentes para os sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo. Em particular, o risco para os profissionais de saúde é uma das maiores vulnerabilidades dos sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo. Considerando que a maioria dos profissionais de saúde não consegue trabalhar remotamente (Nicola et al., 2020).
COVID-19 is a disease caused by infection with the novel Coronavirus (SARSCoV- 2). The disease primarily manifests with respiratory symptoms, including fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, and may also include other symptoms such as sore throat, generalized muscle pain, headaches, weakness, and less frequently, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea (Norma 022/2020 da DGS). During the pandemic, the majority of planned dental clinical treatments were suspended, with some not even initiated and others left unfinished, as per DGS guidelines that required the closure of dental offices due to the evolving pandemic situation (Despacho n. º 3301-A/2020). With the emergence of the virus and the severity of the situation, as well as the limited knowledge about the disease and its mode of transmission, restrictive measures were implemented to access dental appointments (Despacho n. º 3301-A/2020). Upon resumption of activity, an aggravation of clinical cases was observed, as well as a sense of insecurity in seeking dental care, including potential cases that were not diagnosed early, leading to deterioration (Daly & Black, 2020). During the pandemic, routine and experimental medications were used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, resulting in side effects due to intense pharmacological therapy. Even after complete recovery from COVID-19, some patients may experience dental/oral problems related to soft tissues and saliva production (Dziedzic & Wojtyczka, 2020). Furthermore, maintaining good oral health requires daily hygiene practices and regular visits to a dentist (Ordem dos médicos dentistas, 2017). The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an unprecedented challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. Particularly, the risk faced by healthcare professionals is one of the greatest vulnerabilities of healthcare systems globally, given that most healthcare professionals cannot work remotely (Nicola et al., 2020).
COVID-19 is a disease caused by infection with the novel Coronavirus (SARSCoV- 2). The disease primarily manifests with respiratory symptoms, including fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, and may also include other symptoms such as sore throat, generalized muscle pain, headaches, weakness, and less frequently, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea (Norma 022/2020 da DGS). During the pandemic, the majority of planned dental clinical treatments were suspended, with some not even initiated and others left unfinished, as per DGS guidelines that required the closure of dental offices due to the evolving pandemic situation (Despacho n. º 3301-A/2020). With the emergence of the virus and the severity of the situation, as well as the limited knowledge about the disease and its mode of transmission, restrictive measures were implemented to access dental appointments (Despacho n. º 3301-A/2020). Upon resumption of activity, an aggravation of clinical cases was observed, as well as a sense of insecurity in seeking dental care, including potential cases that were not diagnosed early, leading to deterioration (Daly & Black, 2020). During the pandemic, routine and experimental medications were used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, resulting in side effects due to intense pharmacological therapy. Even after complete recovery from COVID-19, some patients may experience dental/oral problems related to soft tissues and saliva production (Dziedzic & Wojtyczka, 2020). Furthermore, maintaining good oral health requires daily hygiene practices and regular visits to a dentist (Ordem dos médicos dentistas, 2017). The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an unprecedented challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. Particularly, the risk faced by healthcare professionals is one of the greatest vulnerabilities of healthcare systems globally, given that most healthcare professionals cannot work remotely (Nicola et al., 2020).
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COVID-19 Saúde oral Pandemia Confinamento