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O presente trabalho de investigação subordinado ao tema "O Impacto das Crises nas Organizações e o Papel do Marketing na Mitigação dos Danos: O Impacto nas Organizações Desportivas" surge no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação, lecionada pelo docente Professor Luís Schwab, no curso de formação em Gestão de Marketing, com o propósito da obtenção do Grau de Mestre.
Esta investigação procura evidenciar de que forma o marketing pode mitigar os danos provocados pelas crises. A fim de alcançar tal objetivo, adotou-se a abordagem metodológica mista uma vez que esta permite, não só analisar os resultados financeiros das organizações, mas também explorar e compreender as opiniões e as experiências dos clientes e das organizações em estudo. Esta investigação foi realizada com base em relatórios anuais de contas, entrevistas e um inquérito aos consumidores.
Os resultados do estudo sugerem que as crises têm um impacto direto significativo nas receitas das equipas, que a introdução do marketing desportivo como variável moderadora tem um impacto negativo nas receitas, ou seja, quando há um maior investimento em marketing desportivo, o impacto das crises nas receitas é menor. No entanto o efeito de interação não é significativo. E também foi possível perceber que a introdução do marketing relacional como variável moderadora tem um impacto positivo extremamente fraco, quase nulo e que este impacto também não é significativo.
The present research subsumed to the theme "The Impact of Crises on Organizations and the Marketing Role in Mitigating the Damages: The Impact on Sports Organizations" arises within the scope of the curricular unit Dissertation, taught by Professor Luís Schwab, in the training course in Marketing Management, for the purpose of obtaining a Master's Degree. This investigation seeks to show how can marketing mitigate the damages caused by crises. In order to achieve this objective, a mixed methodological approach was adopted, since it allows not only to analyze the financial results of organizations, but also to explore and understand the opinions and experiences of customers and organizations under study. This investigation was carried out on the basis of annual reports, interviews and a costumer survey. The study results suggest that crises have a significant direct impact on teams' revenues, that the introduction of sports marketing as a moderating variable has a negative impact on revenues, that is, when there is a greater investment in sports marketing, the impact of crises in revenue is lower. However, the interaction effect is not significant. It was also possible to perceive that the introduction of relational marketing as a moderating variable has an extremely weak positive impact, almost null and that this impact is also not significant.
The present research subsumed to the theme "The Impact of Crises on Organizations and the Marketing Role in Mitigating the Damages: The Impact on Sports Organizations" arises within the scope of the curricular unit Dissertation, taught by Professor Luís Schwab, in the training course in Marketing Management, for the purpose of obtaining a Master's Degree. This investigation seeks to show how can marketing mitigate the damages caused by crises. In order to achieve this objective, a mixed methodological approach was adopted, since it allows not only to analyze the financial results of organizations, but also to explore and understand the opinions and experiences of customers and organizations under study. This investigation was carried out on the basis of annual reports, interviews and a costumer survey. The study results suggest that crises have a significant direct impact on teams' revenues, that the introduction of sports marketing as a moderating variable has a negative impact on revenues, that is, when there is a greater investment in sports marketing, the impact of crises in revenue is lower. However, the interaction effect is not significant. It was also possible to perceive that the introduction of relational marketing as a moderating variable has an extremely weak positive impact, almost null and that this impact is also not significant.
Covid-19 Impacto da Pandemia Impacto Financeiro Marketing Mix Relações Desporto Futebol